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Author Topic: deer river/talmoon area  (Read 878114 times)

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Offline glenn57

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geigers cam is back up!!!!!!! :happy1:
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Online Gunner55

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Talked to the new neighbor again Thursday as he was headed back up on Friday. He was wondering if we were going to be around & he told me that the new owners at Lakewood have that webcam back working at least part of the time. Tried it this morning though & notta. Wednesday for us probably.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Talked to the new neighbor again Thursday as he was headed back up on Friday. He was wondering if we were going to be around & he told me that the new owners at Lakewood have that webcam back working at least part of the time. Tried it this morning though & notta. Wednesday for us probably.
maybe i'll get the TV there for your arrival!!!!! :smoking: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

seriously though have you heard from anyone up there about the lake conditions with the slush??? some of the webcam pictured dont look purty!!!!!! and i dont think its been cold enough for it to freeze!!!! :pouty:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Him & his boys were up New Years weekend too & he said conditions on the bay were pretty nice then. Just his wheeler & his portable goin out but it was so nice he didn't even use his tent. There's 'sposed to be 6-8 of 'em up there again this weekend too. Probably give him a shout before we head up as he said he was headed back home mid-week for a few days just to fill him in on our plans. See what he says.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Gunner55

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I caught him on his way home yday ~3. He said 12" of ice most everywhere with a little slush on top. No problem going anywhere with his wheeler. A lot of people out again last weekend, most are using Lakewood's access.
« Last Edit: January 01/12/21, 07:02:04 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Gunner is either still in Inger  :sleazy: :rotflmao:, in bed or cleaning out our road into the cabin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Judging by the cams it doesn't look like they got a whole lot of snow. :happy1: but the lakes look awefully wet. :pouty: :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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Just got word from my informant up by deer river they had 4 inches of wet snow.
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Offline Cooperman

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Took the Ranger out on the lake, slush everywhere, must be from all the warm weather?

Offline glenn57

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Took the Ranger out on the lake, slush everywhere, must be from all the warm weather?
whereabouts you at.  Don't worry I won't horn in. I know how to find fish. :happy1: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Cooperman

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A little north an east of Park Rapids.

Offline glenn57

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A pile of lakes up that way!!! :happy1: good luck!!
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Online Gunner55

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Checked Geiger's lately? Quite a few, 6-8, wheelhouses on the ice out front early Friday & Saturday. There must've been 6-8 maybe even 10 vehicles over at LL this morning when we went for a paper too. Nobody parked in the CR 35 access today, 5 or > out front :fishing: though. As many as 8 out here mid afternoon yday too. Most of them were back out there again by ~ 9:30.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Checked Geiger's lately? Quite a few, 6-8, wheelhouses on the ice out front early Friday & Saturday. There must've been 6-8 maybe even 10 vehicles over at LL this morning when we went for a paper too. Nobody parked in the CR 35 access today, 5 or > out front :fishing: though. As many as 8 out here mid afternoon yday too. Most of them were back out there again by ~ 9:30.
yep this morning I looked.

So what are YOU waiting for  :evil: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Them to leave so I don't show 'em where they're at. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: No hurry anyway 'cause we're not goin home anytime soon, besides I got fish! :tut: :mooning: :pouty:
« Last Edit: January 01/17/21, 04:09:30 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline merc

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Hey Gunner, are they driving out from the north access on Bow? Thanks, going up this week.   :happy1:

Offline glenn57

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i dont know why but i gotz a hankerin to head to winnie next trip up!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
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Offline merc

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Not a bad idea Glenn, it's been years since I fished it. Every year I say "one of these days I will try it again" but it doesn't happen. But one of these days.     :laugh: 

Online Gunner55

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Yeah, they are merc.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Gunner55

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Tim was workin over at the Bstore yday & I ask him if he'd met the new owners over at Lakewood yet. He said not yet & then he added that he hopes they have some $ of their own to start with. He said when BShores sold last season($2.2 mil) the bank wanted $1 mil down so they could afford the payments & I heard they got $ 3 mil for LL. :crazy: Your favorite waterin hole has been sold too merc, according to him.
« Last Edit: January 01/18/21, 08:40:37 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Tim was workin over at the Bstore yday & I ask him if he'd met the new owners over at Lakewood yet. He said not yet & then he added that he hopes they have some $ of their own to start with. He said when BShores sold last season($2.2 mil) the bank wanted $1 mil down so they could afford the payments & I heard they got $ 3 mil for LL. :crazy: Your favorite waterin hole has been sold too merc, according to him.
NO SHEET.............hayslips is sold!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline merc

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I'm glad it got sold as I was worried it would close down after Dave passed away. It will be weird going in and having a different person behind the bar after all the years of Rick and Dave being there. I figured he would come down in price until it sold.

Offline glenn57

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Not a bad idea Glenn, it's been years since I fished it. Every year I say "one of these days I will try it again" but it doesn't happen. But one of these days.     :laugh:
i just might pass on winnie this time around. i've heard 2 reports today from people that went there....walleyes and perch are running small............i might just activate the GPS on Mercs vehicle to find his spots on bowstring!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

at the moment i dont have really alot of faith in the tires on my truck but it does sound like its pretty easy to get around with a truck in the lakes!!!!!!
« Last Edit: January 01/18/21, 02:31:16 PM by glenn57 »
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Offline merc

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You GPS screen will look lake a plate of spaghetti. Lots of spots marked on mine but the fish are never in the same spots. A few years ago I fished it there was an eagle sitting on the ice so just for the heck of it we stopped and had our limit in 30 minutes. Never got a fish there since. Last time up a raven was on the ice and we stopped, nothing. That proves eagles are smarter than ravens.     :happy1:

Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: Been checking these every now & then. Bumped into him a few times over at the NW access.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline glenn57

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Yea I might have to stop at that wheezy outdoors and have a talk with them about not posting on the forums. :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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 Hey Merc, you ever go out of giegers or fish that way?? Can you tell me anything about them??
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to  :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to  :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
:scratch:  WTH today is 1/20/21 so 1/26/21 is a Tuesday! :doofus: :confused:  :bonk:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online roony

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Offline glenn57

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Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to  :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
:scratch:  WTH today is 1/20/21 so 1/26/21 is a Tuesday! :doofus: :confused:  :bonk:
my bad, the 29th 30th in that area. :confused: for some reason this retirement life has my days and dates all mixed up. :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!