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Author Topic: Video taping hunt log  (Read 1947 times)

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Offline Cody Gruchow

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 4060
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  • 2016 Mno rockbass challenge champion
well I learned my lesson the hard way this morning. always check your gear before going to the field. I didn't check my battery power in both my gopro and video camera. well this morning I had a big lone doe come down the tral at 7:30am, went to turn on my gopro and the battery is dead, was fully charged the Monday but I guess sitting in the truck and it being cold out drained the battery. the other cam I forgot the mount in the truck, I was positive it was in my backpack. so end of story was doe came down trail perfectly and came to about 5 yards and fed on acorns broadside for about 15 minutes before moving on. didn't shoot because I wanted it on tape. lesson 1 MAKE SURE BATTERYS AND EQUIPMENT IS IN ORDER!