Minnesota Outdoorsman
Hunting Forums => Deer, Moose & Elk => Topic started by: Glenn_S on November 11/03/24, 09:22:12 PM
Who is going to have a hard time concentrating at work this week?
I head out for Deer Camp on Thursday afternoon. Daughter coming up Friday morning and Son on Friday at about dark. This is our first Deer Camp on the new property and I'm looking forward to it.
This week will drag on...
Who is going to have a hard time concentrating at work this week?
I head out for Deer Camp on Thursday afternoon. Daughter coming up Friday morning and Son on Friday at about dark. This is our first Deer Camp on the new property and I'm looking forward to it.
This week will drag on...
this Glenn is retired!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
There will be lots of deer talk at work this week. I head to camp Thursday night.
Y'er telling me! This was from my Saturday morning bow hunt in 172. :deer:
Why are there no candy bars in this picture? :confused:
I was standing on the top step of my setup with my lineman's belt with my stand and bow on the ground below me when he came in. :bonk:
He walked off and wasn't spooked. When he was out of sight I put a strap around the tree to hang my stand. No sooner had I done this when he came back. Again he didn't catch wind of me and walked slowly off. I left my stand there and will go back after him this Friday.
Since I can't post video, here are links:
Video: Deer comes in... (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eXKN6q0RZIyco2HITevrLDZj_ZbnBQh5/view?usp=drivesdk)
Video: Deer comes back... (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eYj-zhEToSgSo5AqUxrbT1k3Ka4m0vwB/view?usp=drivesdk)
good luck!! a very nice buck!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea its amazing how dumb they can be.......and yet be so smart at the most inopportune time!!!! :pouty:
No doubt the reason he came in - straight in to my tree, and then back again straight into my tree - was because he heard me rustling around in the leaves when I was getting ready to put my stand up.
It wasn't like the woods were crawling with deer that walked past other trees besides mine. I didn't see any other deer. He was looking for a doe, which is why he was sniffing the ground.
I hope he isn't locked up on one next week - because if he is, he won't be so inquisitive. In fact, I'm hoping he's downright desperate by Friday. :laugh:
Y'er telling me! This was from my Saturday morning bow hunt in 172. :deer:
Good luck on opener up there. I have bow hunted 172 for about 20 years and rifle hunted about the last 8 or so. The area we hunt used to be very good, but I have not seen a Deer in there for the last 3 seasons and we only got one doe out of 5 guys last year. Wolve tracks all over, how ever. :surrender:
That and the CWD zones are expanding up there: 684 to the NW, 679 to the NE and 604 to the south. I wonder if wolves can get CWD from eating infected deer. :scratch:
When I first started hunting 172, those were lean years. If you even saw a deer, you were lucky. Then the hunting got better for a few years. And now it is sparse again. The woods used to be full of hunters, but not so much any more. Folks finally figure out to hunt elsewhere when there ain't any deer. That was the first buck I saw there in more years than I can count. Saw absolutely nothing the 3 years prior.
Wake up DNR!!! But I know their hands are tied. :angry: The only thing I haven't figure out is if the deer management officials actually enjoy being tied up. :bonk:
:scratch: 679 ??? Think that's the zone in grand rapids and goes east to hwy 6 and talmoon .
My brother checked that area out for the better part of the day last year the day before opener. He found more stands with corn nearby than he could believe and got the he'll out of there.
Just because it's an either sex zone, doent mean more deer! :crazy: :doofus:
That and the CWD zones are expanding up there: 684 to the NW, 679 to the NE and 604 to the south. I wonder if wolves can get CWD from eating infected deer. :scratch:
When I first started hunting 172, those were lean years. If you even saw a deer, you were lucky. Then the hunting got better for a few years. And now it is sparse again. The woods used to be full of hunters, but not so much any more. Folks finally figure out to hunt elsewhere when there ain't any deer. That was the first buck I saw there in more years than I can count. Saw absolutely nothing the 3 years prior.
Wake up DNR!!! But I know their hands are tied. :angry: The only thing I haven't figure out is if the deer management officials actually enjoy being tied up. :bonk:
I'm out in the woods a lot of the year in many areas of the state either hunting, dualsport trail riding, or snowmobiling. It's amazing how many dead forests we have in this state now. I rode 80 miles a day in the arrow head snowmobiling without seeing a deer or moose. Last weekend my son and I spent a few days and walked about 8 miles on 4-5 logging roads through the Solana state forest grouse hunting. We did see 9 grouse but got no shots. Nothing, not a deer single track, droppings, trail, rub or scrap, not one sign of deer anywhere we found on any of the roads, but we did find Wolve scat all up and down them. :surrender: We met two guys on 4 wheelers scouting, and they said they have not gotten a deer in the last 5 years up there, but they have a cabin up there. It's so sad to be in such beautiful woods with nothing in them. :pouty:
:scratch: 679 ??? Think that's the zone in grand rapids and goes east to hwy 6 and talmoon .
Yep. Grand Rapids sits right in the middle of 679. It has been a CWD zone since 2022.
In 2020, 2223 deer were harvested, in Zone 179 when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 3000 permits, one deer limit.
In 2021, 2387 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2500 permits, one deer limit.
In 2022, 3157 deer were taken - the first year as a CWD management zone 679, when there was a 2 deer limit.
In 2023, 2046 deer were taken - still a CWD management zone, but with a 1 deer limit, either sex.
Compare that to zone 172 where the count has not been skewed by CWD management harvesting.
In 2020, 2489 deer were harvested in Zone 172 when it was hunter's choice, one deer limit.
In 2021, 2018 deer were harvested, when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2500 permits, one deer limit.
In 2022, 1772 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2000 permits, one deer limit.
In 2023, 1257 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 500 permits, one deer limit.
And in 2024, zone 172 only has 250 antlerless permits. Zone 679 has a 2 deer limit this year.
