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Author Topic: OutDoor News editorial  (Read 5847 times)

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Offline shakey legs 2

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I was disheartned to say the least when I read Rob Dreslein's editorial in this week's Outdoor News.? He basically is bashing the Legislators and the Twins/Carl Pohlad for the failure of the dedicated funding tax for the outdoors not passing.? Let me say this up front.? I am an addicted sportsman.? I hunt and fish many days out of the year but I also love the Twins, Gophers and Vikings.? They are as much a part of my sporting life as fishing and hunting.? I am a member of the Game and Fish Coalition and have worked in the booth at Game Fair twice when Kevin Ausland asked me to and sold buttons that supported the ammendment to dedicate a portion of the sales tax to the outdoors.

Having said all this, I don't think we should be pointing fingers.? When we do there is usually 3 fingers pointing back.? Let's take a look at other states like the Dakota's.? If we are lacking funding dollars maybe we need to raise license fees not only for non-residents but also for residents.? I don't think there would be any sportsman that would complain if they had to pay $20 more for a combination hunting/fishing license if they knew the money was going for stocking fish or land acquisition.? But to blame the Twins, Pohlad or anyone else is not right to my way of thinking.? If we want major league sports in our state then we need to do what other states have done (by the way they have done more than Minnesota).? Carl Pohlad does not and will not own the stadium and if he makes a profit while owning the team that's great because that is why you are in business - to make a profit.? I will be disappointed if he doesn't use some of that profit to sign free agents that will make us competitive.

 Where was Rob Dreslien when tax dollars were approved for the Guthrie Theater and the Walker Art Center?? I have been to the Guthrie once and never to the Walker but I don't begrudge the money because I know others enjoy it and it is part of what makes our state and the Metro area what it is.

Enough said.? If you haven't read his editorial it is worth a read.? Happy fishing everyone this weekend.
I fish not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant - and not nearly as much fun.? Robert Traver "Anatomy of a Fisherman"

Offline jigglestick

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quote from shakey legs

"I don't think there would be any sportsman that would complain if they had to pay $20 more for a combination hunting/fishing license if they knew the money was going for stocking fish or land acquisition."

that is the tricky part.
this state is one of the best at re-distribution of dedicated funding, and we all know it.
that is why it is so hard to get things like the dedicated funding passed.
it's the same mentality when the towns try to get referendums passed.
we are a bunch of tight asses and with good reason.
the majority of the residents of this state are living paycheck to paycheck, or at least have at one point in there lives. those lessons aren't easily lost.
my point is, you are exactly right shakeylegs.
i say if you want to point fingers, it need go no further than bi-partisan politics.
our legislature has been bastardized to the point where it is breaking news when anything gets passed or if they can wrap up the legislative season WITHOUT having to go into special session.

a $20.00 sportsmans user fee on top of our licenses, if it were ONLY to be used to improving or acquiring habitat would be an easy sell in my book.
take a kid hunting and fishing!!


Offline shakey legs 2

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I agree Jigglestick.? Partisan Politics is the root of the problem.? ?I am in favor of dedicated funding but I don't think the Twins should be lumped in with the politicians.? ?I was so mad last year at this time as they wasted the whole year and nothing was done either during the regular session and then the special session.? They added salt to the wound when they got paid per-diem for the special session.? What happens to us if we don't get our work done on time??? We certainly don't get more money to do nothing again.

My main point of frustration was Dreslien teeing off on the Twins.? It seems like every 20 years or so this goes around.? Some points I would like to make:

1.? In 1961? Calvin Griffith was hailed as a hero for bringing major league baseball to Minnesota
2.? In 1984 he was described as a cheap bum and Carl Pohlad was hailed as the new hero for keeping the Twins from moving.
3.? In 2007 the Twins lease is up and Pohlad was quoted after the new ballpark was approved that they would have sold the team if it had not been approved.? He did not say this before the vote only after it was approved.
4.? How soon we forget 1987 and 1991 and how proud we were to have a championship baseball team here - and the recognition it has brought our state.
5.? Look at all the jobs both union and non-union the ballpark and surrounding projects will create let alone the revenue to restaraunts/bars/sports memorablia etc.?
6.? What about the income tax from the ballplayers both Twins and visiting and the ballpark workers that would have been lost.?
6.? Like it or not.? The way things are played nowdays? if we hadn't built the park someone else would have.
7.? Taxpayers are paying a lighter load than any other city that has built a new park in the last 15 years and Pohlad is picking up a bigger tab than any other owner because he wants to keep the team here.?
8.? I would have been in favor of spreading out the tax state-wide so more revenue could have been created to take care of not only the Twins but also the funding for flishing and hunting.? This was not going to happen for the reasons Dave stated plus politicians worrying about being re-elected.

I fish not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant - and not nearly as much fun.? Robert Traver "Anatomy of a Fisherman"

Offline GRIZ

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Having not read the article I won't say one way or another about it. The topic of the political clowns making the decisions is a joke!!! The issues should be kept separate, highway issues shouldn't be tacked on to enviromental issues as an example. No wonder I don't trust politicians?
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline Ryan

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I heard him making the same comments on KFAN last thursday night.  I exercised my right to turn the channel about halfway through his speech.

Offline WoodChuck

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IF this state wants to raise my hunting and fishing fees for our great system of distribution, ?To pay for all the GREAT things this state wantes to do for all the ?HIGH WAGERS and the minn. fotune 500 such as our commericalized sports clubs ?and professional ball players with MILLION DOLLAR paychecks ?to have NEW stadium to play in ?then I say let them pay for them and LEAVE my hunting and fishing fees ALONE! as a small business owner i also live paycheck to poverty, so let those who want ?wish in one hand and sh-- ?in the other.!!!!!!!!!
"i am not the KING FISHER , nor the fisher of men , but i am a fisherman "    membership n. 141