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Author Topic: Minnesota Archery Bowhunter Breakfast!  (Read 2530 times)

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Offline MnArch

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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    • Minnesota Archery
Hey ya'll

Just wanted to let you know about something we have been doing every year since we opened.  It's called the bowhunter breakfast...... and it is just that.  So if you want some FREE food and to check out the shop, swing on over Saturday September 13th from 9-Noon.  It would be great to see some new faces and some old friends from MNO! 

P.S.  Lay the smack down!

« Last Edit: September 09/04/08, 03:40:24 PM by MnArch »
You're welcome at
Minnesota Archery
(320) 693-2061

Offline JohnWester

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  • Kabetogama, MN
i'd love to, but isn't that the bow hunting opener?

I'll be in the stand, or hopefully gutting a deer.
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy

Offline bowhunter73

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  • Cedar, MN Member #113
Hit the woods or get a free breakfast  :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:sorry maybe next time
Are you a hunter or do you just kill things? Respect the wildlife!

Offline BIG 6 BUCK

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Hay Jon and Bow............ it goes till noon so maybe you can call it brunch :scratch:
Minnesota Archery Prostaff

Offline MnArch

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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    • Minnesota Archery
Yea, it's kind of geared more to the local area hunters......sit the morning hunt, then top it off with a hot, free breakfast. Most archers don't sit the entire day on opener.... too much season still ahead! Plus there's lots of time left for the evening sit. We just wanted to extend the invitation to all, to make sure no one was excluded. Certainly did not want to insult your hunting enthusiasm!!!!!

« Last Edit: September 09/10/08, 09:55:16 AM by MnArch »
You're welcome at
Minnesota Archery
(320) 693-2061