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Author Topic: Anyone for shooting league Sporting Clays?  (Read 17037 times)

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Offline thunderpout

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Cody, they got a map on their site, but the print is kinda small... Its like a 45min drive for me if I lead foot it up Hwy 10, so for you Im guessin its an hour.... Yeah I wouldnt mind shootin two rounds of 50,  it makes it worth the drive, so yep, bring extra shells... theres other shooting stuff goin on, plus on singles, you can shoot twice if ya miss, and if targets come off broken/or misthrown, youll go thru extra shells.  A good thing to have is somekind of a shellpouch or vest to carry shells and maybe a small shooting bag to carry some water and extra shells in.... You can shoot lead shot there, but some places are going steel shot, and soon all ranges probably will... Let me know if ya have questions on where WM is exactly... Oh yeah...choke wise, improved or modified is fine for the targets there.  We'll shoot for meeting up at roughly 11am then.... I have a black GMC Canyon pick-up, and I'll park as close to the clubhouse as I can...

Offline mncowboy

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what class was your team last year?  my team was in class E :whistling:  but the whole team has been shooting league for only 2 years, this year being the 3rd.

Maybe i see ya around.

Offline Cody Gruchow

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ok i dont know how many shells i have but ill just bring them all, and ill go buy some tommorow night, when i go to gander to get a shooting pouch, i have a sling on my shotgun do you recommend taking it off? um i think i have a modified in the gun right now and i also have a skeet choke would that one work better? ill be in a black exploer with a browning sticker at the top of the winsheild

Offline thunderpout

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Yo MNCowboy... I think we were C class division last year, but I could be wrong, weve bounced around from A to E depending who we had on our team each year, won some hardware a few times, but the best was my first year there, I shot the 2-man buddy league with a friend and we beat the socks off of everyone except the owner Chris and his son, they beat us by like three shots or somthin like that, I still give Chris some crap about that from time to time and acuse him of cheating/practicing too much/reshooting so he could beat us rookies! :censored: :rotflmao: We have a good mix of new shooters and a friend I started with have been shootin eight years there now, I think.... our team now is called Boomstix as we're without a sponser right now...  Hey Cody, I think were gonna get along great...I too have a huge Browning buckmark logo on my rear window!  :happy1: I shoot with a skeet tube and improved in my o/u for most stuff at wild marsh, so ya can really get away with a skeet tube, it may be alot of short quick targets at this weekends deal, but improved is probably a good inbetween choice.  But like a guy told me there once, If yer makin a good shot, it dont matter what choke ya got in, all it takes is one bb to break a target!  Some guys leave slings on their guns but it may get in your way a bit, can always take it off there if ya dont think you'll need it....

Offline Cody Gruchow

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thats cool yeah we will get along just fine lol, ok i still have my plug in my tube is that ok? i will bring both with and see which one shoots better. ill take my sling off because it does get in my way. i just use it for squirrel hunting and duck hunting, how many shots are you allowed in the gun at a time?

Offline mncowboy

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my team is High Grade Construction won 2 last year.

 ya can only have 2 shells in the gun at a time. bring all your chokes, never know what your going to see. once in a great while you have to long bomb one but ya never can tell.


Offline Cody Gruchow

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or thanks so i can just leave my plug in the tube then. thanks, are you going to be there on saturday?

Offline mncowboy

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you betya,  i live  in princeton and not very far from them.  i shot about 300 target last saterday getting the bugs out.

maybe see ya there!

Offline Cody Gruchow

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yeah that would be cool, well havent really had bugs to get out with getting back from snow goose hunting and then last week going to the local game farm were i work and knocked down 2 birds shot at 3 knocked down 2. and single shell each.  i hope i see you there because i always enjoy meeting people from MNO

Offline thunderpout

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Hey Cody, looks like I'm the only only guy showin up saturday for the spring shoot unless some make it up later... but we'll get the squad signed up, so if anyone else can make it there at about 11am that'd be great...the more the merrier!(SP?)  Oh guys buy breakfast! (JK!) :rotflmao:  Did ya get good directions?  Let me know if ya have any questions.... I gotta buy some shells and break the bank, cant wait to shoot up there!  See ya up there! :happy1:

Offline Cody Gruchow

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yeah i printed the directions fromt the site then i went to map quest and got directions to santiago, thats were there directions say you go through, something like that, anyways my cell number is 612 644 2015, i am sure i wont get lost sounds like a easy enough place to find

Offline thunderpout

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Hey Cody, It was cool shooting with ya this weekend... If yer lookin for a deal on some shells, Fleetfarm had Federal Top Gun shells on sale for $4-5 "while supplies last" in the sunday paper...i wish I had some money sittin around, I'd buy every box they have at that price!  I'll be talkin to some of the guys about when they're gonna get out, I'll let ya know.... :happy1:

Offline Cody Gruchow

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ok pout yeah, i seen that but i dont have any cash laying around right now, but they said that its just what they have on the shelves and that is it, i was looking at just ordering some federal gold hunter sporting clay shells off the internet, for i think they are 90 dollars for a case, what shot size 7.5, 8 or i think they go all the way up to 9 but i aint completely sure

Offline Tami

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  • NorthernGal --Voted #1 Outdoors Website in MN
the hurrier I go, the behinder I get
Best place for Bait.....Babes Bait... Babe's is locally known as “the best little bait shop in Ely”. Tackle and Fresh Bait

Offline Cody Gruchow

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well one case is 10 boxs of shells i think. and it takes 100 shells for the months shooting, so thats 4 boxs so i can get by with 3 cases i think

Offline thunderpout

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Yeah Cody, thats about right... Maybe one of us should get a job at Federal Ammo in anoka! ;) Acouple of the guys are thinking about shootin the first two rounds next weekend, not this coming one, cause they need to get their paychecks first... :whistling: let me know if ya want to go with... Lets kinda "watchdog" for good ammo deals, Im lookin to possibly get a bunch in bulk direct from a mfg. if I can save some $$$... I'll keep ya posted.

