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Author Topic: Fishing Report  (Read 22211 times)

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Offline cookie

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I guess they want the message out that if you come to red  do not expect to get away with anything. I have also been checked more then once this year. They have lightened up a bit as there have not been very many fishermen the last 2 weeks. I think they are doing a good job  and if your legal you will be fine. If you plan on having a few some one needs to be the desinated driver which only makes sense. I did have some guys a few weeks ago that went home early and did not fish the second night  because they got stopped 3 times in less the 24 hours. I would say they had a drinking problem and may of been asking for it after the first night, In there defense they were a bunch of nice guys and I hated to see them go home with such a bad taste in there mouth. Oh wellll they were a handfull that came up to have a good time
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake


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Did they bother them because they were drinking? We had a few brews, by no means intoxicated, they never said a word about that. We did have the past day's cans and the ones from that day so there were quite a few. There were three of us so there were a pretty good stash of cans. We didn't have them scattered all over but in a bag.  :police:

Offline cookie

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There always 2 sides to the story and I beleave they may of been acting a  little foolish, plus lots of beer cans in the boat scatterd about and a open bottle or two on the dash. Then who knows what happen when they came offf the lake other then  some were not allowed to drive back here. To be honest it sounded like they were asking for it?Hate to say that about a custormer but I was not with them when they got stopped. For all I know they got mouthey?or lucky Oh well live and learn I guess.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Offline pray for the fish

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From everyone I have talked to, three reasons for the slow traffic up here are, in order,
#1 - DNR, How many expletives can I use to describe. I  certainly have no problem putting blame where it is warranted. They had no problem patting themselves on the back to get the walleyes back, even though mother nature holds all the cards. I won't hold my breath waiting for them to take any blame on the slow traffic.
# 2- Economy, gas prices, etc.
#3 - see # 1
By the way do you know the DNR spent $250,000 on the public access at the Tamarac last year. I thought that was a waste then, now it sits almost empty after only 6 weeks of fishing.  Ah, yes I need to cut myself off right here before my keyboard burns up.

Offline cookie

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If there worried about the DNR then maybe there up to no good. The fishermen come when the fishing is good .I drove by milacs on sunday and the ramps were packed.The new ramp is a little slow but has seen some pretty full days. They did  a great job and it should last for quite some time.The lake has always seen alot of traffic just for the day.The new camp ground is second to none.We have a new conveinve store here in town that has excellent gas prices. The westwind has great food and cocktails. a beautiful harbor.Were eating a few walleyes again and they are tasty
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Offline WoodChuck

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 ?:( the best dnr are the people of this state who support it!(theD.N.R.). if it were not for all the sportsman and women who buy all the things that go with ?our outdoors the minn. D.N.R. WOULD JUST BE ANOTHER EMPTY ENTITY. our taxes and the monies from the gambleing , pluse scratch offs are not nearly used to the best of its abilty. from what i have seen they the D.N.R. ?have hinderd more projects then they have produced. still not enough access,s on many of our lakes, or parking areas.
"i am not the KING FISHER , nor the fisher of men , but i am a fisherman "    membership n. 141

Offline snowshoe

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Well folks here is my two cents worth, i fished  URL all my life i watched the walleye dissapear and the crappies appear,. i kept on fishing, i now watch as the crappies decline and the walleyes and perch and monster northerns become abundant, now i live on Cedar lake in southern Mn, and yes a good fish lake i can cast off my deck as jiggle he has been here, were do i do most of my fishing URL I grew up on lake i love it and guess what gang to fix the gas problem i just bought a place up on rainy river ah ha close to URL AND low, and i fish the river  Not the fish but the fishing is what counts all the Ibot's and other friends make it worth it, Waskish is the finest small town in Mn well now that i live in the big city of Birchdale i don't know, just my two cents Snowshoe Ibot #152

Offline Russ-Judy

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Judy and I wished it would have been restocked with crappies and left as the best crappie lake ever- it was better for everyone, the fishing people, business's etc,, maybe DNR will add 1 more eye to the limt this winter- OH! there I go again with that wishing thing

Offline Mr Harry

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You people up there have so much more to offer than just fishing.  You have hunting of many different species, birds, deer, bear etc. I have heard many grouse drumming up there in the spring, its one after the other.  You have the Big Bog State park.  You also have hundreds of miles of trails for four wheelers.  If people only knew how nice they are....You have Cookie...people just don't get any better than Cookie!!!  Its to bad the State of Minnesota won't give the town of Waskish a large grant to promote the area.  A promotional video of the area would be great.  The area and its people have so much to offer....

Offline Abby

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Anybody who blames DNR for a lack of tourism is suspect and should be watched very closely.

Those people are protecting your right to do any fishing at all.


Offline Outdoors Junkie

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I have been up to URL three times since opener.  We have a place along the river.  I have not been stop, or check yet.  So, I can't say I have been harassed.  Most of my family are up there this weekend thru next week, I will let you know if they get checked.

