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Author Topic: Ice raisin havoc on homeowners.  (Read 1993 times)

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Offline Lee Borgersen

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:reporter;  Ice, frost wreaking havoc for homeowners. :doah:

Check out this video & article:

Ice heaves have really created a headache for Lake Bemidji State Park, with huge mounds of piled-up sand on its beach, to many trees up-rooted along the shoreline. Here, a child and an older resident check out the beaches and the piled-up sand. 

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« Last Edit: March 03/17/15, 12:40:58 AM by Lee Borgersen »
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Offline Boar

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Interesting read. Had to figure out what an ice raisin was, some kinda snack or something.......

Offline Retired on Osakis

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It's made a mess on Osakis. My shoreline has changed along with many others. The frost also got to my well about mid February. It heaved up on the pitless pipe and broke it off of the main well shaft. Didn't have water to the house for a week because it took that long for them to thaw the ground so they could excavate down so that they could repair the well. Covered the area with straw once they got it fixed.  :doah: Kind of like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.  :bonk: