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Author Topic: DNR Walk-In Access land  (Read 1147 times)

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Offline Lee Borgersen

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 :police: Minnesota DNR posting additional Walk-In Access land
 :reporter; Written By: Steve Hoffman | Jul 25th 2019 - 3pm.

 :coffee: ......
Another 30,000 acres of Walk-In Access land will be accessible by Minnesota hunters this fall. Photo courtesy of Minnesota DNR :bow:

 :Hunter: ....
DNR crews are posting new Walk-In Access lands over the next two weeks, and 30,000 acres of additional hunting ground will be open to public hunting this fall.

 :popcorn: ...
Walk-In Access provides hunting opportunities on private land that is already enrolled in existing conservation programs or on lands with natural cover.

 :happy1: ...
The WIA program pays landowners to allow hunter access. Hunters with a $3 Walk-In Access validation may hunt a half-hour before sunrise until a half-hour after sunset during open hunting seasons from Sept. 1 to May 31. No additional landowner contact is necessary.

The program began in 2011 when the state received a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Voluntary Public Access Program. Another grant of $1.67 million was awarded to help fund the program from 2015 to 2018, by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and USDA.

Additional funding sources include:

A one-time appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature in 2012
A $5 surcharge on nonresident hunting licenses
Donations of $1, $3, or $5 made by hunters purchasing deer and small game licenses
To locate Walk-In Access land, visit:

DNR crews are posting new Walk-In Access lands over the next two weeks, and 30,000 acres of additional hunting ground will be open to public hunting this fall.


Photo courtesy of Minnesota DNR :bow:

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« Last Edit: July 07/25/19, 05:20:29 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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