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General Discussion / Re: incoming weather
« Last post by Gunner55 on Today at 07:06:15 AM »
Actually, I look at that quite often as I keep here & Inger both tabbed on TWC's homepage. Like today here we're just 1 minute short of 9 hours from sunrise to sunset, 7:39-4:38. But at the lake the day is only 8 hours & 26 minutes long as it's sunrise to sunset times are 8:01-4:27. Then in the Summer those times are reversed as the days are longer at the lake. That's on 2 locations roughly 400 miles apart.
Sports Forums / Re: NFL Stuff
« Last post by Rookie on Today at 06:59:39 AM »
"A record nine MLB teams were over the luxury tax threshold for 2024, according to a memo sent to teams Friday and obtained by ESPN."

"The result was a record $311 million paid in penalties, led by the Los Angeles Dodgers who are paying $103,016,896. The New York Mets were next at $97,115,609. The Chicago Cubs were taxed the least, paying $570,309."

Easy to see where the big cities are. They pretty much are ALL paying the luxury tax and not seemed bothered by it at all. :thumbs: :thumbs:
The BBQ Shack, Wildlife recipes and Cooking / Re: Good Morning!!!!!!
« Last post by mike89 on Today at 06:59:31 AM »
mornin all, 3 here and could see 15 today..  got the snow cleaned up for the most part..  now I just have to look over the augers..  think I have a rock in there stopping it..    hope that's all anyway..  not much else going on today..  have a good day all!!   
Sports Forums / Re: What's Wrong Wit Athletes!
« Last post by mike89 on Today at 06:56:26 AM »
C'mon Mike, it was just a misunderstanding.  :rolleyes:

I'm sure of that... 
Sports Forums / Re: What's Wrong Wit Athletes!
« Last post by Steve-o on Yesterday at 09:34:25 PM »
C'mon Mike, it was just a misunderstanding.  :rolleyes:
General Discussion / Re: incoming weather
« Last post by deadeye on Yesterday at 06:52:08 PM »
Interesting point. I know the times are different east to west, but I never thought about north and south. Go figure. I checked the sunrise and sunset tables for the northwestern Minnesota town of Hallock and the southeastern town of Caledonia. The sunrise times were 8:18 for Hallock and 7:36 for Caledonia.  That's 42 minutes difference. Interestingly, the sunset times only varied by two minutes. 4:34 and 4:32. Strange for sure.
Sports Forums / Re: What's Wrong Wit Athletes!
« Last post by mike89 on Yesterday at 06:33:12 PM »
Anything & Everything / Re: 6 believable Bigfoot sightings?
« Last post by Leech~~ on Yesterday at 06:14:27 PM »
I don't undetstand
That's not hard to, understand!   :shocked:
General Discussion / Re: incoming weather
« Last post by LPS on Yesterday at 05:01:05 PM »
This is a fun weather type of thing that I think about every summer and winter.  Tomorrow as you know is the shortest day of the year.  Here in Baudette sunrise is: 8:09  Sunset is:  4:25.  In Luverne sunrise is:  7:55  Sunset is: 4:51.  So in the same great state sunrise is 14 minutes different and sunset is 26 minutes different.  SO 40 minutes shorter days here in the winter and appx 40 minutes longer in the summer.
Baudette days now are 8:16 long and Luverne days are 8:56 long.   

This is the first time I thought about this:  That may have an effect on hunting start and stop times?????
General Discussion / Re: Corn 🌽 Hole
« Last post by tangle tooth on Yesterday at 04:53:08 PM »
      My bad. They're made by Granite City Cornhole out of Vermont.
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