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Author Topic: Rigid impact  (Read 254 times)

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Online LPS

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Went to Home Depot looking for the Rigid Mid Range impact.  18 volt so you can use any 18 volt Rigid battery.  It does come with a charger and 2 batteries for about $279.  Couldn't buy it in the store.  Had to order from Home Depot online.  Free shipping.  Watched videos on it and looks like what I need.  There is a high impact one too and is bigger. Also comes with a bag for it.  Internet # 327407172.  You can get it with a friction ring to hold the socket on or the ball thing.  I got the friction ring.  If you get from HD it comes with a lifetime warranty.  Amazon does not include the lifetime warranty for some reason.  Even batteries are lifetime warranty.  Have had my set for 10 years + and not an issue.  The impact was over $400 and now on sale for the $279.  Will be great to have when traveling especially with the camper. R86012
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:10:18 AM by LPS »

Offline dutchboy

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Impacts are a great tool to travel with. Check your socket on all the lug nuts to see if you will need an extension.
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Online LPS

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Will do and will feel good just knowing I have it along with me.

Offline dutchboy

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In the summer when I tow I throw in a milk crate of different thickness of lumber pieces. Many times the jacks won't go high enough to get a flat tire off. Remember it's always safer / better to have the wood under the jack then on the top. I carry 2x6 to put under the bottle jack if I'm using that.
TIP line: ​ 800-652-9093

Online LPS

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Ditto, especially when pulling a trailer.  :happy1:

Online Bobberineyes

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Learned that early in life, chunks of wood are your friend on the side of the road. Some big box store impacts are great for shooting bolts or long screws in stuff, but don't have the torque to loosen lugs...especially trucks. I should try mine again.

Offline dutchboy

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I have a 20 volt 1/2" Milwaukee Fuel. It'll loosen the lug nuts or break your wrist trying.   ;)
TIP line: ​ 800-652-9093

Offline Scenic

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I have a 20 volt 1/2" Milwaukee Fuel. It'll loosen the lug nuts or break your wrist trying.   ;)

I have the Dewalt version that will do the same thing.  I have a tool bag that goes with me whenever I travel.  I also picked up a small floor jack.  The thing is real small and compact so it just stays in my truck.  Much handier for those low trailers. 

Online LPS

  • Master Outdoorsman
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I always throw in my bottle jack