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Author Topic: Question for you on legality in Minnesota  (Read 4739 times)

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Offline backwoods

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I have been away from the shooting industry in Minn for a number of years and I overheard some guys talking in a restaurant about shooting FMJ rifle cartridges.  At one point, there was discussion about outlawing FMJ in Minn...did that go thru or is FMJ ammo still legal to own and shoot in rural Minnesota?

Offline Benny

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I am not exactly sure but I think the law says it has to be an expanding bullet type?
I left my reg book at the range house tonight but I can check on it tomorrow.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"

Offline mahmoodmahi

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you can shoot FMJ cartridges, but you cannot hunt with them anymore.

Offline GRAMPS

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As Benny said you can only use expanding type ammo for hunting in Minnesota.  However for target shooting FMJ is OK.  There is an exception however, steel core ammo is outlawed as it is considered armor piercing.  That is a Federal regulation.


Offline Benny

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The law is some what veague but it states one must use a soft point or expanding bullet type considered heavey enough to take big game with.

Not a word for word read but close enough to say the FMJ's would not go well if they caught you using them to shoot game.

Ok to plink with and even get that new scope close to the bullseye.

And Gramps is correct on the steel core ammo as well so whatch your mil surp stuff. I had some older wolf mil surp that had the steel core.Stuck to my magnet when I was sorting some waterfowl loads from upland loads a while back.

Had to give about 150 rounds out to the cops to dispose of. just didn't want to foget they were in the ammo can and get out to the woods with them.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"

Offline backwoods

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so then, as I am understanding it, the ammo you had that attracted the magnet would have been fine for target, or keeping in the house for self defense, is that correct?

its just that the bi metal hollowpoints must have some percentage of steel in them...if I understand you correctly.?

Offline Benny

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No, the rounds that stuck to the magnet were illegal in Minnesota period.

Those bi-metal rounds your thinking of are copper and tungstun or some type of soft malable metal.They will stick to a magnet to some degree but shouldn't be hard to pull off as a steel core would.

Steel core is just that a hard steel core that will stay in one piece and easily puncture through steel gong type targets or in some cases a bullet proff vest if it isn't rated for rifle rounds.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"

Offline Ajthesing

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Wow Benny who told you they were illegal? please search 624.7191 METAL-PENETRATING BULLETS. They are only Illegal if you use them in committing a crime. If thats the case ANY bullet is illegal when using it to commit a crime.
« Last Edit: November 11/08/10, 08:01:26 PM by Ajthesing »

Offline Ajthesing

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Subdivision 1.Intent. This section is designed to give law enforcement officers performing their official duties a reasonable degree of protection from penetration of quality body armor. It is not the intent of this section to restrict the availability of ammunition for personal defense, sporting, or hunting purposes.
Subd. 2.Definition. For purposes of this section, "metal-penetrating bullet" means a handgun bullet of 9 mm, .25, .32, .357, .38, .41, .44, or .451 caliber which is comprised of a hardened core equal to the minimum of the maximum attainable hardness by solid red metal alloys which purposely reduces the normal expansion or mushrooming of the bullet's shape upon impact. "Metal-penetrating bullet" excludes any bullet composed of copper or brass jacket with lead or lead alloy cores and any bullet composed of lead or lead alloys.
Subd. 3.Use or possession in commission of crime. Any person who uses or possesses a metal-penetrating bullet during the commission of a crime is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or to payment of a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. Any imprisonment sentence imposed under this subdivision shall run consecutively to any sentence imposed for the other crime.
Subd. 4.Local regulation. This section shall be construed to supersede any municipal or county regulation of ammunition, including its component parts.
History: 1982 c 525 s 1; 1984 c 628 art 3 s 11

Offline Ajthesing

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If Any one else needs to get rid of any steel core bullets please send them my way ill punch holes in paper with them....Backwoods there is your answer next time please use local law enforcement agencies rather then the rumor mill internet.
« Last Edit: November 11/08/10, 08:03:51 PM by Ajthesing »

Offline Go Big Red!

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Wow Benny who told you they were illegal? please search 624.7191 METAL-PENETRATING BULLETS. They are only Illegal if you use them in committing a crime. If thats the case ANY bullet is illegal when using it to commit a crime.

First off, don't start name calling.  If you read the previous posts, he is referring to using the rounds for hunting and then the topic went towards self defense and such.  But I assume you knew that already and that lead you to modify your previous statements.

Second, thank you for clarifying the law.  Backwoods asked a question and an answer was given based on what a person believed to be true.  Yet again, thanks for clearing that up.

Third, welcome to MNO.   ::welcome::
« Last Edit: November 11/08/10, 08:08:57 PM by Go Big Red! »
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.

Offline Ajthesing

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First off yes modified my choice of words they were first too strong. Second off he was stating that they were illegal in MN period no possession. Third thanks....

Offline Go Big Red!

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First off yes modified my choice of words they were first too strong. Second off he was stating that they were illegal in MN period no possession. Third thanks....

Just here to help and offer suggestions to keep the peace.   :toast:  Enjoy MNO!!!
Take a kid hunting and fishing... It'll be the best thing for generations to come.