I've been out with the bow quite a few times this year. Things had been very slow with little movement until just after sunset. Only a few small bucks were out. That was until Sunday morning when all hell broke out. In the morning sit, I saw 7 bucks, one doe and an unknown. Several of the bucks were trotting around with nose to the ground. One made a 50-yard circle around me, not sure what he was looking for. A doe led a pretty receptible buck right to me (He is easily identified by a second main beam on his right side). I have some trail pictures of him. She got down wind and bolted he followed. Then amid all the activity, Mr big showed up. He's a big 10 point with a very symmetrical rack. He was standing 70 yards away. Due to all the bucks running around, I had my bow in hand but managed to get a few grunts in. He started towards me but stopped at 60 yards. I wouldn't have a problem shooting a deer at this range, but it would have been a standing offhand shot, so I waited to see if he would come looking for the bucks that grunted. Instead, he stepped into some brush and never gave me another shot opportunity. It was a magnificent sight for sure.
One picture is of the buck with a second main beam on the right side. This buck was 20 feet from me as he followed a doe past me.
The other is a picture of the big 10 point that stood at 60 yards last Sunday morning but I didn't feel good about the shot so he's still out and about.
Sooo excited. Absolutely my favorite time of year. Was bow hunting all week in WI and next rifle MN in 171.
I’ll always get super jacked, then reality sets in when I see more wolf sign than deer sign. I’ve actually shrunk the amount of days I hunt in MN because of it. Over COVID in 2020 I had the entire A season off, hunted every single day (16 days?), and saw 4 does…and I’m pretty sure it was the same set of two.
I spooked a nice doe just walking down to my firepit Saturday morning. It was about 1/2 way down our driveway, and it couldn't have been more than 10 yds from me. I never seen it until it bolted out of the empty lot between us & the neighbor to the north. When we have snow there is a normally a trail going across our drive from the neighbor to the south over to the empty lot. I think they must bed down over there a lot.
I spooked a nice doe just walking down to my firepit Saturday morning. It was about 1/2 way down our driveway, and it couldn't have been more than 10 yds from me. I never seen it until it bolted out of the empty lot between us & the neighbor to the north. When we have snow there is a normally a trail going across our drive from the neighbor to the south over to the empty lot. I think they must bed down over there a lot.
So I saw one in the back yard last night when I got up to take a piss! :coffee: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Question for ya'll...
Who uses bleat can calls?
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?
Question for ya'll...
Who uses bleat can calls?
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?
:happy1: yep i do....and yes they work....my biggest buck that i have mounted came in hot to trot after i used it. i'm a believer. i've had other bucks come in also!!
I use them also. And they do work. I use them for bow hunting also right before gun season.
Question for ya'll...
Who uses bleat can calls?
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?
I've tried using them for quite a while and like all things...they work sometimes.
I've only had two deer, on all my attempts, come in...but both were really nice mature bucks.
I keep "the can" in my arsenal but it would be my first call to get tossed if I had to get rid of one. I'll take Rattles and grunt tubes all day over bleats!
Anyone else?
The only time it has ever worked for me was on does. I was hunting the edge of a 5 acre pond and blew a bleat into the bottom hole of the can mid-afternoon. (You can do that instead of tipping it over.) I saw two doe stand up from their hidden beds on the other side of the pond and walk around straight to my tree.
There was action earlier in the day that caused a group of 4 does to split up. My guess is that the 2 does who came to me were looking to join up with their friends from the morning.
Rattling has never worked for me in the big north woods, but it has worked when I have hunted places where there is a high ratio of mature bucks. I have also seen early season rattling attract curious does.
And I agree, Pulleye, that grunts have been most effective for me up north in the big woods.
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Good one HD!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Gleens deer has trasition to a trans-ungulate
:scratch: man has it been quiet today. There hasn't been any shooting remotely close to us. Seen 1 bird and a red skurrel. :coffee:
Might have to rely on not sitting Glenn.. :bonk:
:rotflmao: :surrender: I had 2 chances this morning driving out. Friggin wet out here :confused:
Want some cries with that waa waa burger
It didn’t even seem like opener here. Three trucks in the parking lot and I bet I heard 3 shots all morning. 5 years ago, cars would be lined up on the road as the parking lot would be full. Shots would echo all morning from all directions.
I did have a small buck walk by around 10am yesterday but I left my candy bar at home. 🤬🤣
yeah ditto no hunters in the woods.
we are losing our option to hunt private land next year, so since there was no action by me yesterday morning, i went 4 a drive past all the other public spots we hunted over the years to see if anyone was there.
Like you said, pulleye, on roads that used to be lined with cars at every spot you could pull your car off and park... i counted only 6 vehicles.
i know there are deer in there, but the trouble hunting big woods like that is once the shootin starts, the deer hunker down. It helps to have other hunters in the area to keep the deer moving.
P.S.Remember that close encounter with a buck i posted last week... i talked to a crew of 3 near where i was and a young man got em Saturday morning. Good for him!
Deer hunting has been something I have done since I was about 14 without missing a year. I didn't even go out this season, just not enough sign in the woods. So far the 5 guys up there haven't seen a thing. Suks big! :sad:
Haven't heard a shot yet this morning.
Oh and Boar ... that spearhouse just went up another 50 :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Lots of deer in Southern MN. My nephew said he saw 4 other ones in range before the one he shot. There is a definite need to thin out the corn rats. Not much for natural predators down here.
This is my last sit on this private land. The pic i posted overlooks a trail that used to be a deer highway. There'd be a poop pile in the middle of the trail every 50 yards - even after the leaves fell. This year the trail is barely discernable, with only the slightest trace something has walked on it.
Nice day, but weather sucks for hunting.https://youtube.com/shorts/3TmshpuwZCo?si=FdIiYciVzjqVEybX
Want cheese and crackers with that whine!
