Been a while since my last post on here.
I have over the years read many articles on quality deer management and deer in general. The basic idea that has been ingrained in my head during all of these years of gathering information and knowledge about deer hunting is that a deer enters maturity somewhere around 2-4 years of age and will "peak" somewhere between 4 and 7 years of age. This is the basic idea that I have come to believe over the years by reading internet and magazine articles and books on the subject.
I would like to propose that this idea is dead wrong.
Some of you that have been on this forum for several years may remember that I used to post quite a few trail cam pics. I did an extensive study that I posted here a few years back comparing the quality of several brands of trail cameras that I had tried by putting two cameras on the same tree at the same time and then showing the differences. The point I'm trying to make here is that I have quite a bit of experience with trail cameras and in fact am quite addicted to them and have been for over a decade. It's one of my favorite hobbies. Today, I have exactly 18 cameras out as I type this covering approximately 400 acres of private land. I have looked at literally tens of thousands of deer pictures over the past 10-15 years. I know the best spots to put them and when to put them there. I have also had the pleasure of watching certain deer grow over the years and this is where my post comes in today.
I have seen this on several deer, but there's on in particular that I will focus on right now. I will try to get the pictures up as soon as I get home.
There is a particular buck that I had been chasing for several years. I have photos of him from dating back to 2010. In 2010, he was a shooter. Not gigantic but definitely a trophy to most hunters and by most I mean more than 90%. That year he was a solid 10 point. You can tell by looking at his face that he's relatively young and if you go by the conventional wisdom you might guess his age at 2-3 years old from the pictures. Since I'm throwing conventional wisdom out the door here I'm going to propose that maybe he's already 4, 5 or even 6 years old at this point (maybe more but let's not get too carried away...). I would go back further in my photos but unfortunately I deleted many of them (I had thousands saved on my computer, had to clear space at some point) and the oldest one I can currently find is from 2010. Even if we assume the deer is say 2 1/2 at this point, he should peak in size within the next 2-4 years and then decline. If he makes it to 8 or 9 years old, he'll be an old fart by then and would be considered to have lived to a nice ripe old age. Antlers would be getting smaller, he'd be showing a lot of grey, body size would be declining....this is the assumption anyway if you follow conventional wisdom.
Now this particular deer did not show up on any of my cameras last year. Not once. Because of this I had assumed that he had simply passed on. He was probably so old he didn't survive the winter of '16-'17. The last picture I had of him was working a scrape about 80 yards from my stand during the deer season at 11:00 in the morning on Thursday while I was at work

Missed my chance there. After that, he disappeared. As I mentioned, I did not seem him at all in 2017 and I had not seen him at all in 2018...until yesterday. I pulled the cards and as I'm going through them...."WHOA! Where did you come from?" Upon closer inspection of the photos, I realized that it was my old friend. He has brow tines that are unmistakable. Not only that but the shape and curvature of the antlers is a perfect match. I went back through my photos and found as many as I could of this deer from the past several years. Somehow, I must have deleted my entire cache of 2016 photos as I can't find a single picture of any deer, let alone this one, from that year anywhere on my computer. Even so, the photos I did find are proof positive. It's the same one.
From 2010-2016, all of the previous years I have pictures, he's a solid 10 point buck. The 2013-2016 he's probably in the official "trophy" category. I would put money on it that in any of these years he would have easily scored high enough to make it into the Minnesota Boone and Crocket registry (only needs to be 140" for state, 160" for national). Right now, he's a brute. Full fledged typical 12 point buck with the thickest main beams I've seen on him to date. I will admit that the height of his tines may have come down a tick as they do appear slightly shorter than the last time I saw him on camera but the width is wider, the mass is much thicker.
Now if he was a "shooter" in 2010.. EIGHT YEARS AGO.. with a nice 10 point rack (not at all "spindley") How old is this deer today? If I were to only have ever seen one picture of him from this year and had never seen any others....and if I had gone with the conventional wisdom regarding how old deer actually get... I would probably assume he's between 5-8 years old right now. Only problem with that is he would have been a fawn in 2010 if he's 8 and it's fairly obvious that is far, far from the truth.
Has anybody else observed anything similar to this? I know deadeye shares my passion with trail cameras, maybe he's seen similar circumstances. I don't know. I just can't help but wonder if all of the deer I've taken or even just seen over the past several decades are in fact quite older than I had originally thought them to be.
Sorry for just the text. As I said earlier, I will try to get the photos up later today.
Edit: Rather than reply I will just update the original post.
I got a little sidetracked and I had saved the pics on a USB and accidentally left that plugged into my brother's computer at his house this afternoon when I went to show him the latest pics. Sorry about the late update but I had to then go through my files again and try to find pics to post.
Hopefully this works (fingers crossed)....





Here he is in 2015:

And here he is this year:

Another view: