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Author Topic: Heading to the dear stand!  (Read 14858 times)

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Offline deadeye

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On the bright side, it wasn't too cold out and you didn't have to shower later. :whistling:
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Stensethfan

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Don't shoot anything you do not plan on eating ~ D. S.
If the women don't find you handsome at least they will find you handy!  Red Green

Offline RavenDog

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Well you got me beat!  I haven't had to many problems, but haven't seen as many deer as the past years.  Sounds like Sunday night me a good hunt for some people.  There is a cold front coming in. Gonna make it out Friday Morn and Night.  Will let ya know!  Keep us posted on your hunts/adventures.

Offline letgofishing

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Last Sat.
Temp. 86's heat waves hot...
I went stand tree @ 5pm
saw 27 wild turkey 30 yards from me. fun fun watched...
saw 8 Moo cow behind me i watched them big chews mouth ha.
Finally saw 3 deer come out and 2 good size doe and one HUGE HUGE Doe ever I see.. I set up ready about 50 yards away me. so I wait Huge Doe walk down to me... about 35 yards really before Dark I ready go for it.. end up I HIT Huge Doe ran away back into woods...
I pager my 2 friends to come help me
found blood and found arrow all full red blood... all way for 3 hours lost it.... I'm so PISSED OFF... Huge Doe really Stubborn alive away OH WELL!!!  I will get them Back again SOON....
SOON RUT Monster Buck coming in about 2 or 3 weeks Yahoo....
The End....
Daniel Rud

Offline Stensethfan

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Finally it looks like the weather pattern is going to break and some fall temps are on their way.  If the forcast (and I am not holding my breath) holds true the end of next week should usher in highs in the upper 50's.  I will be pumped when the leave hit the ground.  I am definitely looking forward to actually being able to see the pins of my sight until the last few minutes of legal shooting.  Going to head out tonight with the wife and hope we see some deer moving around.  With a little luck she will draw on something and get a shot.  I asked if I could put a stand in the tree next to her and video tape her hunt, but I got shot down.  Hopefully I will just come home with some good pictures of her with her first deer.  I will post a recap on the hunt later...
Don't shoot anything you do not plan on eating ~ D. S.
If the women don't find you handsome at least they will find you handy!  Red Green

Offline GirlGuide

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Good Luck Today, I hope it's a successful hunt for your wife!  Too bad she wont let you video tape, I don't blame her though, that might make her extra nervous.  I've video taped while my husband is bow hunting though, and I thought it was a riot.  I don't bow hunt myself, but I sure got the feel of it that day, although he didn't get one while I was taping.  I was lucky enough to be in the stand with him when he did get one on a different day, boy was that fun!!