Nice day, but weather sucks for hunting.https://youtube.com/shorts/3TmshpuwZCo?si=FdIiYciVzjqVEybX
Nice setup there! :happy1:
We took in 204 on Saturday, and 157 today. (we already had 63 in then cooler from bow season)
Even with the extra space we added....we put had to put folks on the list for tomorrow. :surrender:
:scratch: Just curious, HD, if everything goes pretty smooth how many can they do in a normal day? :confused:
We took in 204 on Saturday, and 157 today. (we already had 63 in then cooler from bow season)
Even with the extra space we added....we put had to put folks on the list for tomorrow. :surrender:
Dang, where is this locker at? Most guys I know didn't get any deer opener. Sounds like their doing well around there.
Here is some bad news...
2 hunters shot on the opening weekend of deer hunting in Minnesota (https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/2-hunters-shot-on-the-opening-weekend-of-deer-hunting-in-minnesota)
Two hunters were shot over the opening weekend of the Minnesota Firearms Deer Hunting Opener.
Both incidents happened in northwestern Minnesota. The first happened around 8 a.m. near the 4600 block of 90th Ave. N in rural Clay County, where a deer hunter was shot in the head. No details about how he was struck by gunfire in the head have been revealed.
The second hunter was shot north of Perley in Lee Township, Norman County, around 10:45 a.m. Saturday. The 37-year-old man suffered a single gunshot wound and was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Fargo for non-life-threatening injuries.
According to the Minnesota DNR, there had been seven hunting-related shootings with injuries in through Nov. 5 this year. Contributing factors to those shootings include:
- Pheasant hunter lost balance and shot self in the foot
- Bird hunter turned to shoot and shot a fellow hunter
- Hunter shot self "messing around" with their hand over the barrel of the shotgun
- Hunter heard movement, turned and shot fellow hunter in both legs
- Hunter stumbled and shot fellow hunter in the calf
- Careless gun handling led to hunter shooting self in hand, forearm
- Hunters shooting towards residence, resident struck in the eye by a bb
On a good day, we can cut 70 a day. With the extra cooler space we can hold around 300-400
We are in East Central Minnesota, North of Cambridge about 15 miles.
Somehow I missed this... :coffee:
News release: 2024 Governor’s Deer Hunting Opener celebrates traditions and inspires new hunters (https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/news/2024/11/09/2024-governors-deer-hunting-opener-celebrates-traditions-and-inspires-new-hunters)
Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Sarah Strommen and Explore Minnesota Director Lauren Bennett McGinty gathered with hunters and conservation stakeholders to celebrate the 22nd annual Minnesota Governor’s Deer Hunting Opener at the Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center. The event was held in partnership with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Bluffland Whitetails Association, and the Minnesota Conservation Federation
Where was our governor who hunts? :confused: :fudd:
licking his wounds from his first political loss... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :Clap:
Lots of deer in Southern MN. My nephew said he saw 4 other ones in range before the one he shot. There is a definite need to thin out the corn rats. Not much for natural predators down here.
The guy's group from the office here did their part. Got 4 of them weeded out over by Waldorf. Not huge racks but big, deep bodies, looked almost like cattle hanging. A lot of meat. A couple nice ones shot south of our place too by neighbors. One looked like a 10 pt. & the other was a 12. Must've been the gunfire I heard Saturday morning. Yer right roony, aside from cars & coyotes picking off a fawn here and there, not much predation down here. Lotsa food tho. There is so much corn on the ground from head loss and low-placed ears that got busted up by the snapping rolls that they'll eat high on the hog until the snow buries it.
Someone shot my big one less than mile from my woods.
Can HD give us an "Ugh" button to click for someone else's posts instead of a "Like"? :doah:
On a good day, we can cut 70 a day. With the extra cooler space we can hold around 300-400
We are in East Central Minnesota, North of Cambridge about 15 miles.
Is this a named business you would like to name, or a sportsmen's club or bunch of guys setup making money off cutting up deer?
We had a great day today.... we cut 90 and took in 80 more....
Leech it's a well known processor on this side of the state. We have been doing deer for decades.
It started as just a bait store and has progressed into what it is today. Granted, we don't do bait anymore, but we still do processing.
Bakken's Big Game Processing
We had a great day today.... we cut 90 and took in 80 more....
Leech it's a well known processor on this side of the state. We have been doing deer for decades.
It started as just a bait store and has progressed into what it is today. Granted, we don't do bait anymore, but we still do processing.
Bakken's Big Game Processing
Wow, yes I'll say it looks like you got a pretty nice setup there. Don't you have a pretty nice piece of land you hunt yourself? How do you get anytime to hunt?
In case anyone else wants to check it out.......................https://www.mndeerprocessing.com/. HD has said before that he has been a close friend of the family that has the business for a long time. :scratch: Plus, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to worry about his :coffee: getting cold by the time he can grab a knife either.
Lots to keep track of!
In case anyone else wants to check it out.......................https://www.mndeerprocessing.com/. HD has said before that he has been a close friend of the family that has the business for a long time. :scratch: Plus, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to worry about his :coffee: getting cold by the time he can grab a knife either.
Ok not everyone may have known his life story. :super smiley:
By far our worst opener. Talking with folks in the area, not one deer has been shot and only a few even seen. To a once thriving area, it’s really sad.
Seen a deer about 9 this morning but I couldn't get that SOB to grow horns. :confused: :rotflmao:
In 169 today never seen or met anyone driving back here and it's a good 15 miles in da woods.
Little breezy but nice out here. Our group got 1 Monday morning, so I do have some venny to cut up.
. That's tomorrow's project when it's raining.
By far our worst opener. Talking with folks in the area, not one deer has been shot and only a few even seen. To a once thriving area, it’s really sad.
Hearing the same also from all the guys I know. One has 220 acres and they got 5 nice bucks open last year, none so far this year.
