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Author Topic: Fishing report Lake Oahe/Sharpe Pierre area for 1st thru the 4th July 2016  (Read 1964 times)

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Offline Hutch

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 386
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    • Fishing & Hunting South Dakota's Lake Oahe and Lake Sharpe
Lots of fishermen around over the 4th and on Oahe and even Sharpe the bite got tougher some days. Partially because of wind and tons of bait hatch's around it became necessary to describe the over all bite as spotty. That being said if you found feeding fish limits were still coming in. I finished guiding the repeat customers the Sorenson group fishing west bend on Sharpe along with 3 other guides and we got them limits and full possession limits for their trip and then went on to guide the Cory Leland group of repeat customers for day one real tough fishing on Oahe but full limits of real nice walleye day two. A over all average of 19 inch fish with several over 20 inchers in the bag. We caught most of the walleye deep going down to 50 fow on nightcrawler/bouncer rigs. There are fish scattered from 10 fow out to 70 feet right now so hence the tougher bite. Pulling plugs fishing leeches or minnows along with nightcrawlers all work. Some hot weather around now so bring plenty of water and the fly's are out so insect repellant is great to have along.

Hutch's Guide Service

Good fishing Hutch