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Author Topic: Leech lake warm up !!  (Read 1797 times)

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Offline walle1

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  • Walleye guide Leech Lake
    • Leech Lake Guide service
We lost allot of snow yesterday with temps in the upper 40's (2/12/11) With the next few days expected to be the same we will lose all snow on the lake and travle will be much easier. I dont think it will change the pout fest rules of no driving but if you come early you will be able to get your houses out and not be too clutered (unless thats what you want!) The weekend forecast is for highs in the teens and twentys so everything should be froze. Wheelers should not have have a problem getting around after a couple more days of melt down.
Tom Wilson
Leech Lake Guide
Fishing Leech for 30 years

Offline kenhuntin

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Thanks a ton for that report! What a relief. Do you got time to stick that in the pout shout part here as well? There are alot of folks looking for answers in there.
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