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Author Topic: Grandson sons first deer (part 2)  (Read 1522 times)

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Offline deadeye

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After Friday's buck adventure was hashed and rehashed, it was time for my grandson to fill his doe tag.  Saturday evening we (me, my son and my grandson) set up on a field near the cabin.  At 4:15 two fawns started feeding in front of us.  At times they were within 20 yards of us.  I couldn't believe nothing else would come out.  At 10 minutes to 5, several other deer entered the field.  Then all hell broke loose as there were now 6 deer chasing each other around the field.  I lost track of which were fawns and which were does.  Finally the does settled down a bit but the fawns kept running back and forth in front of the does.  The does were just over 100 yards away.  Using binos I was able to tell my grandson (he had the scope set to 9 power) which were the does.  One doe finally turned broad side and didn't have some fawn running in front so I told him that would be a good one to shoot.  I have seen him shoot quite a bit and I never doubted his ability to shoot a deer at 100 yards.  He took a few breaths and boom.  Then all hell broke loose as deer were running everywhere.  The deer he shot at dropped in her tracks.  High fives around.  Grandson go his second deer of the hunt.

***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***