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Author Topic: Sharp-tailed "dancers"  (Read 2130 times)

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Sharp-tailed “dancers” to perform near Lake Bronson State Park – Reserved seating available

The sharp-tailed grouse will be returning to their lek, or dancing grounds, near Lake Bronson State Park this spring to perform their annual courtship dance. Spectators, who make reservations and arrive early, will have front row seats to the annual spring spectacle.

From early April to mid-May, up to 25 male sharptails are expected to gather daily in the grassy opening to dance and attract a mate. The males will find a small territory on the dancing ground, with the most dominant closest to the center. They will dance, stamping in circles, while the females strut around looking for the best dancer.

“It’s a fascinating and often comical display,” said Pete Harrison, Lake Bronson State Park assistant manager. “Our viewing blind offers an ideal vantage point from which to witness the entire ritual. The dancing usually begins just before sunrise and continues for about two and a half hours.”

The blind can accommodate three to four adults, or one adult with up to five children. It may be reserved at no charge for any day of the week by calling the park office. Only one reservation is available per day, so early reservations are recommended.

Each group will receive an information packet via mail or e-mail prior to their reservation. Spectators need to be in the blind at least 45 minutes before sunrise. They should dress warmly and are encouraged to bring binoculars and/or a camera. There are no seats in the blind, so individuals should also bring a kneeling pad or bucket to sit upon.

To make a reservation, call Lake Bronson State Park at 218-754-2200. For more information about sharp-tailed grouse, visit

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