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Author Topic: Tony Dean has died..  (Read 1956 times)

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Offline Bobby Bass

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By KSFY Staff

Story Created: Oct 19, 2008 at 9:41 PM CDT

Story Updated: Oct 19, 2008 at 11:35 PM CDT

Tony Dean, a nationally known outdoor enthusiast who promoted South Dakota through his radio and television shows, has died at the age of 67.

Dean appeared on KSFY many times over the years, but he was best known for "Tony Dean Outdoors," a regional television show that aired across the upper midwest. His radio show "Dakota Backroads" was heard across the region.

Dean moved back to his home in Pierre last week after being hospitalized for complications from having his appendix removed.

Dean is also known as a passionate defender of wildlife habitat and environmental issues.

Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) reflected on Dean's death in the following statement:
"Tony was one of the most passionate defenders of wildlife habitat and the environment not just in South Dakota but across the country. I, like so many others, benefited from his counsel and advice on a vast range of conservation policy issues. His knowledge and ideas, as well as his enthusiasm for people and the outdoors, will be missed by all."

Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement on the passing of Tony Dean:
"I visited with Tony and his wife, Darlene, just last week. I was so sorry to hear of his passing. Tony was a strong spirit and committed to the outdoors. I always appreciated his advocacy on behalf of conservation and sportsmen alike. He understood the right balance. His advice and passion will be missed. Tony was a good friend, and this pheasant hunting season won't be the same without him. My prayers are with his entire family."

Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

It is not how many years you live, it is how you lived your years!

Offline Bobby Bass

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I had the pleasure of meeting Tony Dean at a sports show years back, he was a real down to earth fellow. A loss for all who follow the old ways of hunting and fishing and taking care of the outdoors.
Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

It is not how many years you live, it is how you lived your years!

Offline HD

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I had the pleasure of meeting him once as well.....He was a heck of a nice guy!

He will be missed!

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Woody

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I've met him a few times and was looking forward to talking to him again this spring.  HE will be missed for sure.  Heck of  great guy to talk to, and like you said down to earth!  Peace be with you Tony!  :fishing:  :fudd:
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. ~Thomas Jefferson

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Offline thunderpout

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He seemed like quite the guy... never met him, wish I did... He'll be missed.