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Author Topic: Ice Roads & Ice Trails Doing Well  (Read 1930 times)

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Offline lakeofthewoodsmn

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Lake Of The Woods Fishing Report

On the south end... Lake of the Woods ice fishing is still going strong.  Ice trails and ice roads are doing well.  Both day houses and sleeper houses are out and can be through March 31st.  The forecast ahead has freezing temps and ice should hold nicely.  Work through a resort or outfitter as they monitor conditions closely on their ice roads.

The walleye and sauger season extends through April 14 and the pike season never closes.  Perch, eelpout, tullibees and crappies are also in season.

A good week of fishing.  In a nutshell, fish every fish.  Electronics are helpful.  Most fish are near the bottom but some of the larger walleyes are suspended.  Use a combo of the jigging line and deadstick.

On the deadstick, using a plain hook with a minnow 6" to one foot off of the bottom has been successful. Plain hooks in reglow, pink or orange have been working well. 

Huge pike continue to be active with good reports this week.  Setting up in 8 - 15 feet of water is the depth most anglers are targeting these hungry predators.

On the Rainy River...   The golden hours of morning and evening continue to be the best on the river for walleye anglers.  Great safety is always needed on the river, especially with longer days, stronger sun, and melting. 

Not a lot happening yet with open water for boats.  When it happens, it can happen fast.  We will keep you posted.  Most are guessing the end of March.

Remember, on Four Mile Bay and the Rainy River, catch and release only for walleyes and saugers through April 14th.  The big lake is still open for harvesting walleyes and saugers through April 14th.

Up at the NW Angle... Great walleye reports by anglers this week up at the Angle.  A small to medium jigging spoon tipped with a minnow head or a lipless crankbait with rattles has been effective jigging. 

Like the south end, a plain hook or small glow jig with a live minnow has been working well.  Walleyes, saugers, jumbo perch, big pike and eelpout in the mix.

Crappies being caught on the Ontario side of the lake amongst the islands.  We recommend using a guide as ice conditions amongst the islands with current and neck down areas, etc. 

For those looking to access the NW Angle while avoiding customs, snowmobiling across the lake on the marked trails are in good shape or utilizing the Lake of the Woods Passenger (bombardier) Service keeps you in Minnesota.

A complete list of lodging, fish house rentals and sleeper fish house rentals at

« Last Edit: March 03/14/23, 04:21:43 PM by HD »