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Author Topic: Washington Snowgoose Hunting  (Read 1540 times)

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Offline wasnowman

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Well here are some pics of my son and are snowgoose hunt this last weekend! Hope you enjoy.

Offline snow

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Nice pics,good to see youngens out,were you guys pass shooting?,did'nt see the spread in the pic and it looks like you were along the edage of a refuge,note the sign in the 2nd pic.Looks like a load of juvies huh? just did a batch of'em,'jerky" about the only way I can eat'em.
Hevi Shot Pro Staff

Offline wasnowman

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Nope really didn't plan on hunting them, was more into getting ducks. That is a private field we have permission to hunt. Made good with the farmers and this is our 3rd year being able to hunt there. Crawled down in ditches and caught them coming into the flock. They had no intentions of leaving that field. It's roughly a coupled hundred of acres and 3 different farmers. We have spent a lot of time getting to know the farmers. We go up each september and have coffee and bs, look over maps and find where their winter crops are. Some days it can be slow there, but others it is a blast. Great for kids as not to have to deal with public land. The sign is warning you that the fence is electric!
« Last Edit: November 11/20/09, 11:49:46 PM by wasnowman »