I'm not feeling as bad about not going out this year. Since I just snagged about 25lbs of Bison and Elk from my son in laws buddy! :happy1: :happy1:
Seen a deer about 9 this morning but I couldn't get that SOB to grow horns. :confused: :rotflmao:
I had to read your post again slowly, Glenn. Instead of me reading "...seen 9 deer this morning" you actually said "seen A deer at 9 this morning." :pouty:
It will be interesting to see how the overall harvest results correlate with the winter severity indexes. I know it is easy to blame wolves for the lack of deer, but I also think the number of hunters plays a major role. I know we get all sorts of reports of guys seeing hardly any deer this year, but unless there are other hunters to keep them moving, hunting can be pretty tough. I don't know what to think.
Minnesota Winter Severity Index 2023 (https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/wildlife/deer/reports/wsi/WSI_Cty_Map.pdf?20231121-35)
We didn't see a whole lot the first few days, but two 9 pointers were shot. Fast forward to today (Tuesday). I decided to sit in the new enclosed stand I built and put up late this summer. It was the most fun sit I've had without firing a shot. I saw 14 deer, many of which were too far away (350-400 yards across a swamp). Bucks chasing does and bucks chasing bucks. One I thought was a nice one got run off by a bigger one. The highlight was when mister big, an absolute giant appeared tending a doe. I watched him for an hour and 15 minutes, and he was still there (at 370 yards) when I left the stand. It was a magnificent sight and probably the biggest live buck I've ever seen on my land. Not sure just how many points but when he turned sideways, I could see a nice row of long points. Damn, what a beast. Oh, what really hurts is this buck and some of the others were in the swamp out in front of the stand I was in on Monday morning when I did see 7 deer including 3 bucks, (a decent 8 point and tall 6 point and one that just would not give me a shot) so I didn't shoot any of them.
Went out for dinner tonight ti a place we used to like against my better judgment, and as expected it was a disappointing experience. Anyway, on the 35 mile round trip we saw 12 deer —all does.
Leech, yes I have a good chunk of property to hunt. 4 out of 5 hunters ended up with really nice bucks (me, not so much cause I had to take what I could get)
I usually get to hunt bow season or muzzleloader, because 14-16 hour days during rifle season doesn't give you much time to get out.
Hey i have a question, if I'm having a fire by the cabin and I have my rifle loaded nearby, is it sill deer hunting :scratch: :scratch:
I think as long as you don't have a bucket of corn, y'er good. :happy1: :bonk:
Friggin full moon. :confused: :doah: :surrender:
Hey i have a question, if I'm having a fire by the cabin and I have my rifle loaded nearby, is it sill deer hunting :scratch: :scratch:
Isn't the 2nd weekend open to "promiscuous fishing"? :scratch: ;)
I knew there was a reason glenn was hauling all those pumpkins and out of code apples up north... :drillsergeant:
I always kinda wondered why folks don't plant a pumpkin patch as a food plot. :scratch:
Ive tried but without success. Im gonna try one more time next year, i need to take soil samples and see what fetilizer is needed cause the dont hardly even flower
I snuck out for a few hours before going to work this morning.
Last sit of the Mn season for me.
:happy1: that's pretty sweet HD.
Last sit of the Mn season for me.
where's the deer in the picture?? :confused: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Last sit of the Mn season for me.
Like every other place i hunted, hiding. :confused: :pouty: :doah: :surrender:
where's the deer in the picture?? :confused: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Like every other place i hunted, hiding.
Could it have something to do with not bathing for a week?
Like every other place i hunted, hiding.
Could it have something to do with not bathing for a week?
[/quote] :rotflmao: :tut: I clean up, wash up when I'm up here. Calked a whores bath! :happy1: ;)
Nice view.
Like every other place i hunted, hiding.
Could it have something to do with not bathing for a week?
PTA bath!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: guess I'm waiting till next week in sconny! :confused: between the brother and I went have 7 tags to fill. Kinda like cordwood! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:pouty: guess I'm waiting till next week in sconny! :confused: between the brother and I went have 7 tags to fill. Kinda like cordwood! :happy1: :rotflmao:
sad to hear Glenn...
:pouty: guess I'm waiting till next week in sconny! :confused: between the brother and I went have 7 tags to fill. Kinda like cordwood! :happy1: :rotflmao:
7 tags to fill? What are you going to do with 7 deer, Christmas presents! :bonk: :doah:
:scratch: He can always drop them off in Inger!! :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That's funny gunner!
I got a big swamp donkey last night.
I got it hanging in the barn cause we have no room in the cooler at work.
We got cutters that started at 4am today, and hopefully get 90-100 processed. Last day for zone 2, we usually get slammed pretty good.
That is an old lookin buck you got there. Well done. :happy1:
That is an old lookin buck you got there. Well done. :happy1:
Crock pots work good, if you need to cook it "Well done" :happy1: :rotflmao:
:pouty: guess I'm waiting till next week in sconny! :confused: between the brother and I went have 7 tags to fill. Kinda like cordwood! :happy1: :rotflmao:
7 tags to fill? What are you going to do with 7 deer, Christmas presents! :bonk: :doah:
not saying we will fill them all.........i'd be happy with bringin 2 back.......but... :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :happy1:
and yes last year i shared generously with my kids and grandkids that showed up.
if they aint good enough to show up....... sucks to be them!!!!!
I got a big swamp donkey last night.
I got it hanging in the barn cause we have no room in the cooler at work.
We got cutters that started at 4am today, and hopefully get 90-100 processed. Last day for zone 2, we usually get slammed pretty good.
:rolleyes: cant figure out which one is the old swamp donkey!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:popcorn: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I got a big swamp donkey last night.
I got it hanging in the barn cause we have no room in the cooler at work.
We got cutters that started at 4am today, and hopefully get 90-100 processed. Last day for zone 2, we usually get slammed pretty good.
