I am glad your taking care of the legalities, you should have zero problems getting it, if you do, go to a different co. What I really like to see is that for someone to buy a cross bow they need to have the permit with them when they go to purchase.
What I can tell you not to do is go out and buy the top of the line one right away, if you can find a good used one, even better.
Ive had guys come in and buy a cross bow and love it and they go off to canada and zip one through a moose, black bear, etc. Then there are guys who buy them and after hunting a year with them teach them selves to shoot left handed, less poundage etc etc, something to deal with shooting a compound. They just dont get into the sport like they did with the bow a lot of guys honestly double and sometimes triple there shooting range by going to a crossbow, they are deadly deadly accurate weapons, I would not want to be running away from a guy with one, thats for sure. So the intimacy level of having game up in your grill can be lost. Some people thats important to them.
I have a customer right now that is shooting 28 pounds, hes 40 years old shooting a Parker Buckshot Youth model, that for 50 bucks you get the next 10 set of limbs. He hoping to be at 35 pounds by next fall. You wannt talk about determination, he comes in every day and he can only shoot a few arrows, but hes working. Thats pretty cool.
Lot of guys enjoy going out in the summer and chucking with their buddies. I shoot five or six nights a week with my buddies at Rapids and Gander, you dont get that shooting a cross bow, not too many ranges allow you to shoot there.
But I tell you what, my uncle has a real bad shoulder problem, I got his son into bowhunting and the kid loves it, he finally went out and got the permit and picked up a cross bow. I really hope hes going to be able to connect on the same level as his 13 year old son and now is 9 year old son who believe it or not his punching 5 inch groups at 20 yards, thats almost good enough to kill a turkey at ten yards.
I am not sure what disability you have, to be perfectly honest with you, you might get some crap from people. They are idiots for even running there mouth. I support your decision and your making a good choice by getting back into the sport. But be advised there are people who are against people shooting crossbows. When I hear them say that then I ask them if they ever wonder what the recurve instinctual shooters think of guys like him with tricked out compounds that are faster than a fat kid getting out in dodgeball. Thats a pretty good comeback, almost as good as when someone tells you a joke about your mom and you tell em, as long as you paid her good, thats fine with me.

The hortons are very nice as are the ten points if your looking to buy new. Just like compounds, shoot them till you find one that fits.
Also check the legalities on lighted scopes, like the red dots, alot x-bows are coming with these now, and I dont believe they are legal in mn. Dont quote me though. Hope that helps you some!