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Author Topic: Most don’t like wolf season  (Read 11442 times)

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Offline Lee Borgersen

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DNR: Majority of wolf survey respondents don’t support a wolf season

More than 7,000 people have completed an online survey about Minnesota’s first formal wolf hunting and trapping season, Kathy DonCarlos, deputy director of the Division of Fish and Wildlife for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, said today.

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Offline dakids

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My guess is that 99% of the poeple that were against the wolf season do not live in MN.
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Offline Benny

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One problem I have seen with the "wolf hype" is a lot of these wolves are not Timber wolves but the lesser Coyote's or as we call them up North "Brush wolves".

I don't know if we need a season or not because I have only seen one Timber wolf in the woods I hunt but I have seen and heard several brush wolves.

I bet there are 10 or 20 with in 5 miles of my dads house which is with in one mile range of where we hunt deer.You go out side at night and you can hear them yipping and howling in several spots around you.

I seen a poster on another site with pics of what he said were timber wolves but I am pretty sure they are brush wolves judging by the color and shaggy fur they had.

If the DNR has the need for a season I will support them, they do a fine job on studies like this even if they lack in other areas.

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Online glenn57

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My guess is that 99% of the poeple that were against the wolf season do not live in MN.
live in there range!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bobby Bass

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I don't really favor a wolf season for to many reason to express in a post, more like a long discussion over a couple of cold ones.

Some of my discussion points are, I like the idea of a season or a permit system for landowners or farmers to have to protect livestock, year round.

I don't like the idea of a season during deer season where a wolf may be taken by pure luck by someone being at the right place at the right time. That is not my idea of a hunt.

I think wanton waste law should be looked into, you surely are not going to be eating the meat and the hide would be expensive to mount, I think maybe Auggie could comment on that?

An underlying thought is I hear a lot of hunters complain that the wolf is killing THEIR deer. If you the hunter don't kill a deer you go back home and open the fridge, if a wolf does not kill it dies.

Another group out there and I hope it is a small one, just wants to kill a wolf.

As most of you know I live in Northern Minnesota, I have seen wolfs in the wild, I have hunted areas where wolfs live. I have friends who are farmers and have lost animals.
Bobby Bass

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Offline ray634

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"I don't like the idea of a season during deer season where a wolf may be taken by pure luck by someone being at the right place at the right time."

This pretty much sums up what a lot of hunters experience, just being in the right place at the right time, no matter what you hunt or fish for. The hunt is legal and sustainable.
My own opinion is that the wolfs at the research center are plenty. I would not have reintroduced them in the first place, but I was not in charge of it so we live with it.

Offline dakids

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I personally would love to shoot one of the top predators that we have in mn.  During the deer season the hide will not be prime.  My guess is that the trappers will do much better at filling their tags.  I know where there are 2 different wolf dens and will not hunt deer in the area unless I draw a tag.  I would love to try and trap them but I lack the time and knowledge of setting a good quality set.  The wolves will learn real quickly that they have become a target which hopefully will lower the contacts with people.

Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline lentz

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which hopefully will lower the contacts with people

i dont like knowing that the top preditor in MN/WI is not afraid of people/pets

i will not purchase the tag just because i want to leave it to people who will have a better chance than me, i have seen 1 wolf and that wasent even close to where i hunt

Offline beeker

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we've all heard the stories about "shoot it and shut up"... so who's to say haveing a season isn't a good thing.. once an animal  becomes able to produce some money for guides and land owners they may not be so quick to gut shoot and dump the dumb ones when they may have a client coming in for a wolf hunt. having a managed season will probably offer them more protection since hunters will now be trying to bag one and not just competing with them for a common critter.
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Offline stevejedlenski

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the way i look at it is they re-introduced wolves with a goal in mind. they have reached that goal and now have to sustain and manage what they have implimented. they say that i belive its 70-90% of bear mortality is from hunting. i would say the same is true for wolves. populations need to have a balance and the wildlife biologists know that which is why they have proposed a season.

what do people do with cyotes? they can shoot them any way any time they want. why is a wolf any different? do they tan the hides? theres no law requiring it.

Im sure they have an idea of what the population is at and where they want it. i doubt they will give out many licenses and im sure they will be at a premium. if the price is high its doubtful someone would pay just to shoot it and not have anything done with it. i would guess that the success rate on filling the tags would probably be very low as well.

all we can do is wait until the season is set and regs are in place, unless they start taking opinions from the public.
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Offline cookie

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i work for a farmer up here and they have gotten so bold as to go in his barn.  They need to be thinned out .I do not like the idea of bow hunting whne there a slim chance I could be hunted.  Zoiks . Our friend Ole from alaska would kill one in a hart beat and said he will be the first in line.He is a trophy hunter .He says when the wolves are howling  the deer must be terrified. They need to be managed  so I'm all for hunting them
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Offline bweyer

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I don't believe in killing all the wolves. They have their place. I do believe in managing them though. Why not let the hunters.

