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Author Topic: Ely area: High water an lottsa bugs!!!!  (Read 1470 times)

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Offline greatoutdoors

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The never ending rain in the Ely area has water levels at the highest I've ever seen at this time of year.
Many lakes are about 12 inches higher than normal, some controlled by dams are even higher.
Bugs have hatched and are very hungry.
Fishing has been good, and walleyes and bass have already moved into the larger parts of the lakes.
Northern Pike are biting, but the larger ones are not hitting with any regularity.  Many are watching them follow crank baits up to the dock or boat, and seen them swim away.
We are on our second Mayfly hatch, and several other species of insects are being found in the fish.
More rain is expected throughout the month.
The Great Outdoors
419 East Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731 USA

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Offline Bobby Bass

  • Master Outdoorsman
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After tonights 4-6 inches of rain they are going to be even higher!  :titanic:
Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

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