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Author Topic: 1 Week to go  (Read 2370 times)

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Offline Don Stenseth

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 379
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    • Don Stenseth's Wildlife Photos
Well, only one week to go untill the Minnesota archery Deer opener. I just wanted to remind everyone to be carefull in their  stands. Always remember where your feet are on the platform and wear a safety harness. Make sure your stand and steps are secure and if you drop an arrow out of your stand make sure you see where it fell and that the broadhead is in a safe position on the ground. I heard of a guy who dropped an arrow and figured he would pick it up when he got out of the stand. well, when the braodhead fell it landed tip up in the brush and his last step down embedded it into the back of his leg. So just be carefull and be safe and I wish you all a successfull hunt. Here are 2 small Bucks I saw comeing out of an area I call "the Doe bedroom" this morning.

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Don Stenseth's Wildlife Photos