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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 429575 times)

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Offline fishwidow

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Had a flock of pelicans yesterday. I took a couple pictures, but they show white spots on the distance  or just a shiny spot since I was pointing the camera to the East as the sun came up. There were probably 25-30 of them and they did not practice social distancing. They moved around the lake as if they were glued together. Looked like a white raft.

Offline LPS

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Just had a white crowned sparrow here.  Just sat here nice and calm.  Must have been taking a break.  Gave me time to get out the ol Birds of America book that my Mom signed and gave me 30 or more years ago. Some of the pages are just tucked in place now like a loose leaf notebook.  I love that book. 

Offline LPS

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Our first Hummingbird stopped in about 2 hours ago.  Has been back lots of times and at both feeders..  :happy1: :happy1:

Offline Dotch

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Actually saw the first hummingbird here tonite as well. Also were special guest appearances by a male and female orchard oriole. Apple trees are starting to pop so they're right on schedule.  :cool:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline markn

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Set out our oriole feeder last night and had the visitor about an hour later. Male and female. :happy1:

Offline glenn57

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got a bunch of birds at the feeder.......cept the hummingbird  :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :confused: havent seen hide nor hair of one yet!!!!! :cry: :cry: :taz: :taz:
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Offline delcecchi

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Sort of fun watching the blue jays, the redbellied woodpecker, and assorted others trying to take turns at the feeder..

Offline glenn57

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Seen my first hummingbird today at the feeder!! :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred:
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Offline Dotch

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Anyone or everyone have those Eurasian collared doves? Used to see & hear them in town only but over the past several years we started seeing them at the ranch. Now I'm guessing there's a pair nesting. They're almost 1/3 bigger than a mourning dove so bet they'd be tasty!  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline mike89

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 :smoking:I have seen them around, until not so long ago I didn't realize that they were 2 different kinds...  and yes I'll bet they are good eating...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Anyone or everyone have those Eurasian collared doves? Used to see & hear them in town only but over the past several years we started seeing them at the ranch. Now I'm guessing there's a pair nesting. They're almost 1/3 bigger than a mourning dove so bet they'd be tasty!  :happy1:
Other than size, do they look the same as a Mourning Dove?    We've had what I thought were mourning doves coming around all winter, and still here.   

Offline glenn57

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Yea I've got a pair around. Bigger and they have a black little band on the back of there neck
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Offline Auggie

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Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!
Shane Augeson
Wallhangers Taxidermy Studio
9040 40th St NW
Milan MN 56262

Offline delcecchi

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Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!

Wow.  I only see one once in a while.   But the finches and chickadees like grape jelly too.   I just have a small rubbermaid container on the deck rail.   What kind of feeder do you use? 

Offline Dotch

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Saw our first indigo bunting of the season. He was busy cleaning up some of the bits of corn left by the squirrels. The resident cardinal was there a little bit ago.  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline delcecchi

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I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized. 

Offline Auggie

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Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!

Wow.  I only see one once in a while.   But the finches and chickadees like grape jelly too.   I just have a small rubbermaid container on the deck rail.   What kind of feeder do you use?
Del I have 3 feeders. One is the kind you put a whole jar on and twist the bottom to let jelly out. This one hangs outside my shop window.
 The other is just small cup on an orange platform that hangs. It holds about 2 heaping spoons full. And the last is just a small saucer we set on the table.
I refill morning and evening. And sometimes noon if I think of it. I'm barely back inside the door before they show up to start eating.
Shane Augeson
Wallhangers Taxidermy Studio
9040 40th St NW
Milan MN 56262

Offline Dotch

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I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized.

Hard to say what they might be. You got that right. Sometimes it takes the patience of Job in order to make an ID. They just don't sit still & they're usually in the brushy cover where it's leafy. The plum & sumac thicket here is usually crawling with warblers this time of year. Trouble is most of them are passing through & don't stick around so no second chances. The common yellowthroats are the exception here. They sing all summer long.

Auggie: For the orioles, just ordered a jelly jar feeder that's on its way. Looking forward to seeing how it works. We've had the main jelly feeder with the two little cups that lasts about a day. House sparrows use it too so I've got a nectar feeder for overflow that both the hummers & orioles can use. It's like a circus in the backyard some days.   
« Last Edit: May 05/21/20, 10:27:11 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Here's one for ya Dotch. A bird about the same tan color as a Morning Dove but 3 to 4 times as large. It was ground feeding. I couldn't get close enough for a picture and no alchohol was involved.

Offline glenn57

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Hen pheasant!?? :scratch:
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Offline mike89

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this is a web site shown to me...  have not learned it yet...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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this is a web site shown to me...  have not learned it yet...

I'm thinking about putting an app on my phone that identifies bird songs..   Looks like there are several.  Has anybody tried them?   

Online roony

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I have not but my sister will play bird vocalizations on her tablet and oftentimes birds of that species will show up. I was mildly amazed.

Offline glenn57

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grape jelly must be the new hot commodity. my wife just sent me a text, the cashwise in waite park doesnt have any. ya can tell the orioles are back!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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it's all about the birds!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Auggie

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I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized.

Hard to say what they might be. You got that right. Sometimes it takes the patience of Job in order to make an ID. They just don't sit still & they're usually in the brushy cover where it's leafy. The plum & sumac thicket here is usually crawling with warblers this time of year. Trouble is most of them are passing through & don't stick around so no second chances. The common yellowthroats are the exception here. They sing all summer long.

Auggie: For the orioles, just ordered a jelly jar feeder that's on its way. Looking forward to seeing how it works. We've had the main jelly feeder with the two little cups that lasts about a day. House sparrows use it too so I've got a nectar feeder for overflow that both the hummers & orioles can use. It's like a circus in the backyard some days.
I found that the one I have it works best to stir the jelly up good before I put the jar on the feeder. It does get a little sticky on the bottom but nothing to bad. I wash it every time I switch a new jar on.
Shane Augeson
Wallhangers Taxidermy Studio
9040 40th St NW
Milan MN 56262

Offline Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline delcecchi

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Just had a bird looked sort of like a hairy woodpecker, black and white, about robin size or maybe a little smaller, sitting in the grass pecking at the ground.   Not a flicker, I know what they look like.    Could this be the evil sapsucker?  Do they eat ants?   Do regular woodpeckers eat ants in the ground?   

Online roony

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Saw my first Scarlet Tanager ever just now. Beautiful
« Last Edit: May 05/22/20, 07:15:06 PM by roony »