I've been ready the comments on this post. Some of them are accurate and some are not. Truth is, APR actually has nothing to do with antler size. It has everything to do with age. How troubled would our state be if the majority of people were only 15 years old? A bit out of wack, much like the mn herd. You need a strong mature age class in every species, even our own. You don't keep little fish just for the simple fact that they bit, do you? Hope not. Every animal also deserves the "chance" to reach maturity. I am going to debunk some of what I have heard. I apologize, this may be a tad lengthy.
I hear this ALL the time. "If I don't shoot it, my neighbors will." Well, first off, if you shoot it, he has ZERO chances at making it another year. If he has a very little chance at making it through the neighbors, that's still more than he'll have dead at YOUR feet. APR's will greatly help this.
"I don't want someone telling me what I can and can't shoot." I'm not really going to get too deep with this one, pretty cut and dry. ALL B.S. aside, what it comes down to is some people don't want to have to pass up a shot opportunity and are affriad they may not get a deer. If you are not happy with the amount of opprotunities you get, perhaps its time to find a new spot.
"People just want to be in the woods having a good time and shoot deer." Why do you have to shoot a deer? Being in the woods is the funnest part alone, whether or not you wack one. APR's will increase the quality of your outdoor experience, believe me.
The famous "meat hunter." Everyone that shoots a deer is a meat hunter. I've never known anyone to waste any venison, have you? Guys that wack hog bucks gobble that stuff down to. A while back I heard a gentleman say there is no recipe for antlers so I shoot whatever buck I can. He answered it himself, you can't eat the antlers so.... shoot a doe. If you can't shoot a doe in your area, find one in which you can. My area had been a managed area for around 20 years, not this year. I had to find me a new doe smackin' spot. Did it stop me, no. It all comes down to how badly you want it. Not doing some homework and complaining isn't going to fill your freezer.
"Trophy" hunters just want big antlers. Let me fill you in on something. Turning SOME 1.5 year old bucks into 2.5 year bucks doesn't mean 150's are going to be running around like skeeters in the summer. And, a 2.5 year old is not a trophy deer, most reaching around 115-120 inches. It just gives them an edge to make it to maturity is all. APR's will help this. Everyones "trophy size" is different yes, so we'll just base it off what it takes to make him P.Y. and B.C. It, in no way, will make it easier to shoot a hog buck, BUT there will be more of them. Which will indeed help everyones odds.
EVERYONE who deer hunts is a meat hunter AND a trophy hunter all in one. No one wastes venison and everyone would love to shoot a big old hog buck. If you say you do it for the meat and a fork walks in with a giant 10 point, you're shooting the 10 point. Period.
"I feed my family with it." No you don't. If you don't shoot a deer, no one is going to starve to death. Venison is a treat, not a means of survival.
"I thought it was a doe." Am I the only one who finds this a bit troublesome? I learned how not to have this happen when I was a small boy. You MUST identify your target before you even THINK about pulling the trigger! If there is ANY doubt, don't shoot. Pretty simple. Again, just affraid to pass a shot opprotunity. I don't care if it has one four inch spike and is running, if your not 100% sure of your target, DON'T SHOOT. APR will even help with saftey and identification, who knew...
A group of hunters was standing over a pile of 1.5 year old bucks and said that they must have a poor food sources because they don't have big racks in the area they hunt. Ah, ok, let's take a second and think about that one....
Hell, I wish they would put slots on bluegill. I see so many pails filled with silver dallors and then everyone complains that the certain body of water isn't what it used to be. We really need to improve how we manage our resources. It's hard to please everyone all the time, but APR's really have something to offer every "type" of deer hunter. It is a regulation, yes, but one that is of a positive principle to not only better the deer hunters experiences, but to also and most importantly better Minnesota's deer herd.
As outdoorsman alike, this shouldn't be a hunting "style" vs. hunting "style" situation. It's not about us, it's about the deer and I think people are losing site of that. Trophy hunters, meat hunters, gun hunters, bow hunters, blah blah blah. All we want to do is focus on how the deer affect our hunting and not how our hunting affects the deer. Let's stop complaining about how this will affect our personal leisure time and start focusing on what's best for the DEER. APR protects small young deer, can't understand why that's a problem for anyone. We should be proud to have that as stewards of the land. It's not about if you get a deer or not, and it's not about if I shoot a big buck or not. But, that's all I ever hear about APR's. APR's are not for the people, it's for the deer. Remember that.