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Author Topic: Eagle in Maple Grove  (Read 3079 times)

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Offline outdoorsman388

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I was wondering if anyone has the ice conditions on Eagle? I'm going to try to get out there tomorrow or Tuesday and was wondering if I'm walking or driving out. Also has anyone had any luck. I usually go straight west of the launch to the first deep hole on the north side. Or the southwest corner by the pier. Thanx Scott. I will report on the ice and the bite when I get back.
NOTICE: Due to the rising cost of ammunition, I will no longer be firing warning shots!

Offline outdoorsman388

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I didn't make it fishing, but I drove out and spoke to some folks. There was 12 to 14" of ice in the three spots I stopped at. Should be more after this week.  :cold:
NOTICE: Due to the rising cost of ammunition, I will no longer be firing warning shots!