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Author Topic: Opener is coming!  (Read 30130 times)

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Online glenn57

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in my estimation......the nubbin"s all were this years fawns. larger ones maybe better genetics????? to me all sophmore bucks are spikes. or maybe a wee bit more antlers.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline HD

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Most likely, the "bigger" button bucks were early fawns procreated regular rut, and the smaller ones were procreated during the late season rut.

There has always been a later rut during December. I'm not sure why, but the DNR biologist say that it occurs due to later born does going into heat later in the season.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online Steve-o

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Yeah, I couldn't find anything to support the case for a 1.5 year-old nubbin, but I was really surprised just how much of a difference that extra month makes. 

It also explains why you sometimes find "wet" does during the November rut.  Perhaps not all does have weened their "late" young from the spring. 

Which begs the next question...  Do wet does go into heat with the rest of the herd in early November, or perhaps are these the deer that don't breed again until a month later? :scratch:

Online glenn57

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Yeah, I couldn't find anything to support the case for a 1.5 year-old nubbin, but I was really surprised just how much of a difference that extra month makes. 

It also explains why you sometimes find "wet" does during the November rut.  Perhaps not all does have weened their "late" young from the spring. 

Which begs the next question...  Do wet does go into heat with the rest of the herd in early November, or perhaps are these the deer that don't breed again until a month later? :scratch:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch:you sure seem awefully interested in a deer's sex life all of a sudden?? :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
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Offline deadeye

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Steve-o, glenn57 is right about the nubbins being this year's fawns. Around late October and early November, it's not unusual to see a big difference in it fawn sizes. The main factors that result in "small" fawns is from (1) mother was a fawn when bred. (2) mother was bred a month later than most does. (3) doe fawns are normally smaller.  The main factor for seeing a "big" fawn is being bred in early November, single fawn and mother is a big mature doe. 
I would disagree with glenn57 about all sophomore bucks are spikes. Location of course, could be a factor here as I can only speak about observations on my property. A few of 1.5-year-old bucks may have spikes (probably the previous years "small" fawn) however, the rest are split between nice forks, six and 8 pointers. These 6 and 8's are thin antlers that do not go past the ears. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Online glenn57

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I don't disagree with you deadeye .  I didn't go further in my explanation regarding the spikes, just from what i see up in the big woods of  northern  Mn.  There my be some sophomore bucks up there with more then spikes, but there aren't many I bet.

Them deer up there don't have food plots etc to feed at, so there diet is way different then the bottom 2/3rd of the state.
« Last Edit: December 12/02/24, 07:00:40 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Steve-o

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Thanks guys. 

Online glenn57

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so now that i got time  :rolleyes: and i think about it, i got me a story to tell about the sconny deer hunt. we hunt public land called the Mead . about wed last year my brother had a note in his vehicle offering some private land not far away. the guy said he's got to many deer on his land and wants some gone. we checked it out, passed the test and he showed us around. its only 40 or so acres and most is farmland. we got 2 there last year before i headed home. he explained his dilemma with his neighbor, he calls scumbag.  :rotflmao: they have had land owner issues regarding property lines. had surveyors out and actually went to court. scumbag lost. scumbag apparrently was claiming emanate domain.

so we hunted it again this year......guess we are more then welcome anytime! :happy1: he likes us!!!! :sleazy: so my brother had set up a couple stands before opener. again took him around the property and made it very clear to stay off scumbags land. i'll change the name to protect your friend, i'll call him billybob! :happy1: basiclly if we wound a deer and goes on sumbags land you leave it.  :doah:

so sunday evening my brother shoots a deer, near the line, the deer didnt cross the line, i'm over helping, its getting dark and we have lights on, and i see him walking along the property line. brother thinks he's on his way back from hunting, i dont think so.

so we are back out there monday morning bright and early, to me this place is way better evening hunt, but heck it was nice out. evening comes and i shot 1 and brother shot 2. 1 of him dropped dead in the field between us, the other one not far from were he shot the one the day before. i hear wheeler coming and my brother is dealing with his deer near the line but not over, then scumbag starts ragging on my brother. brother did everything he could to not escalate and argument. told scumbag we have no intentions of going on his property.

hetold my brother to stay off his property and dont even think of retrieving a deer should it go on his property, and untill billybob allows them to go billybobs property to retrieve deer we stay off. brother says fine.

moral of the story i guess is these guys would rather a deer rot then allow someone to retrieve a deer. kinda sad i guess!!     
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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to many people like that in this world....   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Whatta azz, kinda surprised he doesn't try to ruin your hunt in some way...

Online glenn57

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Whatta azz, kinda surprised he doesn't try to ruin your hunt in some way...
yea i thought that too!!!!!!  :bonk: hasnt yet. i dont know the ATV rules in Wisconsin but he was driving it before sunset!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Sounds like he just likes to be mad about something.  He needs to lighten up before his ticker blows.

Online mike89

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let it blow.  his wife most likely will thank you!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Sure would suck to live with someone like that.

Online glenn57

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let it blow.  his wife most likely will thank you!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
not sure what his wife has to do with it, don't care. We have absolutely no intention of going on his property to mess up a good thing we got going there  :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Steve-o

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Ya find jack-wagons like that all over.  Its maddening and sad.  Seems like they need a fence.

Online roony

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Except a fence can affect deer movement.

Online Steve-o

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I'm thinking steel U-Channel posts and a couple of strand of wire just to mark the property line.  Trouble is... even that costs money and it won't make the neighbor any less of a jerk.

Online Dotch

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Except a fence can affect deer movement.

Yes, in our case if they see it, they all run as fast as they can into it to knock it down!  :rolleyes: :doah:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Except a fence can affect deer movement.
there's some fence there but not very good. the deer have no trouble moving about around there!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

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We had 15 squirrels in the back yard this afternoon.... but Glenn still wouldn't see one  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online glenn57

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We had 15 squirrels in the back yard this afternoon.... but Glenn still wouldn't see one  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

lets hope that swamp donkey you shot impregnated a few!!!!!! :happy1:
« Last Edit: December 12/06/24, 03:46:02 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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I finally got my mount from the taxidermist.

Online roony

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If only he could have had a few droptines.

Online mike89

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the turdy point buck!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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the other day..........maybe yesterday  :scratch: i got me an email from the DNR to take a survey regarding the 2024 deer hunt. this morning i took that survey.

i beat them every chance i could about the wolf population, knowing it wont do a damn bit of good!!!!!! :confused: but i did it anyway.

if someone wants to its on the DNR website, but what i found it was pretty short on the anterless zones to pick from as you had to choose one. fortunately the one i hunt was listed.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online tangle tooth

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      Glenn, was the email sent to only people who got deer tags or checked in a deer?
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Online glenn57

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      Glenn, was the email sent to only people who got deer tags or checked in a deer?
not sure. a long time ago i signed up for email notifications from the DNR!!! so i get something about every week.

i particularly like getting the CO reports every tuesday morning.  i just took a quick glance at the website but couldnt find the survey now.......but i didnt look real hard either!!!!! :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online tangle tooth

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      Thanks, Glenn.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.