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Author Topic: home page  (Read 77039 times)

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Offline markn

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X3 from me. Thank you.

Online glenn57

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Yea some guys may need livescope, or as cookie calls them cheatmaster 3000, but I don't! :sleazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :fishing: :fishing:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Steve-o

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I was driving down 694 and saw a fire department hook and ladder parked in the middle of an overpass, ladder raised, flying Old Glory high and proud.  :USA:

Offline mike89

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I see Long Prairie had their ladder fire truck out and some gear in a salute to 911

 :Clap: :ustroops: :USA:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline HD

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They were out on a bridge just north of Blaine on hwy 65... everyone was honking as we went under the bridge.  :USA:
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online Bobberineyes

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That's super cool!! No not you Glenn.. :nerd:

Online Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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On Sunday on 60 Minutes they did the entire show on the FDNY on that day. What a bunch of heroes :USA:..............On September 11, 2001, virtually all of the more than 8,600 firefighters in the FDNY responded to the attacks at the World Trade Center. Many were lucky enough to go home to their families but most still have very serious medical issues. However, 343 never made it that far. :sad:
« Last Edit: September 09/11/24, 10:25:03 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Steve-o

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I figg'ert that yesterday was as good as any to replace mom's flag.

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Steve-o

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Trouble is...  those used nylon flags don't burn well.  You need a really big, really hot fire to get the job done.

Online LPS

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On Sunday on 60 Minutes they did the entire show on the FDNY on that day. What a bunch of heroes :USA:..............On September 11, 2001, virtually all of the more than 8,600 firefighters in the FDNY responded to the attacks at the World Trade Center. Many were lucky enough to go home to their families but most still have very serious medical issues. However, 343 never made it that far. :sad:

That is one heck of a lot of firefighters in NY.  My hats off to all of you. 

Offline mike89

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Trouble is...  those used nylon flags don't burn well.  You need a really big, really hot fire to get the job done.

take it to any American Legion or VFW...   they have flag burning ceremonies 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline mike89

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good reading home page...  and interesting reading...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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Those are some darn big trout.

Online Steve-o

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When they get that big, they hardly look like trout anymore - especially that record-breaking brown.

Online Dotch

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Yep, much larger than what we were used to catching in the Spring Valley Creek. Or Suzy's Sewer as we used to call it, named after Suzy's grocery store that flushed their toilet into the creek. Suzy didn't chew her corn very well so fishing sucked a lot of the time. Ah, the good old days... :coffee:
« Last Edit: September 09/19/24, 08:58:38 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Dotch

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I hear those Inger cougars tip the scale more than double what the article claims. How's that rash comin', glenn?  :scratch:

Is there a cougar in the area? Published 9:55 pm Friday, November 29, 2024  By Sarah Stultz    Reports circulating on social media; DNR has not yet confirmed  No cases of cougars in the Albert Lea area have been confirmed with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources yet this year, though there have been some reports circulating on social media.   Adult cougar males can reach 200 pounds, but most average about 150 pounds. Adult females weight about 90 to 110 pounds. Photo provided by Pexels  Joe Stangel, acting wildlife region manager with the DNR, said reports of cougars typically begin in September in southern Minnesota.   Email newsletter signup Sign up for our daily email newsletter  This year reports began in late October with the first sighting in Dundee, in which the animal was captured on video. Others have been in Mountain Lake on a trail camera and in the town of Winnebago in Martin County. From there, there weren’t many other sightings until mid-November, when there were sightings confirmed in Dodge Center, Byron and Mantorville. They have had anecdotal information of a cougar in the Waseca area and of a cat that was captured by Albert Lea, but those have not been confirmed with a picture yet.  Anyone with pictures or video that they think is a cougar is asked to contact the Owatonna Area Wildlife Office at Rice Lake State Park at 507-214-6200. In addition to the photo or video footage itself, the DNR also tracks the exact location where the animal was seen by GPS coordinates when possible or by a township range section map, along with the date.  According to the DNR website, although some cougar sightings are accurately identified, bobcats, house cats, coyotes, wolves, fishers and light colored dogs have all been mistaken as cougars.   Stangel said vocalizations are also particularly hard to attribute to mountain lions because a bobcat sounds similar.  Stangel said from what has been confirmed so far this year, DNR officials have not been able to determine if the reports have all been for the same cat or if there are two cats, though they are leaning toward two different cats based on the time period. Normally the animals do not hang out in one area for very long, though last year there was one that was in one area for about a month.  He said it is not uncommon to see the animals at this time of year as this is when they are dispersing from South and North Dakota and Nebraska. Studies show that males have a large territory, upwards of almost 400 square miles, while the females have a much smaller territory, usually less than 200 miles.   Males are typically spotted in this region, and Stangel said he did not think there had ever been a recorded female cougar recovered in Minnesota.  Stangel said if a person encounters a cougar, which is rare, the person should try to look as large as they can by raising their arms and speaking loudly and firmly. This behavior conflicts with a cougar’s tendency to hunt by stalking and attacking from ambush. Additionally the DNR advises people not to run, crouch or lay on the ground.  Mountain lions are protected animals and cannot be shot, even if livestock or pets are threatened. They can only be killed by a licensed peace officer or authorized permit holder.  Did you know?  Adult cougar males can reach 200 pounds, but most average about 150 pounds. Adult females weight about 90 to 110 pounds.

