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Author Topic: Grandson had a great youth deer hunt.  (Read 1553 times)

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Offline deadeye

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Not too much activity for my grandson and I on Friday, but this morning we had a great time.  Around 8 AM, I tried a fawn call to see if a doe would check it out.  Within 15 seconds we saw three deer loping about 75 yards away.  No way for a shot and they never stopped.  I felt bad because I maybe they would have walked to us but got scared away by the fawn call.  About 15 minutes later my grandson said deer are coming.  I could see two deer walking down our trail which would bring them 10 yards from the stand.  I told him it looked like two fawns and we should watch behind them.  When they got right in front of I could see that this was a doe and fawn pair.  Big fawn made doe look smaller than she was.  At any rate, I told my grandson if he wanted to shoot a doe, this is a good one.  Now she was standing 10 yards in front of us but looking up probably wondering what we were talking about.  She then hopped away about another 20 yards and turned behind a clump of trees.  As she stepped out broadside at 30 yards he said "good broadside shot" and just as he was about to shoot, I said, wait, the fawn jumped right through in front of the doe.  After the fawn cleared, he fired and she took off on a death run.  We saw her pile up after about 85 yards.  Perfect heart/lung shot.  The doe weighed in at 120 pounds dressed. 

View from stand we were in this morning.

The doe and fawn were standing on the trail.

Evan, looking for deer.

Happy hunter.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Reinhard

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Great memories for both of you.  Congratulations!!!  good luck.

Offline mike89

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congrats to the young man!!   :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!