:rolleyes: cant figure out which one is the old swamp donkey!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bite me pretzel boy....I got 🦌 and you got tag soup....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:
On a serious note if your bunch can cut up that many deer in a day :scratch: i maybe need to watch how they do it :scratch: damn that's alot . How many people do this at a time?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:
On a serious note if your bunch can cut up that many deer in a day :scratch: i maybe need to watch how they do it :scratch: damn that's alot . How many people do this at a time?
during the rifle season...we have:
5 people running the smokers and packaging the smoked product.
2 people taking orders, running the counter
2 cutters doing hind quarters
2 cutters doing front quarters
2 people packaging and wrapping meat
1 person running the grinder
1 person running product from the smoke house to the cutting bench (or visa versa)
2 people working the parking lot, taking deer off of trailers/trucks and filling orders
1 person doing capes
1 person burning hair off of carcass, moving hides and pushing deer on the rails.
and 3 skinners, skinning deer.....
before rifle season (bow season), and after (muzzle loader season)....
there are a few of us that do all of the above duties.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:
On a serious note if your bunch can cut up that many deer in a day :scratch: i maybe need to watch how they do it :scratch: damn that's alot . How many people do this at a time?
during the rifle season...we have:
5 people running the smokers and packaging the smoked product.
2 people taking orders, running the counter
2 cutters doing hind quarters
2 cutters doing front quarters
2 people packaging and wrapping meat
1 person running the grinder
1 person running product from the smoke house to the cutting bench (or visa versa)
2 people working the parking lot, taking deer off of trailers/trucks and filling orders
1 person doing capes
1 person burning hair off of carcass, moving hides and pushing deer on the rails.
and 3 skinners, skinning deer.....
before rifle season (bow season), and after (muzzle loader season)....
there are a few of us that do all of the above duties.
No eight maids a-milking, nine ladies dancing? :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
That is one heck of an operation HD. Noone around here does it anymore.
:scratch: i maybe need to watch how they do it
There used to be a video on youtube of a butcher from Wisconsin who boned out a deer in something like 10 minutes. I couldn't find the video anymore.
For a hack like me, it was interesting to see how to actually use a boning knife and meat hook. Still, I just whittle away at it and it takes me a long time. But I'm taking chunks off while the carcass is still hanging (and trying not to drop anything on the garage floor), not working on a stainless steel bench in a well lit room.
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
Suk up! :rotflmao:
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
Suk up! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
well......dont wanna get put in timeout!!!! :pouty: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
Suk up! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
well......dont wanna get put in timeout!!!! :pouty: :happy1: :rotflmao:
You were just trolling to get them Wisconsin deer cut up cheap, you know it! :tut: :rotflmao:
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
Suk up! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
well......dont wanna get put in timeout!!!! :pouty: :happy1: :rotflmao:
You were just trolling to get them Wisconsin deer cut up cheap, you know it! :tut: :rotflmao:
When ya bag :fudd: :Deer: :bambi: :bambi: :fudd: :Deer: :bambi: :bambi: :bambi: of 'em, ya gotta look for a volume discount somewhere. :bonk:
:happy1: thanks HD that's 1 heck of a crew! :happy1:
Suk up! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
well......dont wanna get put in timeout!!!! :pouty: :happy1: :rotflmao:
You were just trolling to get them Wisconsin deer cut up cheap, you know it! :tut: :rotflmao:
When ya bag :fudd: :Deer: :bambi: :bambi: :fudd: :Deer: :bambi: :bambi: :bambi: of 'em, ya gotta look for a volume discount somewhere. :bonk:
I think it's, when you bag a 💩💩💩 load. :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk: clowns. We do it ourselves were gonna make som we bulk sausage at his place
Besides I want it done right! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Seriously though I'd love to watch the process of those who do it on more of a pro level. :happy1:
We do it ourselves... Besides I want it done right! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Are you sayin HD and his boys don't do it right? :scratch:
training-087 :rotflmao:
We do it ourselves... Besides I want it done right! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Are you sayin HD and his boys don't do it right? :scratch:
training-087 :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: NOT falling for that "trap"! :sleazy: :tut: :tut:
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
so he has a pen with some waiting for you... nice!!!
so he has a pen with some waiting for you... nice!!!
Hahaha :sleazy: :rotflmao: ;)
:tut: :tut: :tut:
Took the compost bucket out around 4:00 today. Three does standing near my compost pile. My deer hunting skills must be legendary and they just decided to surrender. That's my take on it, anyway.
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
So hows it going, hows it going, it's noon how many of those 7 tags are filled by now? :dancinred: :dancinred:
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
So hows it going, hows it going, it's noon how many of those 7 tags are filled by now? :dancinred: :dancinred:
season don't start till morning silly!! But we did see a nice buck setting up my ladder stand today !! :happy1:
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
So hows it going, hows it going, it's noon how many of those 7 tags are filled by now? :dancinred: :dancinred:
season don't start till morning silly!! But we did see a nice buck setting up my ladder stand today !! :happy1:
Oh, I thought today was coral day, when you roped um all up in the garage? :scratch:
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
So hows it going, hows it going, it's noon how many of those 7 tags are filled by now? :dancinred: :dancinred:
season don't start till morning silly!! But we did see a nice buck setting up my ladder stand today !! :happy1:
Oh, I thought today was coral day, when you roped um all up in the garage? :scratch:
Obviously Leech has never hunted in Wisconsin. Today is the day you leave seed corn and apple core trails thru the woods leading to your stand. :bonk:
My brother just texted me this. This is literally his front yard
So hows it going, hows it going, it's noon how many of those 7 tags are filled by now? :dancinred: :dancinred:
season don't start till morning silly!! But we did see a nice buck setting up my ladder stand today !! :happy1:
Oh, I thought today was coral day, when you roped um all up in the garage? :scratch:
Obviously Leech has never hunted in Wisconsin. Today is the day you leave seed corn and apple core trails thru the woods leading to your stand. :bonk:
Nope, never tried for cheetos flavored deer before! ;)
Just watched 15 deer in the field!
