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Author Topic: Check Out This Goose!  (Read 1752 times)

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Offline HD

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I think this was quite interesting, so....I thought I would share......

Grand River Conservation Authority
December 21 at 1:45 PM ยท

Wow what a sight! These photos of a leucistic Canada goose, taken on the upper Grand River, were sent in to us. Leucism, like albinism, is caused by a genetic mutation. But unlike albinism, leucistic cells are able to produce some pigment. One of our biologists, who is also an avid birder, said "I have watched and counted tens of thousands of Canada geese, but I've never seen a bird like this. It's quite stunning!"

Interested in birding? check our page:

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Rebel SS

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I've never heard of that, or seen that! That's cool! Lookit his bill and feet!

Offline LPS

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Never heard of it but it is a very cool looking goose.