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Author Topic: Bull Mosse Applications Deadline  (Read 2181 times)

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Bull moose hunt application deadline is May 1

Minnesotans who want to experience a once-in-a-lifetime bull moose hunt this fall have until May 1 to apply for a permit.

Applicants will be applying for a total of 225 bull-only harvest permits, which are spread across 30 hunting zones of northeastern Minnesota. Permits for the Oct.3-18 hunt are awarded randomly to parties of two to four hunters.

Permit applications are available at any of the DNR’s 1,650 license agents. A fee of $3 per individual must be included with an application. Only Minnesota residents 16 years and older are eligible for the moose hunt. Any hunter who received a moose permit since 1991 is not eligible to apply for the once-in-a-lifetime hunt. Successful applicants must pay a license fee of $310 per party and attend a mandatory orientation session.

In 2008, 2,706 parties applied for 247 permits. Hunting parties harvested 110 bull moose.

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