I guess, my opinion would be that I would rather be able to go out on the lake and catch two keepers with the DNR checking us vs. having the lake closed and not being able to catch and keep any walleye.

The mid to late 90's were sad times on the lake for walleye lovers.
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Offline pray for the fish

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Hey Abby, I am just relaying what customers are saying to me. Do you have a business on Red? I would have no reason to say anything about the DNR if nobody was complaining about  their harrassment.  It seems a little bit overboard when people say they won't be back because of it.  And just what might I be suspect of? I guess I am guilty of being outspoken and having well thought out opinions. Certainly everyone has that right.  Good day to you.

Offline Abby

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Uh, you certainly expounded a bit on your feelings about the DNR.  I'd say much more than just a relay act of what people tell you.

Go ahead, say what you mean.  And backpeddle if you feel you have to.


Offline Outdoors Junkie

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Welcome to the site!
Voted #1 Outdoors Website in MN

Offline jigglestick

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are we going to make me look up expounded, or will someone tell me what it means.???

sorry, the reason my father calls me son has nothing to do with how bright i am. ::)
take a kid hunting and fishing!!


Offline Dr.Bob

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expound >verb present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically.
-DERIVATIVES expounder >noun.
-ORIGIN Latin exponere 'present, explain'.

There Jiggle - I looked it up for ya.  Funny it was not in the duct tape dictionary though.

 :D :D :D

Theres you sign.........

Offline TNT

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looks like rumble time,
abby comes out of the corner all pumped up and swinging,
looks to me as if abby is employed by the dnr or tied in with some one that is, but we all have our right to comment on what ever we feel the problem might be, so no one is wrong and may be no one is right also,
just personal feelings and comments, and now remember, the dnr is "gov", run and most of the "gov" run agencies do some questionable stuff,
one thing that our group is convinced of is,
 to be employed by the dnr the one requirement? that you don't need is common sense, ;D ;D
ouch, harsh comments, but then again as cookie said there are two sides to every story, i've dealt with great dnr reps and some not so great, they come is all sizes and shapes just like the rest of us,
so take a jab when needed and let others toss them back at you when they need it , laugh about it all and go on.

Offline Russ-Judy

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Abby-- just look back at the way the first post took off in a few different directions of info from everyone- business or personal-- it hurt business and meetings of greart fishing people- its not just the gas,-wind, fishing, etc it will all go away soon,-limits and lenght will change- crappie count will go down or up --Do you more into the future than any of us that are still trying to figure out this years, fishing, hunting Laws- which zone were in--, each lake has a hidden law to read- how many Ann Lakes in the same county, there a lot of Round lakes- every lake has goofy rules- not a state wide rule- my under standing is the DNR got a goverment grant to pay for more  CO'S for this season- so they expected more fishing people but they never showed but the monioes have to be spent just for Upper Red--I maybe in way left field so yak back- no harm done in an opion-  but thanks for joining the site and keep things going in the right direction
hope to see you at the IBOT Feast

Offline halad

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The fishing was still pretty good over the 4th. weekend considering the wind fished Sundayand we all caught the 2-fish limit 15-16 inch. Monday was a bust with 20-30 mile winds Tuesday morning we got fish and my son-in-law caught a 26 1/2 inch walleye he wanted to stretch it to 27 in the worst way so he could have it mounted but it went back. One of the nicest i have seen out of Red. Hit in 6-ft. The E shore is still producing good fish you just have to keep moving till you find a good school. Wife and her sisters are throwing me out for a few days so i wont be fishing. Good luck.
« Last Edit: July 07/05/06, 10:23:40 PM by halad »

Offline Abby

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???  Russ-Judy - were you happy when the DNR proposed more enforcement for what was thought to be a busy time?  My guess is they can turn it off just as fast as they turned it on.  But there's more than a few special circumstances on Red where a strong stance sends a very positive sportsman's message.

As to special regs for lakes, my view is: given increased technology, and fishing pressure, there's no way many lakes can withstand a 6 fish any size limit.  Every body of water has a different capacity to produce.  Every body of water has different fishing pressure.  And the advent of internet fishing reports can ruin a small lake on a hot bite.

Every lake deserves it's own regulations based on pressure and it's capacity to grow new fish for next year.  It has gotten complicated, so be it.  Post the regs at the landing.  Maybe provide a little handout at the landing, but get used to it.  Or be prepared for a 2 fish statewide limit with size restrictions.  It's the only other way to make sure some poor nutrient, small lake isn't getting fished out.  Like Red once was.