Just watched 15 deer in the field!
g'luck today, Glenn. :fudd:
Tanks! :happy1:
go get them!! :happy1:
:pouty: well didn't start out good! :confused: someone was out here after we put up my ladder stand. Threw stuff in the wheeler trail, took a brace, a ratchet strap and the gun rest the stand had.. :angry2: gonna be a bit uncomfortable.
But the weather is awesome :happy1: some shots but not ww3 yet! :rotflmao:
dat suks
That really sucks. :angry2:
Been hunting our current area for about 20 years now and only twice did some jack-wagon (same guy) mess with our stands.
On public, word gets around in the parking lots and the guy got driven out. Apparently he was a shady dude.
Anyways, good luck MN hunters. Hopefully we fill Boars contest with a few more pics this weekend
:scratch: Maybe someone up there knows of him from his union thug days. :evil: :rolleyes: :smiley:
Already making excuses...
I don't understand... :coffee:
:scratch: sheez.. it's quite for a sconny opener.
Not making excuses. It really chaps my azz when people can't leave stuff that's not there's alone. I consider this hunter harrasment and theft. :confused: :pouty:
:scratch: sheez.. it's quite for a sconny opener.
Not making excuses. It really chaps my azz when people can't leave stuff that's not there's alone. I consider this hunter harrasment and theft. :confused: :pouty:
Public land hunting can be fun. Over the years had one stand torn down, one whole tree with stand cut down and one ladder stand with heavy cable lock cut and taken. :bs:
Pretty sure part of it is typically ATV's aren't allowed on the Mead. My brother has a legit permit to use here. Because of a health issue. He's been given a key to the gate
Been down that road too leech.
Pretty sure part of it is typically ATV's aren't allowed on the Mead. My brother has a legit permit to use here. Because of a health issue. He's been given a key to the gate
Been down that road too leech.
Ok dark 30'dy report? Deer taken, sightings, shots heard, orange clowns in the woods? :coffee:
Cocktail hour report. No deer shot, no deer shot.
Brother said it's the quietest sconny opener he's seen. Tomorrow is anudder day.
We get to hunt a Sconnie property where the owner wants to thin the herd; prefers we shoot does, which is good for our freezers.
I got this guy at 8am at 120 yds. I thought it was a doe cause the big ears hid the small horns. :doah:
My buddy got 3... he thought they were all doe, but they turned out to be button bucks.
We had trouble with a guy tearing down my permanent stands, back when you could build them on public land. Sorry, Glenn, that you are dealing with jack-wagons.
Were gonna hunt the Mead this morning. If it's as dead as yesterday we will go to our friends Ed's place this afternoon. For sure tomorrow. He wants the deer herd thinned out as well. And who are we not to oblige! :sleazy: :happy1:
Were gonna hunt the Mead this morning. If it's as dead as yesterday we will go to our friends Ed's place this afternoon. For sure tomorrow. He wants the deer herd thinned out as well. And who are we not to oblige! :sleazy: :happy1:
Just get out there and stop dilly dalling! :tut:
:happy1: :rotflmao: new ground this afternoon. Hopefully better luck. Horns, no horns don't care.
Proof Glenn was in inger.
I wonder if he really hunts.
His Inger girls are missing him.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: whatca bunch of goofballs. :confused:
Qe gt 1 yesterday, looking for more today.. hopefully by sundown 3 more. :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: whatca bunch of goofballs. :confused:
Qe gt 1 yesterday, looking for more today.. hopefully by sundown 3 more. :sleazy:
No pictures though, huum?
Here's what yeah do. Go down to the bait shop or gas station where they register deer, and when someone goes in to get the guy, jump over and snap a few pictures with it! :coffee: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
.y brother shot it, that's why no pictures sherlock!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moose105:
.y brother shot it, that's why no pictures sherlock!! :happy1:
so he's carrying the load again this year?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Glenn, I know you're really frustrated but there's no need to be snpping at Leech.
.y brother shot it, that's why no pictures sherlock!! :happy1:
so he's carrying the load again this year?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :rotflmao: I'm thinking about time. I shot 2 of the 3 last year :mooning:
Just watched a dozen turkeys meander around. :happy1:
.y brother shot it, that's why no pictures sherlock!! :happy1:
Jeez, just trying to help Jimmer from Menominee! :pouty:
Snowing pretty good now. Sure is purty! Benevento prettier if dare was a deer in view :confused:
Stacked up 3 tonight. Picture later.
Stacked up 3 tonight. Picture later.
"play jeopardy music here" :coffee: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: i should wait. Andv1 on the floor.
soooo is your brother still carrying the load??? asking for a friend... awesome job!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: i should wait. Andv1 on the floor.
Is it just you and your brother there doing all the skinning and cutting? Well at least the temps dropped, so if you didn't drip some odd deer body fluids that have been dripped on deer meat since the first caveman poked one with a stick! You should have some time and be good to go! :happy1: :happy1:
soooo is your brother still carrying the load??? asking for a friend... awesome job!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :tut: you need new friends :happy1: :rotflmao:
Leech just me and the brother. Gonna do some butchering in the morning then head out for the evening hunt. The guy wants as many deer gone as possible we aim to oblige :happy1:
soooo is your brother still carrying the load??? asking for a friend... awesome job!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :tut: you need new friends :happy1: :rotflmao:
Leech just me and the brother. Gonna do some butchering in the morning then head out for the evening hunt. The guy wants as many deer gone as possible we aim to oblige :happy1:
Does your brother live in Wis, full time?
