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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 430322 times)

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Offline Dotch

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Think the wrens are out of their birdhouse. I hear the little buggers in the windbreak now. Lots of cover there. I just wonder how many there were. A few years back I counted 9 in a nesting box at the kindly neighbors pasture. Has been fun watching all the juvenile birds whilst grilling today. Lotsa young orioles from this year's hatch and downy parents feeding their youngsters sunflower seeds. The circle of life continues in spite of us fools... :cool:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Dotch

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Not sure what birdhouse or tree they might've been in, but this morning there are juvenile chickadees all over the place including on the feeders. Haven't seen any young cardinals yet but an adult male was by a little bit ago singing his lungs out. Wrens singing backup vocals. They're probably getting ready to start another brood soon. Wouldn't want to run out of wrens... :cool:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline HD

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We ain't got no albinos like Glenn, but the turkeys have been coming in with the babies.
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Offline mike89

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when I was sitting and relaxing for a bit last night/late afternoon I seen a green heron again fly into one of my pine trees..  as I was watching it, one flew across the road and the next thing I see is at least 3 or 4 more hoping around in the tree!!  that was really neat to see!!!  I knew they could nest in tree's but it's the first time here!!!  more fun to see I hope!!!   :happy1:
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Offline Bobberineyes

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That would be neat. Haven't seen any of those in our parts lps.

Offline glenn57

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Hummingbirds at the cabin were out full force again. Other birds, meh not so much! :confused:

Saves on sunflower seeds though.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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So I am out checking the cattle this morning.  They were in a nice cool woods so I just sit and watch for awhile.  Very relaxing.  Here a red headed woodpecker lands on a tree 30' away from me.  Beautiful.  I haven't seen one in many years so was a treat. 

Offline LPS

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In the tangle of downed willows and boxelders the wife found this nest as she was lopping off branches.  It is a small nest.  Half the size of my hand.  Too small for a robin.  We backed away and will leave it alone for a few days.  Good excuse anyways.  lol  My brother thought mayhaps a catbird.  Any other ideas.  Hope it isn't already abandoned. 

Offline mike89

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2nd catbird too I think..

also the green heron chicks are out of the nest and searching for food on the ground now!  was watching 3 of them this morning...   :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Dotch

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Catbird sounds about right. Have stupid squirrels trying to build nests in the backyard out of ash leaves & twigs. Dummies chew ash twigs off about 12" long with green leaves on them then try to fashion a nest. Works like crap. In addition the ground is littered with their failed attempts. Even when they're successful the nests don't last very long. Usually a big wind comes along and blows them out of the trees or the leaves disintegrate like ash leaves typically do. Why they haven't figured out that oak leaves make better nests that last longer is beyond me. They must not have got the memo that two passes with the mower & ash leaves are pulverized into dust.   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Dotch

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Refilled both jelly feeders this a.m. & the backyard has been a flurry of activity. Lots of adult and juveniles of Baltimore and orchard orioles. Also the red bellied woodpeckers young and old eating jelly. Had the first male rose breasted grosbeak we've seen in a while at the roller feeder. Sometimes the larger birds don't like that one but he seemed fine with it. 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline dutchboy

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Any way (other than lead poisoning) to squirrel proof a metal shepherds hook?

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Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline HD

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Any way (other than lead poisoning) to squirrel proof a metal shepherds hook?


My daughter sent this to me....
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Up here in the north woods, been fooling with the "kestrel" app from Cornell.  It listens to bird songs and tells what they are.  Turns out we have "red eyed vireos" around... who knew.   

Offline Dotch

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Here's what we have on a double shepherds crook db. My Mom had it so not sure where the baffle came from. Looks like they're readily available on Amazon tho. Had to retighten this one as it worked loose in the wind & slipped down the pole a foot or so. Once back where it belonged, haven't seen any squirrels on either feeder. Both of them are "squirrel proof" in name only. We have only fox squirrels at our place. Reds & grays may be more ambitious.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline dutchboy

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Thanks Dotch, thats what I was wondering about, if those things actually work. I think I saw some at Menards where I can "save big money."   :rotflmao:
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Offline glenn57

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Thanks Dotch, thats what I was wondering about, if those things actually work. I think I saw some at Menards where I can "save big money."   :rotflmao:
hell, don't forget that 11% rebate!!👍 :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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That's great db! I heard glenn still likes to wear his smurf mask when he goes there... :whistling:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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That's great db! I heard glenn still likes to wear his smurf mask when he goes there... :whistling:
:pouty: watch it bubba, post office opens early tomorrow. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: it could be in your mailbox someday next week.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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 :scratch: i havent noticed Wrens around the past few days???? Roony???????// :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline HD

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Watching the birds, and the deer came in....
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline LPS

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That is great HD.  So to get a video to work here you have to send it to youtube first?  How do you do that?  If it is a quick answer.  lol

Offline HD

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That is great HD.  So to get a video to work here you have to send it to youtube first?  How do you do that?  If it is a quick answer.  lol
I have my own "channel" and upload from my phone....then I hit share, and I copy the link and post.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline LPS

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Get that Glenn?  After you teach Mikey we can approach this challenge.  Probably pretty easy.  I did the Youtube account to get that first Vikes game a couple of years ago that wasn't on regular TV cuz Bally dropped Dish.  Then dropped it after the game.  The keep asking me to reup.  I told the local cable guys to get me hooked up by Sunday and I will switch.  They got it done.  SO do you have to have an active account to have a channel HD? 

Offline mike89

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yea right!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I usually don't download,  read or look at any link posted, on any site. Wether it's you tube ,my tube it doesn't matter...ain't gonna do it. Good luck. Before Reb left that's mostly what posted... boring.
« Last Edit: July 07/19/22, 06:23:47 PM by Bobberineyes »

Offline LPS

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So far Norton has kept me safe and we don't have kids here on our computers.

Offline HD

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Get that Glenn?  After you teach Mikey we can approach this challenge.  Probably pretty easy.  I did the Youtube account to get that first Vikes game a couple of years ago that wasn't on regular TV cuz Bally dropped Dish.  Then dropped it after the game.  The keep asking me to reup.  I told the local cable guys to get me hooked up by Sunday and I will switch.  They got it done.  SO do you have to have an active account to have a channel HD?
I guess I do...I don't pay for an active account.....I just uploaded to My channel, then copy the link and paste.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!