Offline jigglestick

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Abby, correct, get used to restrictions.
also, save yourself a little air. enough anyway to let the resort owners know that they will need to "get used to it" as well. the problem is, getting used to it will most likely be the demise of many a family run buisness.
we don't need to look any farther than the south shore for a current example of this.
as far as red, in order to fix the "problem", we need to determine the real cause of the "problem".
while hook and line played it's  part, there was a much larger factor in play.
until you can keep that larger factor in check, we are pissing in the wind.
law enforcement pressure to blame for the lack of fishers?
i'm not buying it for one minute.
to me, the reasons are simple and they have been stated here already.
Abby, who are you and where do  you speak from?
are you a local with first hand experience? or a buisness owner?
just currious.
myself, i am an avid outdoorsman who over the past seven years has gotten to know upper red and it's residents fairly well.
I love to fish red and I will for many years to come, but to me there are so many options close at hand, it makes traveling up there even with a meager distance of seventy miles a costly  outing. I will pick and choose my trips to the pond.

remember, computers dont put fish on the hook, we still have to do the hard part, but  you are right that the word can spread. hell, it did that before the web came around.
the spreading of the rumor of 3 pound crappies on upper red lake brought a hayday to a town that was experiencing a tumble weed existance, so it aint allways a bad thing.
take a kid hunting and fishing!!


Offline Russ-Judy

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I am  very excited  the lake lake opened a 1 early, it seemed like an eternity for anyone to set limits and get it posted, Iwas bummed out when they first stated that if the wieght limit was caught in the summer it would be shut down for ice season (eyes), now Im excited that it will stay open this ice season for everyones sake, as far as the # of Co's out there this spring has no bearing on anything- it shouldnt matter - Judy and I consider them as friends, they put there pants on the same way we do. myself I wouldnt want there positions- the only thing that makes me wonder is- (word of mouth-hear say-call it what ever-) is did the DNR alowcate extra monies to just Red to have so many there now that the crowd has slipped off, or could the exta money be better put to use somewhere  else?  is this just rumor I dont know, but I know there have to be survey crews there to keep some kind of a catch total-Myself Im more of an ice fisherman, maybe because Im an April Fools baby, my mother dropped me on my head a lot, 2 bad heat strokes, cant fight sea sickness anymore, I dont like the pressure of overcrowed boat ramps-- just pick anyone they all fit me
anymore ?s I can answer just yell

Offline Russ-Judy

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does anyone know the DNR site for lakes in Minnesota
I just want to look up the last few years of what, where and what kind of fish were restocked in those lakes-- just a gut feeling but my guess is its 89% eyes in those lakes and all Ill find is crappie count, sunfish and snake northers in the net count- lots of eyes stocked, and some gators and muskins-- not much else- - just curious for myself cause Im not very grand at the computer- wonder what the DNR suggest is the right amount of crappies on each different lake compared to eyes, gatores, sunny's and perch--  Im just wondering, but its something to think about huh?
hope I opened a new can of worms--
it sounds like IM picking on DNR- No - Im just asking ?s kinda like you would do but not sure how to word it- I dont know either so Im just asking- just like the song thats playing in the backround--"Don't Worry Be Happy"

Offline jigglestick

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take a kid hunting and fishing!!


Offline Mr Harry

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I just read in the Alex paper today that we will have to get used to the changes in fishing in our lakes, due to the expansion of all the housing on the lakes and that some species might even disappear.


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Mr Harry;
Did you read the article in last Sunday's paper about Green lake near Spicer? It has always been a premier walleye lake. It seems the walleye have become few and far between but the smallmouth bass have virtually overrun the lake. No one has an answer but development was mentioned and they are going to monitor it.

Offline Abby

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Mr. Jigglestick:

I think we share more than we don't.  But I don't see stiffer fishng regulations as negative to the resorting industry.  In fact I think it will be their salvation.  People want to catch fish.  If the quality of fishing goes down, there's going to be just a bunch of jetskis.  If you can't entertain a kid for a days fishing, you can't recruit a new client.

As for who I am, I live in the Bemidji area and have fished red since I was a kid.  Other than that, you'll just have to wonder.  Aint the internet fun?


Offline halad

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The fishing right now is the best it has been all year. My son and little ones 8 & 10 were up this weekend. They caught at least 40 walleye Sat.  i never put a line in the water Sunday was windy tougher fishing but we still got fish. Big fish fry and they all took fish home. I have been out everyday since and have had a fish fry every day. Probably 20 boats on the lake on Sat. what i could see on the S. and E shores maybe 6 on Sun. sad because the fishing is so good and the weather so nice. Dont be fooled by the people who go out and drop ancor and dont catch fish.  that worked in May and JUne now its trolling with spinners 6-9 ft. cover ground till you find fish and you will find them.  Best wishes and good luck, Hal

Offline redlakenative

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You know when Halad has his limit, he pulls his hat down low and has a devilish grin on his face.......this is a nice sight.........I was demoted from moterator from the other sight for speeking frankly!!!!!!!!!!   

Offline jigglestick

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M.B. welcome.
yes there has been alot of that cyber jerking going around and to speak frankly, I want no part of it. that is why I am here.
feel free to check us out and drop in for an update on our favorite biggest fishable lake in the state when ever you feel like it.

we have alot of topics here without the bull bleep.
we will not overmoderate, but keep things civil and remember there are several kids who view the site as well.
I hope to free up for a weekend and visit red in the next month or so.

thanks for stoping in.
take a kid hunting and fishing!!