Well done, Glenn. Go gettum'
soooo is your brother still carrying the load??? asking for a friend... awesome job!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :tut: you need new friends :happy1: :rotflmao:
Leech just me and the brother. Gonna do some butchering in the morning then head out for the evening hunt. The guy wants as many deer gone as possible we aim to oblige :happy1:
Does your brother live in Wis, full time?
yes he's a full blooded cheese head. I'm guessing 20 years. Works for securitas security.
Says he's retiring next Oct. I have a problem with that. :confused: gotta fight him for cabin time! :rotflmao: actually we get along better now then ever before! :happy1:
soooo is your brother still carrying the load??? asking for a friend... awesome job!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :tut: you need new friends :happy1: :rotflmao:
Leech just me and the brother. Gonna do some butchering in the morning then head out for the evening hunt. The guy wants as many deer gone as possible we aim to oblige :happy1:
Does your brother live in Wis, full time?
yes he's a full blooded cheese head. I'm guessing 20 years. Works for securitas security.
Says he's retiring next Oct. I have a problem with that. :confused: gotta fight him for cabin time! :rotflmao: actually we get along better now then ever before! :happy1:
That's what I was wondering. It must be a 4 1/2hr drive up there or more from his Wis, home? :doah:
About 5.
About 5.
Dang, 5hrs to a cabin. I would just give it to you! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We can all guess which one Glenn shot…🤣
Jk. Congrats! And if you feel like donating a little meat…😉
About 5.
Dang, 5hrs to a cabin. I would just give it to you! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
leech... he rarely goes up there unless he stays at least 7-10 days. Mn deer opener he was there 5 days. So when he does go up he makes trip worthwhile
Brother and I talked about this last night. We've hunted sunrise to sunset everyday since opener and never seen a buck?? :scratch:
Thinking there in the swamp resting there willy,s after chasing wemen for weeks on end? :scratch:
3 out of the 5 bucks we harvested where in the swamp. The other 2 were skirting the edges.
Back in the stands, we have 2 buck tags 2 anterless tags. Our mission and we chose to do it, :happy1: is 2 more deer.
Back in the stands, we have 2 buck tags 2 antlerless tags. Our mission and we chose to do it, :happy1: is 2 more deer.
Which county are you hunting in? Are you in a Metro Harvest Zone that they give you all those extra tags, or have you been buying bonus antlerless tags ($12 resident / $20 non-resident)?
I burned my buck tag on ol' 'Stinky'. :pouty:
My license says zone 2 Marathon cty. Brother bought all the anterless tags for 12 bucks. Each, he's a resident
When we get out license we get a buck and anterless automatically. Linda weird though, you have to declare public or private for the anterless tags.
Wellbtalk about ol stinky and glenn showes up. Wierd...
My license says zone 2 Marathon cty. Brother bought all the anterless tags for 12 bucks. Each, he's a resident
When we get out license we get a buck and antlerless automatically. Linda weird though, you have to declare public or private for the antlerless tags.
Good, there was only one case of CWD in Marathon County in 2023. WI DNR and deer hunters have learned to live with CWD. Testing is easy and free. (Well, you pay for it with the license.) You can even just cut the head off, leave it at a drop station, and they'll do what they need to do - or you can pull the lymph nodes yourself (which is also easy - especially if you are used to processing your own deer.)
Most of the affected CWD areas are SW of a line between Wisconsin Dells and Madison, but cases are starting to pop up towards the north. The DNR is asking hunters to turn in samples from areas all over the state - especially those that didn't have it before - to monitor the spread.
Minnesota deer hunters are going to have to live with CWD too, but the MN DNR doesn't want to admit that yet.
I'm going out tomorrow again. We've got one buck and one bonus antlerless tag. Still debating if we should purchase another $12 insurance policy.
No wonder he doesn't see much, he's always bustin our chops..... ;) :rotflmao: :mooning:
4 in the back yard right now
Got trimmings done for sausage. Back out now. 1 more would be great, but if a second one happens along... I guess.
2 old, really wise deer hunters, brother and I, :rotflmao: :happy1: figured we didn't see anything last night cause the sun was out and bright. Our years of experience figured they tend to venture out later
We just skun 46. We won't cut them till Monday.
It really drops off now except for the bow hunters and muzzleloader.
Wait....wise??? Experenced??? Is this comedy central??? Caise thats really funny..
50 lbs sausage. All gonna be wrapped bulk
looks course ground to me... looks good!!!
so how many deer did you all get?
looks course ground to me... looks good!!!
so how many deer did you all get?
4. That's was the first run through the grinder, just got done doing rd 2
Oh bloody he!! Glenns making salmonella sausage...
Oh bloody he!! Glenns making salmonella sausage...
:rotflmao: AND i made 1 special for you! :sleazy: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Oh yea I'm home! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So I do have one more question that springs from our Wisconsin hunt. :bambi: :bambi: :Deer: :bambi: :bambi:
The landowner who gives us permission to reduce the herd wants us to shoot doe. We took four antlerless deer and all of them were nubbin' bucks where there was no antler erupted through the hide. Two of them were very small, obviously 2024 springtime fawns. However, two of them were larger, maybe weighing up to 80 or 90 lbs. :confused: Anyway, they were considerably larger and made me wonder if the larger ones were also born this spring. My question is this.
Do all bucks grow spike antlers in their second year, or can some of them still sport have during their sophomore season? :scratch:
in my estimation......the nubbin"s all were this years fawns. larger ones maybe better genetics????? to me all sophmore bucks are spikes. or maybe a wee bit more antlers.
Most likely, the "bigger" button bucks were early fawns procreated regular rut, and the smaller ones were procreated during the late season rut.
There has always been a later rut during December. I'm not sure why, but the DNR biologist say that it occurs due to later born does going into heat later in the season.
Yeah, I couldn't find anything to support the case for a 1.5 year-old nubbin, but I was really surprised just how much of a difference that extra month makes.
It also explains why you sometimes find "wet" does during the November rut. Perhaps not all does have weened their "late" young from the spring.
