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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 430281 times)

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Offline HD

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Thanks for the reminder Dotch...I gotta go see if I got some fresh wood chips for the wood duck houses. Yup, the sandhills are already here.

LPS, I'm up to 6 of them little red  :censored:  :happy1:
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Offline Dotch

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The one wood duck house I cleaned out last year never got any occupants. Checked it a couple months ago and it looked like I'd just cleaned it. The other one is out in the water so if I'm going to get a crack at it while the pond is still frozen I'd better get going, otherwise I'll need my waders. Need to get some more shavings 1st.  :embarrassed:
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Offline Dotch

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I did check the wood duck houses while out riding the range.& fixing fence. The one was still pretty fresh but some deer mice had moved in since last check. The other one definitely needs a cleaning & new shavings. Found these while I was down there.
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Offline Lee Borgersen

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 Few robins showen up here lately. Seem ta be peckin da ground under da feeders fur seeds. First time I can ever remember seein dat. :scratch: A nudder one was peckin on one of da su-it cages. Must be hungry waitin fur dem worms & bugs ta show up!
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Offline Rebel SS

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Do Robins hoard?  :confused:   :rotflmao:

Offline Lee Borgersen

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Do Robins hoard?  :confused:   :rotflmao:

Some say dat I kin collect dem faster den dem boyds kin eat -um-up. And yes I will continue ta hoard dem every chance I get. Crawlers are actualy considered an invasive species! Why do ya tink it's aginst da law in Minn ta trow yer left over worms on da ground???? Acording ta da US Forrest Service they devour much of da nutruents dat feed da forrest as day eat much of da decaying leaves and stuff.

Many studies have been made at universities  Dat Back this info up! :moon:
« Last Edit: March 03/16/20, 01:56:00 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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Offline LPS

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Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer. 

Offline Rebel SS

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The birds must be stopped. They're hoarding worms. One worm to a bird.

Offline Lee Borgersen

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Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer.

As far as I know it is :happy1: However they are distroying the stuff dat feed the trees through natural fertilization as it rots. :banghead:
« Last Edit: March 03/16/20, 05:39:51 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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Offline glenn57

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Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer.

As far as I know it is :happy1: However they are distroying the stuff dat feed the trees through natural fertilization as it rots. :banghead:
who'd you hear that from ? Trump!! :rotflmao: more fake news. Trust me there's enough rotting leaves and branches in the woods, trees ain't going hungry!! :happy1:
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Offline Dotch

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But, but, but...climate change!  :tut: :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline delcecchi

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Smurfy ain't been reading his "minnesota volunteer"

Offline glenn57

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Smurfy ain't been reading his "minnesota volunteer"
:tut: yes I be.
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Offline Rebel SS

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Ya. Kat. Burd. Turkle. Phish.

Offline delcecchi

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Well maybe it wasn't in the volunteer, but well known problem

What are the harmful effects of non-native earthworms?
Minnesota's hardwood forests developed in the absence of earthworms. Without worms, fallen leaves decompose slowly, creating a spongy layer of organic "duff." This duff layer is the natural growing environment for native woodland wildflowers. It also provides habitat for ground-dwelling animals and helps prevent soil erosion.

Invading earthworms eat the leaves that create the duff layer and are capable of eliminating it completely. Big trees survive, but many young seedlings perish, along with many ferns and wildflowers. Some species return after the initial invasion, but others disappear. In areas heavily infested by earthworms, soil erosion and leaching of nutrients may reduce the productivity of forests and ultimately degrade fish habitat.

Offline glenn57

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NOW we gotta worry about earth worms taking over the world????????? :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

them younger trees not surviving has a lot more to do with the lack of sunlight that what a worm eats. from what I see in the woods, there are multiple layers of decomposing leaves!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Lee Borgersen

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NOW we gotta worry about earth worms taking over the world????????? :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

them younger trees not surviving has a lot more to do with the lack of sunlight that what a worm eats. from what I see in the woods, there are multiple layers of decomposing leaves!!!!

Hey Glenn! "When yer wrong yer seldom right!" So stop tryin twist da topic dat has actual facts in it. All yous' nagociators  try ta twist actuall facts when yer proven wrong bout sump-tin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

PS> I won't debate da sunlight issue :happy1: but It don't change da proven facts bout da worms dat yer tryin ta de-bunk :doofus:

By Da Way :doah: Yer bird feeders are empty! :bonk: So get yer :moon: out dare an fill um!
« Last Edit: March 03/17/20, 10:21:54 AM by Lee Borgersen »
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Offline glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground????? 
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Offline Dotch

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Sure but it's a little known fact that as a result of the last glaciation in this part of the world, we had no native earthworm population when European settlers arrived. So all these wonderful little creatures that the organic and soil health folks like to crow about & Lee likes to torment are in fact invasive species!  :bonk:
« Last Edit: March 03/17/20, 11:00:35 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Sure but it's a little known fact that as a result of the last glaciation in this part of the world, we had no native earthworm population when European settlers arrived. So all these wonderful little creatures that the organic and soil health folks like to crow about & Lee likes to torment are in fact invasive species!  :bonk:
YEA well unless your 100% native American we are invasive species too!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
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Offline Dotch

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I think you and delbert need to go casino hopping!  :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Rebel SS

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Ya, Snoop and Blab hit Treasure Island....sounds like a Disney kid's movie.  ;)

Offline delcecchi

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground?????

No, not in the forest.  Soil already porous.   Read the DNR article. 

Offline Lee Borgersen

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground?????

No, not in the forest.  Soil already porous.   Read the DNR article.

He can't :coffee: about it Del :doah: when he's spendin all his time blabin bout what he didn't read! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:      OMG! :doah:
« Last Edit: March 03/17/20, 02:01:43 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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Offline glenn57

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 :pouty: HEY... :confused: WORMS LIVES MATTER. :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
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Offline Rebel SS

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Page 31 of the DNR manual says you cannot dump worms back in the ground. They must go in the trash.

Don't dump your worms in the woods. It's illegal to release most exotic species into the wild (Minnesota Statutes 84D.06).
Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash.
Tell others "the dirt" on invasive earthworms in Minnesota.

« Last Edit: March 03/17/20, 02:32:58 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline glenn57

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Page 31 of the DNR manual says you cannot dump worms back in the ground. They must go in the trash.
whatever. I rarely if ever use them for bait anyway.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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