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Author Topic: couple troubling things in st paul  (Read 7751 times)

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Online glenn57

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i sent an email this morning to my senator and state rep concerning a couple issues. you guys should too!!!!!!

they are concerning the CRITICAL HABITAT FUND......... our glorious DNR  commisioner wants to use funds from this account, or more politically put, DIVERT money for wildlike research and other office purposes. now, this money comes from the additional fees paid for from the wildlife license plates on vehicles.   the intent of the program/money is supposed to go for the purchase od habitat deemed critical to the continued existance of MN fish and wildlife.

the other one id the OUTDOOR HERITAGE FUND.......or the lessard thing. there is an amendment to take 3 million dollars from this fund for a "no child left inside" project.  :tut: :tut: while i am not against getting kids outdoors......find another way to fund it. this fund is or as it says MUST be soent to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands, prairies and habitat for fish and wildlife.
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Online Gunner55

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The DNR just used some of that money along with some help from the lake assoc. to put Birdseye in a Nature Conservancy 2 years ago. :happy1: :cool: The richest guy on the lake had a hand in it too with a large donation of his own & a call to the DNR Commissioner. Someone wanted to build a road back in there so they could log it but the DNR fought 'em off & came to the lake association. After a road comes the developers was the main fear.
« Last Edit: March 03/19/21, 02:26:34 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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so, i sent that email 3-19. have not seen a reply back yet!!!!!!! :confused: :tut: seems like the only way they respond if you want to send them money!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
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Offline Dotch

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Huh. I would've thought yer buddy Timmy would've been all over that! He & his lt. gov. must've been too busy cheering on people knocking over statues and closing small businesses.  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: March 03/24/21, 12:51:25 PM by Dotch »
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Online glenn57

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Huh. I would've thought yer buddy Timmy would've been all over that! He & his lt. gov. must've been too busy cheering on people knocking over statues and closing small businesses.  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i didnt send it to that dim wit.......i sent it to my local state rep and state sneator!!!!! :pouty:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline roony

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I'm still awaiting a response to the email I sent Wellstone back in the 90's.

Online glenn57

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I'm still awaiting a response to the email I sent Wellstone back in the 90's.
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Offline dutchboy

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You have a 20 something intern getting these e-mails and screening them, I would guess than 10% make it to anybody's desk. I am surprised you didn't get a canned response thanking you for your concern and that X will certainly monitor the situation.
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Online Gunner55

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I get some of those db in response to some of the already prepared emails that AARP asks people to send to the people in DC that represent Iowa.   :rolleyes: :doah:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline markn

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  Resend your email glenn. I usually get a response from my rep. in a day or two, from  my sen. in a week.

If memory serves me correct these folks got caught with their hands in this cookie jar several years ago and got it slapped. Slow learners????    :angry2:

Offline Leech~~

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  Resend your email glenn. I usually get a response from my rep. in a day or two, from  my sen. in a week.

If memory serves me correct these folks got caught with their hands in this cookie jar several years ago and got it slapped. Slow learners????    :angry2:

Let me guess.  Message back is like "Thank you for sharing your concerns. We are looking into them"  Chain message sign by their secretary!  :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:
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Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: Unfortunately the issues are not that different & neither is the the typical response. :sad: I get the same generic form letter from the people in DC that represent Iowa as you get from the from yours here in MN but yet they are of opposite views politically the other 95% of the time.  :pouty: :thumbs:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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  Resend your email glenn. I usually get a response from my rep. in a day or two, from  my sen. in a week.

If memory serves me correct these folks got caught with their hands in this cookie jar several years ago and got it slapped. Slow learners????    :angry2:
I'll wait till next week. Maybe they'll use the weekend to catch up on emails. :smoking: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline fishwidow

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I contacted Jim Oberstar once about 20 years ago. I was surprised when I got a response within a couple days. I was even more surprised that I got a letter from someone in the DNR shortly after that. It was from someone relatively high up in the department.  I don’t recall who, but they had a title that indicated they were in charge of the area in question.  The response was not favorable, but did a pretty decent job of justifying their decision. Shortly after that, I received another letter from Oberstar hoping I was satisfied with the response and offering to stay involved. It real was not a big deal, but I was impressed that his office responded, got the DNR to respond, and then followed up.