Offline Cody Gruchow

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nextweekend sounds good because i get paid also, then i can get my shells. yeah thats what i was thinking of ordering maybe 2 or 3 cases from federal so i can save some money. ok well keep me postedd

Offline thunderpout

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Hey Cody, I got another shooter for team Boomstix!  Ive shot tourneys with him once and a while, he's a cool dude, AND a awesome wingshooter, I think he usually shoots like 85-90% for league scores, so we can all learn from him!  :happy1: (I know I have...) I gotta go get me some shells for this weekend, havent found a deal yet on any but I'm workin on it.....

Offline thunderpout

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I talked to Pat, one of our guys, about shooting this weekend, he said he's 50/50 for saturday, but sunday is clear & he'd know for sure on friday, Im open both days I think...whats best for you?  Im gonna try to get ahold of the other guys to see whats up with them....

Offline Cody Gruchow

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hey greg, um saturday is the only day i can do it for the rest of april, i work on sundays so thats almost impossible for me to make, yeah i cant find any deals on shells, should i get 8 shot? sense i have to go to on saturday anyways i was thinking of shooting then, sense a buddy of mine is going to be tagging along, thats great we have another shooter, um any progress on the sponsor? ive tryed but most places are already sponsoring and dont wish to do anymore.

Offline thunderpout

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No word on a sponser yet, I sent a pm to Tim and he said he'd ask the guys, but he hasnt got back yet.  Maybe if you send him one also and bug him a bit he'll get tired of us and say ok...(or we'll get banned from MNO! ;))  It really would be cool though if they were our sponser wouldn't it? (hint :whistling:hint!) Yep...8 shot is what I use, somtimes Ill use 7 1/2's on the thicker rabbit targets, but 8's are good on most everything.  I'll let ya know friday about this weekend, I might hit it with you guys if thats cool on saturday, not sure with the others yet, it looks like its gonna be really nice out! :happy1:

Offline Cody Gruchow

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yep i will do that lol, yeah its cool of course you can come lol, ok 8 shot because i found 7 1/2 shot at walmart 100 rounds for 21 dollars, they are federals, otherwise the winchesters are almost 8 dollars per box, im going to look at gandermountian tommorow.

Offline thunderpout

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Cody, Hit FleetFarm last nite, Federal TopGun, 100 shells for $24, they have 8 & 7 1/2 shot.... They dont have case discounts there, Gander used to, but dont anymore, Last year Joes sporting goods did, so Im gonna check there next... then its lookin into buyin in bulk thru someone possibly... :reporter;

Offline thunderpout

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Cody, what time are ye plannin to be there saturday?  Cant get ahold of the others yet, if I cant while at work here, I'll give ya a call... Im takin off work at like 5 ish so Ill let ya know if I get ahold of anyone by then....

Offline Cody Gruchow

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ok, um i how about 11am tommorow? is that good for you? i think i might try out the ones i found at wal-mart, because its closer, so 7 1/2 shot will be fine? ill try it out and see how it works.

Offline thunderpout

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Yep, Lots of guys like the 7.5's, Largest shot ya can use.  Best thing about 7.5's is the bb's are larger and if ya wing a target with the edge of your pattern, its gonna break a target better than with smaller shot..(8-9's)  Of course ya have more shot in the pattern with smaller shot, but yeah 7.5's are all good!  11am is fine for me... Im not sure about Pat and the others, Ill know more later... worst case scenario, are ya goin with your buddy so he can pull for ya in case pat needs me to pull targets for him?  Let me know, but hopefully pat/the others are good with 11am.  I'll get back to ya.... :happy1:

Offline thunderpout

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Yo Cody... sounds like were on for tomorrow morning, Pat likes to shoot earlier, but I told him where you're coming from so I think he'll forgive ya! ;)  I'll give ya a call on yer cell if I find out anything different, other wise I'll see ya in the morning... :happy1:

Offline Cody Gruchow

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ok, yeah my buddy isnt able to come with me, he has to work, i found some shells at gandermountian in eden praire, i decided to buy a case there, they had a special on target loads 8 shot, for 5.95 a box, i couldnt pass it up, so im shooting 8 shot tommorow ill see you there

Offline mncowboy

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stop at calbelas in rogers, back by the african mounts at the end of the gun countet they had win super x shells in 8 and 7 1/2 for 49.00 a flat they also had rio shells that were near same price.
i am sure glad i reload instead of finding good prices on shells. i have over 5000 rounds loaded ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rocker; :party1: :party3: :dancinred: :taz: :toast:


Offline Cody Gruchow

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thanks for the info, i might have to stop there on the way back and buy a few cases maybe 3 lol, im looking forward towards this season.