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Author Topic: Non resident trapping  (Read 2556 times)

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Offline GRIZ

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Minnesota is the only state that doesn't allow non residents to trap our state. All the other states have it most being recipricol. Meaning we can't go there and trap since we don't let them trap here.

Yes = allow
NO= don't allow

Also please explain why you think this way.
« Last Edit: February 02/12/09, 09:01:04 AM by GRIZ »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline GRIZ

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This has been discussed by many people and been the big topic at many MTA meetings. Most against it are concerned about marten/fisher/cats. I can see their concerns but don't know if the cats should even be lumped in there. Lots of places have better cats, better weather and unlimited limits on them. I don't see why anyone would come here to trap cats.

I don't think those animals would be at risk at all for the following reasons. Trappers from other states wouldn't be coming here to make money on them. They couldn't with the small limits on them even at sky high record prices. Instead there would be a handfull of people who would come up on a trapping vacation to get one as a trophy, have it mounted or tanned. While they are here they would spend money on motels, at diners, gas stations and prolly entertainment to name a few. Some would be from far enough south they have never seen enough ice to go fishing on. They may seek out a guide to rent a house from to try that while they are up. Well if they havn't ice fished b4 they would need some tackle and other essentials. They are going to spend some bucks while here.

The ones who would be doing it and not spending as much money are the ones who used to live here but moved away. They would come to visit family and old freinds. Maybe go run traps for a couple hrs with pops just like they did when they were kids.

We from MN have much more to gain. It would open up the rest of the country for those wanting to trap else where. We would have access to species we don't have here. Gain access to open water after the freeze up here. Also if we had family and freinds elsewhere we would benefit from being allowed to trap with them there.

From the way I look at it if your from minnesota it's just a winning deal.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline trout whisperer

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its not my land...its not my belongs to us whats the big deal....let whomever is legal .......have at it...all of nature is becoming managed pets....what fish is not tagged, clip finned or somehow stocked,....... moose, bear wolf, just in minnesota with radio bears we dye their bones with tainted meat...lynx can watch online the whereabouts with sat technology on the little radios we have hung around their necks...migrating ducks geese and some raptors......ankle bracelets or plastic beak implants....its all to much for me at times....especially when the STATE SAYS....... yer from someother state....keep out...hands off.....what a load of poppycock....

non res non
trout whisperer author/guide

Offline spear foot 1

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 Reminds me of the spearing law, nonresidents can't spear so I can't spear in there state which sucks. Open it up I say treat everyone equal.Thats why non resdents fees are higher right.It aint like there not spending money.I say any revenue is good as long spent wisely.

Offline Super Star!

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I say they open up bear trapping in Minnesota.... there is talk of opening it up to dog hunting. let us trap some. and have it be a spring season..

Offline trout whisperer

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i think bear trapping...or wolf least once........would be way to much fun........
trout whisperer author/guide

Offline GRIZ

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I say they open up bear trapping in Minnesota.... there is talk of opening it up to dog hunting. let us trap some. and have it be a spring season..

Well if we just open up trapping to non residents you can trap bear. Just go to Maine where it's already legal to trap em.

In Maine the total harvest of bears was 2871. 56 were taken by trapping.
« Last Edit: February 02/23/09, 08:07:32 AM by GRIZ »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline stevejedlenski

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it would be nice to open a wolf trapping season since there are twice as many wolves in mn as the federal recover goal was set at. they just need to get through all that red tape then we'll ask for a trapping season.
my wife said it.... im OFFICIALLY ADDICTED to MNO!!

Offline Auggie

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Open it up to non residents.
Shane Augeson
Wallhangers Taxidermy Studio
9040 40th St NW
Milan MN 56262