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General Discussion / Re: NCIS Origins
« Last post by dutchboy on Yesterday at 09:43:32 PM »
Different writers and directors for Origins. They will slowly get into the groove I think. Can't be any worse than NCIS is.
Damn habit I'm old and outta shape. :confused: :pouty: ifeel about a 3 ibuprofen coming.

UGH! :doah:
Maybe I need to come up there and sluice up one of them deer with my bow, before rifle! 🤭
General Discussion / Re: NCIS Origins
« Last post by tangle tooth on Yesterday at 09:08:32 PM »
      We watched the regular, old NCIS. Wife watched the first Origins episode. She was not impressed. She said she probably won't watch it next week.
      On the NCIS, that Katrina Law is still nice.
General Discussion / Re: NCIS Origins
« Last post by glenn57 on Yesterday at 08:06:29 PM »
 :confused: sorry dutchy, you'll have to  fill me in, this tired sore old body says ni- nite time
🐦 Forum... / Re: Birds in the back yard
« Last post by mike89 on Yesterday at 07:22:53 PM »
no vodka here, unless it's a bloody Mary!!   been a long time since I had one!!   thanks for the reminder!!! 

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
General Discussion / Re: Introducing Shadow!
« Last post by roony on Yesterday at 07:12:36 PM »
I sure miss my lab.
Damn habit I'm old and outta shape. :confused: :pouty: ifeel about a 3 ibuprofen coming.

UGH! :doah:
General Discussion / Re: Introducing Shadow!
« Last post by glenn57 on Yesterday at 06:55:18 PM »
that RC box has to be old!!!
yep... they do t make them like that no more.  :confused:
🐦 Forum... / Re: Birds in the back yard
« Last post by glenn57 on Yesterday at 06:54:16 PM »
seen a robin earlier today!!   was surprised to see it..
was batman with!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :doah:

 :sorry: .Just before da vodka talking! :rotflmao:
General Discussion / Re: Introducing Shadow!
« Last post by mike89 on Yesterday at 06:54:07 PM »
that RC box has to be old!!! 
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