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Author Topic: North Shore Ice Storms  (Read 1973 times)

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North Shore ice storm hits Minnesota state parks hard

Fallen trees are blocking roads at Tettegouche, Temperance River and George H. Crosby-Manitou state parks. Also, ice-laden branches are continuing to snap off, prompting safety concerns in all three locations along the North Shore.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials advise visitors to avoid these state parks until at least Monday, March 30.

“We are still in the process of assessing damage, but it is clear that we’ll have lots of trees to clear from roads and trails,” reported Phil Leversedge, manager of the three parks. “We have thousands of trees weighted down by heavy ice. Small aspen, birch, moose maple, and alder have snapped. Larger trees are losing branches and snapping off high above the ground. Young, 15-foot-tall white and red pines have had their tops break off from heavy ice, forever damaging them. The woods are full of sounds of breaking branches and snapping trees.”

Tettegouche State Park has been without power since Monday morning, and has already canceled reservations through Thursday night at its cabins.

Leversedge said he also expects to have to cancel reservations for the weekend. Cross-country ski trails and snowmobile trails are closed and not expected to reopen this season.

Information about reservations is available at 1-866-85PARKS (1-866-857-2757). Canceled reservations will be fully refunded.

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