Offline Stnmtz

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So did anyone here put in for a wolf tag??  I applied yesterday
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Offline Sew Sille

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I applied for the second hunt. Would liked to get a traping tag but dont know enough about it. How many timber wolfs do you think there are in Mn.? They have said 3000 for the last 8 to 10 years?

Online glenn57

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I GAVE IT SOME HARD THOUGHT, but decided to wait and see how this year shakes out! next year!!!!!!!!
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Offline Stnmtz

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Here are all the details on population and the regulations on the wolf hunt.  :fudd:
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Offline Sew Sille

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If there was 3000 wolf 10 years age, lets say half are female, and the females have 3 pups a year(we all know they have more than that) lets say 100 a year are killed by cars, 100 are killed by fedral trapiers, HOW CAN THERE BE ONLY 3000. I have a hard time with that number? Em i way off base? I dont know!

Offline deadeye

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I agree, they have been using the 3000 number for quite a while.  I just can't see them rapidly expanding to 3000 and then not changing.  You are wrong about the number taken by federal trappers.  I believe the number is around 250 for this year alone.  Maybe there are a lot of accidental kills.  :whistling: 
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Offline Joe@deerhunters

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a friend near Henning MN had 12 wolves trapped over the past two weeks by the feds. 3000 only statewide?

Online glenn57

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all over in the papers..........over 23,000 hunters applied for a wolf permit. NOW THATS a pretty good response!!!!!!! :toast: :toast:
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Offline Stnmtz

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"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Abraham Lincoln

Offline stevejedlenski

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maybe im wrong but when the whole de-listing of the wolves was happening im pretty sure they said their goal was 5000 wolves and that they have exceeded that number which is why they needed to start regulating populations before they really exploded. its probably the anti's that are throwing that number around.
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Offline FireRanger

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I'm no tree hugging granola cruncher. I hunt deer, have hunted moose for many years, waterfowl and upland game. I'm from Canada where deer and other game animals co habitate with wolves. I have literally shot deer within less then a mile of wolves. There is a natural balance in the wild that we have all seem to have forgot about. We are in a hurry to try and manage that natural balance ourselves. Nature finds a way to do it on it's own. It does ebb and flow on it's own as well to a certain extent. If we go too far in one direction then we will be back to where we were a 100 years ago. I understand that this is hard for some to swallow. I agree with letting people defend themselves of course and their property but giving permission to anyone whom has randomly drawn a tag to go and whack a wolf for no other reason then to say "I shot a wolf" doesn't really sit well with me. Leave it to the pro's, the trappers and the landowner's with livestock etc. My .02 cents.
Going a manner of speaking!

Online glenn57

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to change the subject a wee bit.............

HEY WILLY........................ with this impending wolf season would/could you use the hides etc in your trade.??????
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline wildlifeminnesota

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to change the subject a wee bit.............

HEY WILLY........................ with this impending wolf season would/could you use the hides etc in your trade.??????

Yes, Want a wolf hat or wolf boot how about wolf mitts,,,  ;D

Online glenn57

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i didnt apply for o permit this year. i just see a lot of chatter about what one would do with the critter once its down!!

besides i need to get your way to use a gift certificate i won for bieng such a good ice angler!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :dancinred: :dancinred: :taz: :fishing2: :fishing2: :fishing: :fishing:
« Last Edit: September 09/19/12, 03:20:15 PM by glenn57 »
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Offline snow

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Hunters up north have a better than average chance to whack a wolf deer hunting,we have over 26k applicants as of 9/17,updated from 23k last week and the tree huggers call foul w/o a vote,like everything else these days urban sprawl is spreading rampant,folks keep popping more and more kids out,something has to give,same thing happens with our suburban deer population,now its wolves.
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Offline NouKa

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Correction on an above post about wolf reintroduction, in MN they weren't reintroduced, they were just allowed to expand, we had the last remaining population in the lower 48.  Yellowstone had wolves reintroduced, and their has been efforts to re-establish populations of the subspecies Mexican Grey Wolf to the Gila Wilderness in New Mexico, which has had limited success.  Material I have read points toward MN being a model for wolf management, hopefully we can keep that reputation. As for the new wolf season, I imagine, we are just going to have to trial and error this thing.  I you think about it, it's a relatively new concept, in the past the goal was simply eradication.   

Offline jessedvw

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I'm from Iowa and plan on applying for a tag next year. Since I'm an out of stater I probably get classified in the group of just wanting to do it to say I shot one, truth is I'm an avid predator hunter, I've hunted coyote, fox, and bobcat for 8 years and would love the opportunity to go after something bigger and bolder.  If I am lucky enough to get a tag it would be great to get advice on best places to hunt them or techniques.  I would not want to sit over bait and hunt them, I want to call one in, if that isn't effective I would try spot & stalk.  If I could tag out on one I would get it turned into a rug with the full head and skull intact, I don't imagine the meat being any good for eating.
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Offline ray634

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You could try your local Asian buffet establishment. I hear they BBQ up real tender.