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Author Topic: Minnesota Deer Facts  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline HD

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Minnesota Deer Facts
(Released October 27, 2010)

Deer: The Animal

Adult female white-tailed deer weigh about 145 lbs., males 170 lbs. - the average weight of female and male humans.
The biggest white-tailed deer ever recorded was a 500-pound Minnesota buck.
A whitetail’s home range is about one square mile.
Minnesota’s deer population is about 1 million deer. Texas is No. 1 with 4.7 million deer.

Deer: Hunting

Last year, 32 percent of Minnesota firearm hunters successfully harvested a deer.
About 49 percent were antlered bucks.
70 percent of Minnesota’s firearms deer harvest typically occurs during the first three or four days of the season.
The average hunter spends five days afield during Minnesota’s firearms deer season.
Last year’s total deer harvest was 195,000.
License options allow hunters to buy individual licenses for all the seasons now give hunters more choices in where and when they can hunt deer, and hunters can take as many as five deer in many parts of the state.
Minnesota has averaged deer harvested 241,000 deer over the last five years. Wisconsin is No. 1 with an average harvest of almost 450,000.
The largest typical whitetail buck ever taken in Minnesota had a Boone & Crockett score of 202; shot by John Breen in 1918 near Funkley, Minn.
Minnesota’s No. 1 nontypical whitetail buck had 43 points; shot by 17-year-old Mitch Vakoch in 1974. A deer recently taken on the Camp Ripley archery hunt may exceed the record.
 Deer: Licenses

In total, more than 800,000 deer hunting licenses and permits (all types) were sold in 2009.
Ninty-eight percent of deer licenses are sold to Minnesota residents.
The DNR Information Center remained open two hours later on the day before last year’s deer opener to answer more than 2,000 telephone inquiries, most of them related to the firearms opener.
Deer: Economics

475,000 deer hunters in Minnesota.
Retail sales - $260 million.
Overall economic impact - $458 million.
Salaries, wages, business owner income - $151 million.
State and local tax revenue - $33 million.
Number of directly supported jobs - 5,300.
Economic impact is greatest in Greater Minnesota.
Top 10 Hunter Violations

License not in possession
Transport uncased/loaded firearm
No license
Hunt over bait
Unplugged shotgun
No red/blaze orange open deer
Fail to have HIP certification on license
Fail to validate
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline FireRanger

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"Facts" as the DNR would like us to believe!!  :rotflmao:
Going a manner of speaking!

Offline beeker

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there numbers don't make sense..
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline JoeFisherman

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Deer: The Animal

Adult female white-tailed deer weigh about 145 lbs., males 170 lbs. - the average weight of female and male humans.
The biggest white-tailed deer ever recorded was a 500-pound Minnesota buck.

I wonder if it was a 500 lb male hunter who shot it. :scratch:

Offline bonecollecter82

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Unplugged shotgun

Fail to have HIP certification on license

I am guessing its top ten violations for all hunting
What makes a BoneCollector?
They are the hunters that have the passion to go to the ends of the earth, in pursuit of the basic hunter instincy that was instilled in us at birth and is so often taken away in society.

Offline JoeFisherman

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I thought HIP certification only pertained to hunting migratory birds.