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Author Topic: Cheese grader  (Read 2641 times)

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Online LPS

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Man we have a lot of good cooking tips on this thread. 

Offline Coffee118

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Coffee!!  Good to hear from you.  How is the coffee business going?  You are in Philly aren't you? 

Coffee business is still doing really good, July will be 15 years of owning the shop and 7 more to go until I wrap up this damn work thing. No I’m about 20 miles north east of Pittsburgh.
if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

Online glenn57

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Coffee's a Steelers fan! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Yep he has good coffee.. still get some from him. :coffee: :happy1:
« Last Edit: February 02/04/25, 05:47:09 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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Nice that you keep in touch Coffee.  Makes me want a cup of good coffee.  LOL   We just use the Keurig.

Online Dotch

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Getting more tempting! :happy1:

Not convinced on air fryer cooking yet. Need to see someone else cooking with it first

Not to be a Debbie Downer here but the air fryer has had mixed reviews at the ranch from moi, the primary user, starting with the instruction manual. We have a Power XL 5 QT. which is relatively small. Someone decided I should have one other than myself so my 1st advice would be to buy one with the features you want rather than what someone thinks you should have. I have a whole attic full of kitchen gadgets someone thought I should have starting with Presto sandwich makers & Twinkie making thingies up thru a George Foreman grill. The air fryer has been a trial & error process thanks largely to the poor instruction manual. "Shake" the contents halfway thru cooking? Ya right. You better actually manually turn the stuff or it will be glued together or stuck to the bottom of the fryer basket. And yes, I've tried spraying crap on it 1st & the basket itself, usually to no avail.

It does some things very well. Most potato recipes turn out decent and onion rings are the bomb. So are breakfast sausages from the local meat market. Some kinds of breaded fish are really good while others wind up up stuck to the basket. Battered shrimp? Messy clean up. Reluctant to toss anything that costs double-digits per lb. in it. Since I don't eat a lot of fried food & the wife hates chicken, I'll take my chances on the charcoal Weber 1st. Besides, 2 half legs of lamb won't fit in it. I was gonna ask boober, how did those hash browns turn out? Tried them once here expecting great things but was mildly disappointed. Was hungry so ate them anyway. 

Clean up has been fairly easy although if you're not careful, the little silicone rubber tabs/bumpers that hold the steamer plate in place on this one are easy to dislodge and end up going down the drain. Cheap to replace but you have to order them. The steamer plate will flop around otherwise. Just ordered more tabs & told the wife to be more careful after burning the snot out of my hand when I was unaware they were missing.   
« Last Edit: February 02/04/25, 11:02:38 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online roony

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The problem with all these kitchen gadgets is that they all take up counter space. We use to use ours mainly for things like onion rings and French fries and the like. It worked great but when the warden got her Kuerig it got moved to our storage room. Kind of a pain to go down the basement to get it whenever I might want to use it. Never really did give it a chance to try some things I had in mind. These posts make me want to take it out of retirement!

Offline Scenic

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I sure understand that having counter room for sure.  I too have a ton of gadgets that I should just get rid of.  Stuff that has not been used in a long time.  The air fryer is a tool but not made for everything. 

Made these tonight in it.   I used dry rub that got a bit brown.   Chicken was fall off the bone done.
« Last Edit: February 02/04/25, 08:27:54 PM by Scenic »

Online roony

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Looks Great.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Those wings look dynamite Scenic! Gonna hafta try that. Dotch momma has pre cut parchment sheets that fit this unit, but i always forget to use em. Haven't tried the hash brown's yet, believe they are in the fridge yet..

Offline Scenic

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Those wings look dynamite Scenic! Gonna hafta try that. Dotch momma has pre cut parchment sheets that fit this unit, but i always forget to use em. Haven't tried the hash brown's yet, believe they are in the fridge yet..

Thanks.  I used the bottom recipe to make those. 

The liners they make are the clear deal. Makes cleanup super easy.  I have found that when using them you do need to flip the food.

Online mike89

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well one is on order for me now too..   :rotflmao: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Gave your air fryer wing recipe a shot Scenic.  Really good, juicey and we'll give them ago again.  Momma had whole wings this round but it didn't matter, just that little shot of cayenne pepper gave it a perfect bite that the Asian Zing never got used!!

Online glenn57

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Gave your air fryer wing recipe a shot Scenic.  Really good, juicey and we'll give them ago again.  Momma had whole wings this round but it didn't matter, just that little shot of cayenne pepper gave it a perfect bite that the Asian Zing never got used!!
:scratch: :doah: :crazy: good gawd...... you let them beets touch your other food!!!!!!!!! much less actually eat them!!!! :rolleyes:

whats this world coming to!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: other stuff looks mighty dandy though!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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looks great Bobber!!  and the beets are good eats!!!      :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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Love the beets.  Try them Glenn.  LOL

Online roony

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I like beets both cooked and pickled.

Online Dotch

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I heard they're really good with buttered noodles... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you guys ain't right! :surrender: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scenic

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Those wings look good Bobber.  Glad it worked out for you!    And nothing wrong with buttered beets either. 

We did Air Fryer Salmon and wild rice here tonight. 

Offline Rodwork

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This device does work well and is easy to clean. I was surprised how fast it went through carrots and potatoes. I just wish it was able to produce larger chunks or cuts. The thinner potato chunks are perfect size for the air fryer and making chips.
« Last Edit: February 02/26/25, 09:05:43 AM by Rodwork »

Online mike89

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just got mine...   :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!