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Author Topic: Good Duck Taxidermist  (Read 1794 times)

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Offline tjb1987

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I'm looking to get my Mallard mounted and need a reliable person who is capable of doing a good job, preferably near Elk River MN area.

Offline Outdoors Junkie

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We have a great taxidermist on MNO.  His username is Auggie.   :happy1:

If can't help you, I am sure he can point you in the right direction.
Voted #1 Outdoors Website in MN

Offline guythathunts

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  • The brothers with my 2006 buck.
I use Fur, fins and feathers in Sauk Rapids. They guy's name is adam and he does a great job all arround. He has done 2 fish for me and I have seen his other work. He is EXTREEMLY detail oriented. You can look him up or I can find his number for you if you would like. Only 30 min from ER.
Find a bird Duke... find a bird... ROOSTER!!! BANG! Bring it here boy. GOOD BOY DUKE, GOOD BOY!!!

Offline snow

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I use a guy from forest lake,he has a bunch of mounts on display in the gander mountain in forest lake~

Let me know if you need contact info~PM me.
Hevi Shot Pro Staff