Which begs the next question... Do wet does go into heat with the rest of the herd in early November, or perhaps are these the deer that don't breed again until a month later? :scratch:
Yeah, I couldn't find anything to support the case for a 1.5 year-old nubbin, but I was really surprised just how much of a difference that extra month makes.
It also explains why you sometimes find "wet" does during the November rut. Perhaps not all does have weened their "late" young from the spring.
Which begs the next question... Do wet does go into heat with the rest of the herd in early November, or perhaps are these the deer that don't breed again until a month later? :scratch:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch:you sure seem awefully interested in a deer's sex life all of a sudden?? :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Steve-o, glenn57 is right about the nubbins being this year's fawns. Around late October and early November, it's not unusual to see a big difference in it fawn sizes. The main factors that result in "small" fawns is from (1) mother was a fawn when bred. (2) mother was bred a month later than most does. (3) doe fawns are normally smaller. The main factor for seeing a "big" fawn is being bred in early November, single fawn and mother is a big mature doe.
I would disagree with glenn57 about all sophomore bucks are spikes. Location of course, could be a factor here as I can only speak about observations on my property. A few of 1.5-year-old bucks may have spikes (probably the previous years "small" fawn) however, the rest are split between nice forks, six and 8 pointers. These 6 and 8's are thin antlers that do not go past the ears.
I don't disagree with you deadeye . I didn't go further in my explanation regarding the spikes, just from what i see up in the big woods of northern Mn. There my be some sophomore bucks up there with more then spikes, but there aren't many I bet.
Them deer up there don't have food plots etc to feed at, so there diet is way different then the bottom 2/3rd of the state.
Thanks guys.
so now that i got time :rolleyes: and i think about it, i got me a story to tell about the sconny deer hunt. we hunt public land called the Mead . about wed last year my brother had a note in his vehicle offering some private land not far away. the guy said he's got to many deer on his land and wants some gone. we checked it out, passed the test and he showed us around. its only 40 or so acres and most is farmland. we got 2 there last year before i headed home. he explained his dilemma with his neighbor, he calls scumbag. :rotflmao: they have had land owner issues regarding property lines. had surveyors out and actually went to court. scumbag lost. scumbag apparrently was claiming emanate domain.
so we hunted it again this year......guess we are more then welcome anytime! :happy1: he likes us!!!! :sleazy: so my brother had set up a couple stands before opener. again took him around the property and made it very clear to stay off scumbags land. i'll change the name to protect your friend, i'll call him billybob! :happy1: basiclly if we wound a deer and goes on sumbags land you leave it. :doah:
so sunday evening my brother shoots a deer, near the line, the deer didnt cross the line, i'm over helping, its getting dark and we have lights on, and i see him walking along the property line. brother thinks he's on his way back from hunting, i dont think so.
so we are back out there monday morning bright and early, to me this place is way better evening hunt, but heck it was nice out. evening comes and i shot 1 and brother shot 2. 1 of him dropped dead in the field between us, the other one not far from were he shot the one the day before. i hear wheeler coming and my brother is dealing with his deer near the line but not over, then scumbag starts ragging on my brother. brother did everything he could to not escalate and argument. told scumbag we have no intentions of going on his property.
hetold my brother to stay off his property and dont even think of retrieving a deer should it go on his property, and untill billybob allows them to go billybobs property to retrieve deer we stay off. brother says fine.
moral of the story i guess is these guys would rather a deer rot then allow someone to retrieve a deer. kinda sad i guess!!
to many people like that in this world....
Whatta azz, kinda surprised he doesn't try to ruin your hunt in some way...
Whatta azz, kinda surprised he doesn't try to ruin your hunt in some way...
yea i thought that too!!!!!! :bonk: hasnt yet. i dont know the ATV rules in Wisconsin but he was driving it before sunset!!
Sounds like he just likes to be mad about something. He needs to lighten up before his ticker blows.
let it blow. his wife most likely will thank you!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Sure would suck to live with someone like that.
let it blow. his wife most likely will thank you!!! :happy1: :happy1:
not sure what his wife has to do with it, don't care. We have absolutely no intention of going on his property to mess up a good thing we got going there :happy1:
Ya find jack-wagons like that all over. Its maddening and sad. Seems like they need a fence.
Except a fence can affect deer movement.
I'm thinking steel U-Channel posts and a couple of strand of wire just to mark the property line. Trouble is... even that costs money and it won't make the neighbor any less of a jerk.
Except a fence can affect deer movement.
Yes, in our case if they see it, they all run as fast as they can into it to knock it down! :rolleyes: :doah:
Except a fence can affect deer movement.
there's some fence there but not very good. the deer have no trouble moving about around there!!!!
We had 15 squirrels in the back yard this afternoon.... but Glenn still wouldn't see one :scratch: :rotflmao:
We had 15 squirrels in the back yard this afternoon.... but Glenn still wouldn't see one :scratch: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
lets hope that swamp donkey you shot impregnated a few!!!!!! :happy1:
I finally got my mount from the taxidermist.
If only he could have had a few droptines.
the turdy point buck!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
the other day..........maybe yesterday :scratch: i got me an email from the DNR to take a survey regarding the 2024 deer hunt. this morning i took that survey.
i beat them every chance i could about the wolf population, knowing it wont do a damn bit of good!!!!!! :confused: but i did it anyway.
if someone wants to its on the DNR website, but what i found it was pretty short on the anterless zones to pick from as you had to choose one. fortunately the one i hunt was listed.
Glenn, was the email sent to only people who got deer tags or checked in a deer?
Glenn, was the email sent to only people who got deer tags or checked in a deer?
not sure. a long time ago i signed up for email notifications from the DNR!!! so i get something about every week.
i particularly like getting the CO reports every tuesday morning. i just took a quick glance at the website but couldnt find the survey now.......but i didnt look real hard either!!!!! :doah:
Thanks, Glenn.