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Author Topic: sporting clays 2010  (Read 64424 times)

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Offline beeker

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work for beer... heck I'll dance for beer. did you guys shoot both at once or odds.. then evens? I did evens then odds.. with a break in the middle. there were allot of shooters out there that day too.. so I got to see the targets a few times before I had to shoot
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Go Big Red!

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We shot both at once.  No pressure behind us either.  I know I need practice and I'll get better with time and experience, just frustrates you.
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Offline beeker

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it's an addiction that I really enjoy. first it's sporting clays league.. then it'll be NSCA tournaments with pout and I. 
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline thunderpout

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The two Pats got out sunday, #1 shot a 39 & a 41 I think... Funny, Red... he was bitching about crossers just like we were, & said exactly what I said..."I GOTTA GET OUT & SHOOT SOME SKEET!"  Im sucking this year, got some shooting to do if I plan on keeping my league avg in the 40's like the last couple years :banghead:...... I was planning to re-shoot with them, but was up till 4am :rocker; :toast: practicing for a gig this sunday... making 9am a tough pill to swallow, but I tried... got up & walked the dog & it was so humid out I nearly dropped dead when I got back :puke:...well, not quite that bad, but I didnt feel like re-shooting at that point.... anyone want to go this weekend possibly? :whistling:

Offline beeker

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I find out about the muley tag for wyoming tomorrow. so that will determine my shooting for the rest of the year as I need to save up some cash.  if I don't get the tag it'll be wisconsin state shoot. mn state shoot and zone 5
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Go Big Red!

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I'm out for this weekend.  But will need to shoot some skeet.  I should shoot an hour before we run the gamet on the sporting clays.
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Offline beeker

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tomorrow my other team shoots in forest lake... your welcome to tag along. its not a seriious team... but they are a toughhh group as half of em are my relatives.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline beeker

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not tomorrow..wednesday
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Go Big Red!

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What time?  I'll check and get back to you.
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline beeker

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around 5:30 ish..  I think we're doing 2 rounds tomorrow to finish off the league.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline beeker

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I did get drawn for my muley tag.. so unless the lottery ticket in my pocket is a winner.. I'm not going to be doing any more shoots after the league is done this year. now I have to scrape together the cash for the trip.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Go Big Red!

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Congrats on the muley tag!  I should be able to make that, but momma isn't home yet so I'll post my yeah or neah tonight.

Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline Go Big Red!

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No can do for Forest Lake.  Momma wants to go jet ski hunting.  Thanks again!
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline Cody Gruchow

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 :queen2: :queen2: :queen2: no point in fighting it  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: the ladys always win  training-087 training-087 better just to  :bow: :bow: or they  :taz: :taz: :taz: you a new  :censored: :doah: and it looks like  :moon: :moon:  :whistling:

Offline beeker

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every once in a while you need to drop the hammer and let her know who's boss..

if you do say something like that.. let me know how it is sleeping in the garage   :rotflmao:

I sucked it up tonight.. man I hate dealing with trappers who don't understand how say .. "trapper ready" or wait for your call .. done with em, next year I'm going somewhere else I think
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Cody Gruchow

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: no shes nice enough to allow me to sleep on the couch until i :surrender:  :surrender:  :sorry:

lol so beeker when is everyone going to shoot wild marsh

Offline Go Big Red!

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every once in a while you need to drop the hammer and let her know who's boss..

if you do say something like that.. let me know how it is sleeping in the garage   :rotflmao:

I sucked it up tonight.. man I hate dealing with trappers who don't understand how say .. "trapper ready" or wait for your call .. done with em, next year I'm going somewhere else I think

Really?  I would like it if you were standing next to me when I do this and see how fast she kicks my  :moon:  for "dropping the hammer".  And then I will need a good HVAC guy to install central air in the garage.......

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no shes nice enough to allow me to sleep on the couch until i :surrender:  :surrender:  :sorry:

lol so beeker when is everyone going to shoot wild marsh

Rounds 5/6 are done this coming Sunday so the 10/11 or the 24/25 would work for me for 7&8.  Not sure if my dates are correct though.
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline beeker

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the weekend of the 10th i got a wedding that sat.. so maybe that sunday.. or the weekend of the 17th?
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Cody Gruchow

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  • 2016 Mno rockbass challenge champion
i was leaning on having the shoot on that weekend, so ill just my 100 with the fun shoot

Offline Go Big Red!

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i was leaning on having the shoot on that weekend, so ill just my 100 with the fun shoot

As Homer says "Dooohhh".  Forgot about that.  Yet, that's not a bad idea to kill two birds with one stone.  I'm game for anything.
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Offline Go Big Red!

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Any plans for the team shoot?
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline Go Big Red!

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Are we looking at combining the fun shoot as our league rounds?
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline beeker

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that would be cool to combine them.. as long as we keep the groups around 5
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline Cody Gruchow

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well if we get 8 we will do 2 groups of 4 and so on. but i think if its only 6 then we all shoot together.

Offline thunderpout

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Im shooting July's two rounds early Saturday morning with Pat #1 & #2.... Im still planning on shooting the MNO fun shoot... hopefully just for fun & not to re-shoot! ;)  Let me know if anyone wants to get out Saturday.....

Offline beeker

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what time you thinking? next weekend is a softball tourney for my kid so that won't work, so I'm thinking this weekend would be good.. may be ugly since I haven't shot since the last time out. usually I'm shooting at forest lake every week and that hasn't happened in a while.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"

Offline thunderpout

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Early.... Meeting there at 9am They said...I told them I wasnt even sure if they were open that early, but beating the heat sounds like a good plan! :happy1:

Offline thunderpout

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Just checked.... they are open at 9..... :cry: ;)  Ill be there not very bright-eyed, and also not very bushy-tailed.

Offline Go Big Red!

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I should have checked this sooner cause I would have gone.
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline beeker

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how did you guys shoot? I just plain over slept.. been getting hammered at work lately needed the sleep.
If science fiction has taught me anything, it's that you can never have enough guns and ammo when the zombies come back to life... "WS"