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Author Topic: Wild River State Park Program Schedule  (Read 1296 times)

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Media contacts: Colleen Coyne, DNR communications director, (651) 296-5023; Dave Crawford, Wild River State Park Naturalist (651) 583-2925.

Friday, July 31, 9:00 p.m. at the campground amphitheater.
Two Little Owls. Have you ever heard of a winged tiger? It’s a name sometimes applied to great horned owls. The young owls in this film look more like kittens, but they will grow up to be skilled and powerful predators. Learn a few of the fascinating abilities owls use in order to be successful.

Saturday, August 1, 11:00 a.m. at the trail center. Just For Kids!
Chances are  you’ve probably seen plenty of trees in your lifetime.
But have you ever stopped to think about why trees are important? This week’s Just for Kids program will be all about trees. We will end with a  leaf-rubbing activity. Ages 6-10.

FRIENDS OF WILD RIVER STATE PARK GUEST PRESENTER Saturday, August 1, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the visitor center. 
Historical Herbs For Health
Join herbalist/educator Teresa Wolfe as she shares fascinating facts about historical medicinal, edible, and other uses of wild plants in Minnesota. Learn how to recognize some of the plants you’re likely to see. Each participant will make an herbal medicinal salve traditionally used for insect bites and stings. Meet at visitor center. Registration fee required: two dollars, payable at the program. Call (651) 583-2925 for details.

Saturday, August 1, 9:00 p.m. at the campground amphitheater. Astronomy with Kenny Bahmer. Join guest astronomer Kenny Bahmer for a short indoor presentation, then drive to the campground amphitheater for a short walk into the prairie to our stargazing site. You’ll be able to get a live view of the night sky’s features through telescopes. Bring flashlights, lawn chairs or a blanket, and binoculars if you have them.

Sunday, August 2, 11:00 a.m. at the visitor center. 
Slithery Snakes! Are snakes slithery, sneaky, and slimy? Or are they cool, quiet, and cautious? Learn about the snakes found in this park, see live examples (Ripley, a 5 3/4 foot bull snake, and Winnie the garter snake), and touch - if you dare - a representative of this fascinating group of animals. Feeding time is after the program, for those who want to watch.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!