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Author Topic: How good are you?  (Read 2123 times)

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Offline HD

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline cookie

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I've been shooting at grouse with a bow and arrow since I started bow hunting many moons ago. I always have a flu flu arrow when on stand. I have also had a few shots in the air with my recurve and took a grouse out of the   air about 12 years ago. I have had about 10 shots with the recurve at grouse in the air and have 2 real close and 1 kill. Also tried duck and had 2 close out of a dozen shots or so.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online Bobberineyes

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That's pretty good. I've only shot a bow a couple of times, but when we were kids we all had wrist rockets. One day after plunking cans with em a black bird was flying on by and I pulled back and sure enough I hit him square.  He fell we laughed and then he got up and flew off. We tried and tried but never hit another.