Read more at:
« Last Edit: December 12/02/24, 11:09:24 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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 :happy1: :happy1: sweet article on the home page about Labs!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1: maybe cause a got a thing for labs? :rotflmao:

particularly the piece about them suck as guard dogs!!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: all mine does is want attention!!!!! :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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just read that too, have had both and they are great!!   but I still like labs the most..   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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Cooper barks when someone comes here.  Jake just watches.  Jake barks when he smells the foxes around when he is tethered.  He doesn't bark when someone comes over.  I think Cooper got it from Buddy. 

Online Dotch

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Nice article on Labs & Goldens. Had 2 yellow Labs as constant companions growing up and a black Lab after I was out of college. Bought her as a puppy from the vet in Rock Lake ND & had her until she was 13. Great hunting dog that had to transition from initial waterfowl training to upland gamebirds when I moved back to MN. Fiercely protective if anything happened on the yard that shouldn't have. Watching Patti windmill a big woodchuck would make my day. Skunks not so much. Have encountered lots of Goldens or Swamp Collies as they're affectionately known when making hundreds of farm calls over the years. Not many I know of use them for hunting. Have never run across one with an attitude. Always glad to see me, especially once they figure out I have treats in the pickup at all times. :coffee: 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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My last two dogs were black labs. Frieda, my last one, was a little spitfire. She lived to be over 15. We were great pals. She sure loved the water. I am about ready to start looking for another one.

Online glenn57

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not sure if i could go without a dog for any length of time........but we'll see. we've talked about shadow being the last one, but......

right now its just seeing who outlives the other or him....... :evil: :confused: :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scenic

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Good article.  I have a golden with unlimited energy.   She does a great job of barking when someone drives in or until she is told to be quiet.  She kinda makes people just wonder.  We keep a large stack of towels handy just for her because you almost can't keep her out of the water.  But when she is done she wants to be dried off. 

Online Bobberineyes

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I always enjoy a good dog article! They are right about the British bred and American,  Remi is mostly British and Maisy American, but they both are high flyers in the field and water, you can see the difference around the house where he is more laid back where she hasn't found that off switch yet. My daughters Golden has just as much drive as the labs, he will up end chairs and tables going after his ball but since he was little she said no hunting him.. One thing about the Golden he is plum full allergies,  could be the breader..

Online LPS

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I have always had a younger dog and an older one.  That way I still have one when the time comes.  I thought about a Golden many times and my buddies said they are girls dogs.  Well that is all it took to squash that urge.  LOL  Now it is fun to have one.  AND I just told the wife the other day, I wouldn't be able to handle it without the dogs and Bob to keep me company.  LOLOL  AND Bucko too!
« Last Edit: January 01/20/25, 07:14:40 PM by LPS »

Offline mike89

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good that boy on the home page!!!  nice crappie!!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Heck of a dandy crappie!!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Steve-o

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That crappie's almost as big as that kid!   :rotflmao: :bonk: :scratch: :doah: :coffee: :banghead: :taz: