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Author Topic: Saw deer, had some action but no pictures  (Read 3022 times)

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Offline deadeye

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I know most of you guys like to look at pictures (as evidenced by the number of views on the thinking of going fishing thread) so if you read the subject line you may not be reading this.  :rotflmao:
Had a good sit yesterday afternoon.  I went to a stand that we put up this fall and it was my first hunt from it. Doe and two very small fawns started to go by but caught my scent and turned back. While looking for them with binoculars I saw an 8 pointer standing about 60 yards away. After several minutes I tried a grunt sequence and the does which I couldn't see took off running but the buck stayed.  Every 5 minutes or so I would grunt a few times to keep his interest but he just stood there. Eventually he was gone but while scanning the woods for him I saw a second buck bedded down at about 80 yards.  Unless he raised his head all I could see was his brown tail with a black tip. I would check him from time to time and then he was gone. Never saw him leave.  I probably should have marked the access to the stand a bit better because last night when it got dark it really got dark. By the time I got down and gathered up my stuff, it was pitch black. I had a cap light but it was weak and didn't project much beyond my feet. After one false start I did find the main trail but even that was hard to follow. It's been a while since I was in the woods when it was that dark.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Steve-o

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Maybe if you would have banged the ladder against the tree a couple of times that buck would have come charging right in.   :bonk:

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!