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Author Topic: Suppressor, Second Amendment bills hearing scheduled.  (Read 1213 times)

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Offline Kahuna

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Suppressor, Second Amendment bills hearing scheduled.

The first of our pro-rights bills are scheduled to be heard next week. The hearings are open to the public, and we need you there to show our strength!

The House Public Safety Committee has scheduled a hearing for three GOCRA-supported bills we want to see passed this year.

The hearing will be held at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, March 12 in room 10 of the State Office Building, near the State Capitol, and will include these three bills:

HF1434 – Rep. Mark Anderson‘s bill would legalize firearm suppressors in Minnesota for all lawful purposes.
See our briefing on sound suppressors

HF372 – Rep. Jim Nash‘s bill would remove the obsolete notification requirement for permit holders who enter any Capitol Area state building.
See our briefing on Capitol carry

HF830 – Rep. Eric Lucero‘s bill would, after 29 years, update Minnesota law to make it clear that Minnesotans are allowed to buy long guns in other states.
See our briefing on long gun purchase in other states

The committee will also hear Rep. Dan Fabian‘s HF305, which would add recognition of North Dakota carry permits in Minnesota.

Please come if you can, wear a GOCRA t-shirt (or another maroon shirt) and make your presence known!
"Speed Kills...It kills those that don't have it!"

~ Ski-U-Ma! ~

Yes, I realize speling is a chalunge for sum of us...I am inkluded in that grup, so pleze fourgiv me.