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Author Topic: Hard water bass?  (Read 2319 times)

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Offline Boar

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I know a few of you have caught some nice bass during ice seaon. Do uu target them, or just a fluke on tip up for pike?

Offline dakids

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Same spot I target them during open water.  Lilly pads.
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline mike89

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agree with dakids
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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agree with dakids
i see them in the spearhouse all the time!!!!!!!1 NO  i dont spear them. i do try and catch them on a sunfish hook though.!!!!! there weird though. thye can come in look and the hook and completely ignore it and just swim off. sometimes they will suck in the hook and blow it out. its pretty fun to watch them. then 2 hours later they come in and smack the hook!!!!!!!!

it does seem they come in after i play the decoy, but rarely come up to the decoy.

thats why spearchucking is so fun..........watching the behavour of the fish is pretty comical at times..........RIGHT BOOBER!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :rotflmao:

back a cople years ago when we did the G-T-G down in Dakids neck of the woods i caught 3 bass on a tipup.......thye eat minnows, etc.....why wouldnt they hit a tipup?????
« Last Edit: January 01/17/23, 06:56:42 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Watching there behavior would be neat.  So you can put another line down a harpoon hole??? Who knew.. It's funny tho the difference of some lakes, our cabin lake is loaded with bass but I've never caught one through the ice.  Closer to town  we've caught plenty..

Offline glenn57

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Watching there behavior would be neat.  So you can put another line down a harpoon hole??? Who knew.. It's funny tho the difference of some lakes, our cabin lake is loaded with bass but I've never caught one through the ice.  Closer to town  we've caught plenty..
yeppers!! Spear is one line.  Hook is the 2nd!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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I had a 21" largemouth mounted that I caught on a tip up in real shallow water where we were getting big northerns.  When the bass hit it took out more line and fought harder than the northerns we had already caught so we thought we had a big one on.  Here it was the bass. 

Offline dakids

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Usually I can tell before we set the hook.  Bass will spool you.
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.