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Author Topic: Griz????  (Read 2437 times)

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Offline Super Star!

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lets hear some trapping stories from the 08/09 season? I have None due to i only trapped 1 fisher and three cats. I did not lay much steal this season.

Offline GRIZ

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Well I guess I don't have that many. With age I find my self not getting myself into many such predicaments. I think maybe I am getting wiser or maybe it's just more experienced or maybe it's just I'm not as reckless. Still I usually manage atleast one brainfart a season.

I know something happened this yr but just can't think what it is off hand give me a bit to think about it.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline jigglestick

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how about we just hear from you period you turd stain!
walleye season is almost over and you haven't had the albatross up here one time.
blondie got a short chain on ya?
come on man, bring her with!

maybe you just don't fish anymore?
take a kid hunting and fishing!!


Offline GRIZ

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No it's more like a set of heads, a tranny and an engine have put the halt on any trips in our budget.

Ok I remember the story now. It ain't much but it's all I've got yet.

I was runnin traps one night and seen a coon in the headlights by this pond so I jump out an set a trap and collect him the next day.

Ten years ago it would have went more like So I took after him with my trappin spade, flashlight in mouth. It wasn't easy as he could go through the cattails faster than I. Once through the cattails I started gaining on him until I had to hurdle the barbed wire fence. Not easy to do in waders but I only put one hole in them catching a knee on the fence and falling on my face. Only lost one tooth from the flashlight knocking it out.

Back on my feet and in hot pursuit I managed to get him up a lone oak in an open field. Climbing up the tree after him I got close enough to the growling critter to swat him with my spade. Not having the best footing I didn't hit right on target. Was good enough to knock it outta the tree but he grabbed ahold of the handle on my spade.

Not wanting to let go of the spade there I hang with a branch under my left armpit, holding the spade with my left hand and the coon on the end of it. I had no choice but to grab the spade with my right hand letting go with the left hopeing when we fall to the ground I could pin him down with my spade.

As luck would have that is exactly what happened. It took a bit of doing to dispatch it as even when pinned to the ground they are a pretty formidable opponent in the game of mortal combat. I was bloody(my own) an bruised but carried him back to the rig without light. It must have broke in all the commotion but either way I never did find it.
« Last Edit: February 02/09/09, 05:26:59 AM by GRIZ »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline Super Star!

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you get any fishers or cats this year?

Offline GRIZ

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you get any fishers or cats this year?

No. I did have a fisher coming into bait a few miles from the house though. Still ain't allowed to get them down here but was trying to get him on a camera. Wasn't coming by too often an seemed to come by when I had my camara pulled. I pulled it on w/e's as it was on public land that is hunted pretty heavy and didn't want to risk losing a camara.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline GRIZ

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OK now about the only thing I can think of that happened this yr was falling off the culvert.

I was one of those miserable days cold windy and rain. I was entirely soaked and cold by the time I got to this spot. When I stopped here I was actually shivering to the point I had a hard time getting my gloves on.

I walked out on the end of the culvert to check my set as it was easier than going up and down the steep grassy bank. Peering down at my set it didn't look like I had anything but something didn't look quit right either.

Rather than walk up to the road and down the bank to investigate, I decided to take the short route. If I timed it right I could slide on the heels of my feet for a couple feet then jump onto this flat peice of concrete. Well I forgot how slippery wet concrete can be. I slide on my heels and when time was right I decided to push off and jump.

Well the foot I pushed off with shot right down the side of the culvert. Landing on the culvert flat on my back and cracking my head on it to boot. Well I bounced off the culvert right toward the flat piece of concrete I was jumping. Only problem was my feet were now straight in the air an I was going head first.

I broke my fall with my hand but didn't get it all the way out. Ended up jamming my finger and putting a gash in my elbow from that. With my hand as leverage I tried to get my feet onto the bank as to catch myself, well all that done was push me back over the edge of the culvert. Landing on the bottom of the flat culvert on the back of my head and shoulders in just a few inches of water.

I was a little slow to get up and now with some water in my chest waders I went and looked at the set. Turns out only a little clump of dirt fell off the bank snapping my trap. I reset the trap which wasn't easy as my hand was throbbing and already starting to swell(well atleast one hand was warm).

Getting back to the truck I wanted to just take my waders off throw my wet socks in the back and head home. I only had a few sets left and they were on the way home so I decided to check them anyway. Being so cold I was in a hurry to get back and get in the tub that I ran to the rest my sets and back to the truck again. Kinda funny after all that runnin and stuff I warmed up enough to actually set a couple more traps on the way home. It wasn't the 80 I'd planned on but just a couple. I couldn't set them with my hands so I just used my feet up on the road and carried them down to make the set.

I just decided to call it a day. My hand was swolen to the point where I couldn't grab the streering wheel and I basically felt like I got run over by a train.

I went an had X-rays a few days later to make sure it wasn't broke and it wasn't just one joint on my ring finger got hyper extended. It's better now but still can't clench a fist without it hurting. For the most part the swelling went down but it's a little bigger than it used to be, which I doubt will go away. At least it'll now match the rest of my fingers but one but thats on the other hand.

Shur makes a guy glad the body mends itself.

So much for older and wiser.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson