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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 429607 times)

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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
And guess what I just saw in my pine outside my window.....a Junco!  :azn:

Hope that doesn't mean s*** will be here soon......... :undecided:

%$#@! Lost the pic off my cam....was here!
« Last Edit: October 10/08/21, 08:31:02 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline snow1

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Have not seen "cedar wax wings" yet,little rascals always show in the fall,they feed on my cedar tree little berries,but no show yet?

Still alot of various bird /feeder activety to date.

Offline glenn57

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it was there a bit ago.............i did click on the picture to enlarge it but came up error??????//
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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I dunno what happened!!!! :bonk: Now I gotta wait for another birdie!!! :angry:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Have not seen "cedar wax wings" yet,little rascals always show in the fall,they feed on my cedar tree little berries,but no show yet?

Still alot of various bird /feeder activety to date.

Heres some for ya!  I shot this 6 yrs ago... I think they were all tipsy, it was Early Spring and apples were all fermented. Went on all day, was quite a sight!  Never seen it happen since, only one or two waxwings seen since then. Musta been a fly-by stop....:laugh:

Offline Dotch

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Lotsa yellow-rumped warblers moving thru or as my brother and I nicknamed them "bitch birds". Last fall when we were cleaning out my Mom's place, we stayed overnite in the camper that he'd parked in the yard there. After dark we'd stumble outside to do our business or toss the cubes and limes in the weeds so we could reload. Invariably it'd wake up these birds that didn't sound happy about the whole deal. In the daylight we were able to ID them.

Along with the bitch birds here today, boat loads of juncos showed up recently. A few flickers still passing thru. The usual complement of blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, downies, and hairies. Refilled the feeders, stuck a few partial ears of corn on the pegs, and put more suet out. The fox squirrel population took a hit this past week. A couple biffed it on the road between here & the neighbors. Think we've probably been feeding most of the neighborhood squirrels all summer. Their parents must not have told them to look both ways.  :scratch: 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline delcecchi

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Got a red squirrel that is really fast.   Too bad he can't be a wide receiver for the queenies.  But I'll get a shot at him soon enough.   

The jays and red bellied are hitting the feeder along with the assortment of little ones.   

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Better dead than red.  :fudd:

Offline Dotch

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Red-bellied woodpecker found the ear corn & the male cardinal showed up to eat the bits and pieces of corn left by the squirrels this afternoon.  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline snow1

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Last evening the yard was filled with robins and grackles,new wave showed up as all the residents left weeks ago.

Del,agreed,red squrriels are lightning fast,smart little critters once you take a poke at them and miss,had my share last summer and a couple this past summer but finally found the mark.

Offline glenn57

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ihavent really watched the birds at home yet, but by the looks of the feeders they where busy in my absence!!!!

at the cabin blue jays continue to plummet the sunflowers, had some juncos finally arrive along  with chickadees and various varieties of woodpeckers. along with a few gray skurrels and 2 black skurrrels!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Wow...skwirrel diversity!! Lot of red-bellied wooden peckers hammering on everything lately, and the BC chickadees are all over, pokin' around in the gutters and such. Seeing bluejays for the first time in many years. Brain-dead robins still smashing into picture window.  *THUD*   :angry:

Offline mike89

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dang Glenn is back home and now I have hundreds of blackbirds here!!!  WTH!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online roony

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I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.

Offline Dotch

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Those red squirrels are the embodiment of evil!  :evil: Lots of tales from Americans with cabins in Canada that were shredded after sitting empty for most of two years. Even had some help from some of your buddies I am told. Oh wait, don't think the picture posting thing works. Oh get the picture 😉

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Steve-o

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We had a red squirrel get into a camper and chew on the electric cord when it was plugged in. 

I had to get a new cord and the squirrel got a one-way ticket to the big oak tree in the sky.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
We had a red squirrel get into a camper and chew on the electric cord when it was plugged in. 

I had to get a new cord and the squirrel got a one-way ticket to the big oak tree in the sky.

Yup, usually goes bad for birdies too..........but zap all those gingers ya want.

Offline glenn57

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very rarely do i see red squirrels here in my yard in Cold Spring, but up at the cabin..................yea we get a bunch and they usually end up getting lead poisoning. there are still 2 running around, but there pretty skittish.......... we will get them sooner or later!!!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :whistling:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
That's 'cuz they're inside yer she-shed chewin' everything to pieces!  One got in my neighbors by chewing thru the soffit, then destoyed a box of xmas lights, a xmas tree, and shredded the hell out of everying else in the shed. Finally caught him in my live trap. He met Mr. Red Ryder later that day.  :whistling:
« Last Edit: October 10/20/21, 10:18:56 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline delcecchi

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I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.

OK, gonna try that.  bb gun ain't getting it done. 

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.

OK, gonna try that.  bb gun ain't getting it done.

Then take 'em for the 6 gal swim. Works well.  :evil:

Offline dutchboy

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The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
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Offline glenn57

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The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
feeding sunflower seeds?? The oil in the seeds kills the grass.

I have a couple nets/ baskets that hook to mine.  Tomorrow I'll take a picture of one and post it.
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Offline Jerkbiat

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The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
We just live with it. Or not mow it and let the sunflowers grow. Did that a few times to. I keep telling the wife we should just put a flower garden under the feeder.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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This is what I use for my big feeders. The smaller ones I just try and keep the ground cleaned up but I don't feed them anything more than thistle seeds, sunflower and safflower seeds.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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I'll take them down before the first real snow fall.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Birdies must know the cold spell is gonna hit on Monday...backyard is just fulla juncos, robins, wrens, and finches. Apple tree is loaded with 'em flittin' in and out.....🐤

Offline dutchboy

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Birdies must know the cold spell is gonna hit on Monday...backyard is just fulla juncos, robins, wrens, and finches. Apple tree is loaded with 'em flittin' in and out.....🐤

Agreed. They are talking a chance of snow here Monday, it won't stick. Had a Buck at the feeder at 10 this morning. First time I saw him here.   :smiley:
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Offline Dotch

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Had lapsed a little on filling the birdfeeders with the recent rain. Refilled them last night & saw lots of chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays and two pair of cardinals. Took down all the nectar feeders & replaced some with suet feeders. Robins and cedar waxwings are gobbling down the crabapples and nannyberries. The waxwings seem to like to staying concealed in the remaining leaves whenever possible. There are also some icky starlings that showed up. May have to get out the 20 ga. target load 9 shot someone gave me to see how they like that!  :angry: 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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still the usual birds, but have had a few cardinals right at dark hitting up the bird bath!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!